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Everything posted by Jessie

  1. Don't expect big numbers, the 2 cinemas in my area were only playing TMW once.
  2. Great numbers but it's a shame it's for shit films.
  3. Any this is why people shouldn't judge a movies quality by looking at RT.
  4. All they did was super imposed his his face onto someone else's body, then made his face look skinnier (probably the hardest part)
  5. It was impressive, but I don't think it was that hard to do, especially when you compare it to the work done in apes.After all I can make myself look fat just by using an app on my phone lol.
  6. That's bullshit, in that case why does DH2 have an average rating of 8.6 while Fellowship of the ring only have 8.1 yet FOTR is arguably better.A critic review can still give a film 9 out of 10 for being extremely entertaining then give another 9 out of 10 for being a masterpiece. I don't remember the word masterpiece being used much by critics to describe any Potter film.
  7. The village ( take away the false advertising and it would have been received much better. It's frustratingly disapointing on a first viewing though if you saw the awesome trailers.)
  8. Bad boys 2IdentityLaw abiding citizen Haywire All harry potter moviesTrue grit (2010)
  9. It's called a pity award, like in 2007 when The Golden compass won best visuals over AWE and Transformers lol. Apes won't get it, that company win too many visual awards and the Acadamy hate transformers more than Potter so they would never let them get the award either so expect the same to happen for the oscars. Potter will win out of pity because it has never won before.I still think this though, dragons in reign of fire were far cooler than the dragon in DH2 even though reign of fire was made 10 years ago on a considerably smaller budget.
  10. The love for In Bruges is a suprise, good suprise i mean, the film is awesome.
  11. "Its my birthday today you know" ...."Fuck That" - Your Highness"Go and fuck a dick" - Friends with Benefits"
  12. I'd say the cast of King Kong killed interest for audiences. I didn't mind the cast but no-one knew Adrian Brody and people could seem to take Jack Black seriously. May have been the reason it disappointed at the B.O
  13. No I haven't, so I can't judge what she's like in that, but everything else I've seen her in, she's been bland.
  14. Johansson can't act, she ruined the prestige, being the only person in the film acting like she's reading straight from a script. She pissed me off in Iron man 2, the scene after she beat the shit out of like 10 people then walked looking really smug towards the camera. I know it's not her decision to act like hat but when you see her do it, it comes across to me as annoying, probably because she is a talentless bitch.She is a crap actress basically and not as attractive as people give her credit for.
  15. Scarlet johannson is one for me and Alex Pettyfer, I'd love to punch that kid in the face.
  16. "I don't think the Oscars like commercial films, or kids' films, unless they're directed by Martin Scorsese," LOTR 1-3, Up, Toy story 3.... I believe none of these film are directed by Scorsese, and I can name a lot more commercial films. He seems to forget that scorsese wasn't loved by the oscars, it took him 6 nominations (correct me if I'm wrong) until he even won an Oscar.
  17. Radcliffe is an idiot. What makes him think his opinion matters? He's an over paid poor actor blaming DH2's lack of nominations on snobbery. How many times does it need to be said, Harry Potter is no LOTR. It is an entertaining kids franchise and nothing more, It didn't get nominated because it wasn't good enough, end of story. And Noctis you need to stop licking his ass.
  18. Peter Jackson for director of king kong. Jacksons direction for king kong was far more impressive than nolans for inception or TDK
  19. First of all will farrell was a good choice in megamind, the movie did bad because of bad marketing, the trailers sucked.Seth Rogan in the Green hornet wasn't a bad choice either, I'd argue if it wasn't for him the film would have done a lot worse. It opened in the high 30's after bad critic reviews so it's safe to say people wasn't put off with Seth Rogan being the main character.I remember a lot of people bashing Indy 4 but I don't remember Shia being the problem there either.I agree with channum Tatum and Sam worthington but that's about it.I think people who kill interest for other movie goers will be your young actors from twilight. Water for elephants aside can anyone think of a film with 1 of them 3 kids in it that didn't bomb? Also Nicholas cage seems to put people off movies simply because of the bad route he has gone down in his career. If you see his name on a movie poster now people usually come to the conclusion that the film is shit and this shows in his boxoffice disasters.
  20. What and cheesy films don't get nominated? I hardly see two brother bashing the hell out of each other cheesy.
  21. Some of these films people are mentioning are silly. For starters limitless wasn't under-rated, it was a success with critics and earned 79mil from a 18m opening, id say that had great WOM.Pirates 4 was pure shit no matter how you spin it. You can't say it's better than AWE, at least AWE was boring with great action and visual effects, OST had neither and still earned a killing.TF3 had pretty good legs considering the disappointing opening so id say that wasnt under-rated, people enjoyed it.Warrior was under-rated, one of the best films of the year and earned practically nothing, then was also snubbed at the oscars. Same goes for 50/50 and idles of march.
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