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Everything posted by DussyMob

  1. 1. How much will The Lego Movie make? 3,010,6302. How much will Robocop make? 1,460,8403. How much will The Nut Job make? 230,3504. How much will Ride Along make? 770,3005. How much will Philomena make? 115,480I forgot about this, sorry.
  2. What's so great about the LEGO movie anyways, it didn't really draw my attention when I seen the trailer. Now that I think of it Frozen didn't either although I just saw the teaser for Frozen.
  3. WEEK 2 QUESTIONSDeadline is midnight on Friday 7TH GMT (all answers must contain at least 5 digits such as 10,905 127,860 1,875,240 14,560,920) all questions are for the 3 day weekendNote: the panda, dussymob and Kilimano3- do not answer these questions until you are safe from eviction.1. How much will Frozen make? 6,294,3252. How much will The Lego Movie make? 55,358,2943. How much will Gravity make? 1,958,1704. How much will Vampire Academy make? 15,764,2565. How much will Her make? 720,3686. How much will Devils Due make? 324,351Bonus 1- for two extra points underneathBonus Question- What will the chart add up to on box office mojo weekend actuals? (such as 170,000,000 or 122,348,657)130,767,870Bonus 2 for a pointHow much will monuments men open to on Friday?7,482,370
  4. 1. How much will That Awkward Moment make?14,449,7302. How much will Frozen make?12,074,5033. How much will August: Osage County make?3,321,1934. How much will Philomena make?691,4555. How much will Labor Day make?4,876,3866. How much will Walking With Dinosaurs make?125055Bonus Question- What will the chart add up to on box office mojo weekend estimates? (such as 170,000,000 or 122,348,657)44,055,000113,528,931
  5. The Lone Survivor is excellence, saw it Sunday.
  6. I want to play this but what if someone steal one of my creative thoughts, I'm an actual filmmaker.
  7. Can someone inform me when year 9 start, I promise I will play?
  8. I think it has a good chance at BP because it's been awhile since a sci-fi movie won.
  9. Well, I'm also trying to rank them and make a top 20 leggiest film review.
  10. I want to compile a list of all the movies with the best legs or box office run ever. Can I get some help?
  11. Do no one not notice the great hold for Olympus Has Fallen?
  12. Sorry for holding yall up but I gotta evacuate due to Hurricane Isaac but I promise I will get it all done soon.
  13. Mines will all be up this weekend for sure, I was out a car last week and couldn't get to my computer.
  14. Episode 1: Tribal MisftisDAY 1 - DAYHost – Sergeo TeversSergeo: Millions of universes, thousands of galaxies, billions of planets, but only 16 of the zaniest Disney characters around. They will be competing for a million dollar prize and the title that all of them hope to have, the sole survivor. Sergeo: (On A Helicopter) As we are approach the location for the first ever season of Disney Survivor we come across a huge mass of water. The location will be an uncharted island far east and it’s said to have some of the most unforeseen inhabitants living on this island. Will our 16 foolish contestants be able to handle the tough walls of life?CONFESSIONALScrooge: Money, money, money…draws me here, that’s the only reason I came to make myself richer but I won’t tell these idiots that. (laughs uncontrollably) CONFESSIONALAladdin: Most are here for the money but a street rat like me feels a great adventure is nearing in. (smiles)CONFESSIONALPleakley: I will do what it takes to win, whatever it may take, I will prove to these fools that I’m just too good at these types of games aha!CONFESSIONAL Belle: Many will try to lie to win this game, but I have a plan and it involves destroying those that go that route. All of them want to win; none want to lose,but only one can truly be crowned the sole survivor. 39 days, 16 contestants, and 1 survivor… (Opening Theme plays)Sergeo: Welcome to season 1 of Disney’s Survivor. Contestants: (cheers)Sergeo: In this season although some may have water advantage there have been some water challenges. Also although some may fly the privilege to fly is not allowed in challenges and if someone disobeys these rules their tribe will lose the challenge. You will be divided into two tribes, 8 on each tribe. There was a pre-selection already and the name of the first tribe is “Oogakoo.”If I call your name you are a part of that tribe. Scrooge…Scrooge: Goodness I’m the first one up!CONFESSIONAL Scrooge: Of course I’m on the green tribe! Money calls and its calling my name! This will be a sweep and you best believe I will win!Jasmine…Zini…Pleakley…Megara…Tinkerbell…Yzma…and Pooh Bear.CONFESSIONALMegara: I look at my tribe and think me and Jasmine will have to hold this tribe up ourselves, I mean we have a rich duck, an old bat, a fat bear, a 2 inch fairy, a monkey, and this weird creature whose name is “Pweakley”? Whatever.Megara sighs as she views her new team. Zini and Pleakley are creating a strange handshake, while Pooh is looking around for his honey pot. Sergeo: The rest of you Aladdin…Peter…Belle…Tigger…Jane…Ursula…Chip…and Lady are all on the red tribe “Titi”!Tigger: I’m so excited! Tigger constantly bounces around uncontrollably freaking half of his tribe out. Aladdin and Peter try to imitate his movements and Ursula is cackling to herself thinking of a scheme. CONFESSIONALUrsula: My strategy for this game will be put the target who makes themselves an easy target and I already see one in Tigger, what a damn fool that bouncy idiot is.Chip: So this is the tribal breakdown host?Sergeo: Yes, it is little Chip.Chip: So what next?Sergeo: Well if you would let me explain Mr. Hasty squirrel I’ll tell you. Chip: Hmph…CONFESSIONALLady: Chip needs to lighten up some, he’s so uptight. Only making himself a target right off the bat.Sergeo: Well since Chip’s so anxious I’ll get to it we will have a reward challenge right now.REWARD CHALLENGETigger: Oooooh A reward!Peter: You’re mighty excited Mr. Tigger?Tigger: I hope I get to bounce around like this (bounces around)Sergeo: Okay for the first reward challenge your job is to take these ropes (throws a rope to both tribes) and these hooks (throws a hook to both tribes) and use them to get each one of your tribe mates over this giant wall…Yzma: What wall?Suddenly a giant wall emerges in front of the contestants 20 feet high. Peter: To bad I can’t fly… (looks in awe)Tigger: Can I bounce over it? (bounces)Sergeo: Err…there’s no rules stating you…Tigger: Greeeeeeaaaaaat! (bounces completely over the wall to the other side.Sergeo: I wasn’t finish speaking…(looks in amazement)Yzma: That tiger’s an idiot!Scrooge: Did he just imitate the “Tony the Tiger” from “Frosted Flakes” cereal? Tigger: Okay team I’m awaiting the rest of you guys!CONFESSIONALUrsula: O-M-G can Tigger make it any more easy for me to get his ass out of here ahahahahahaha!Aladdin huddles his tribe together.Aladdin: Okay, I have a plan! I’m going to take Chip and the hook and rope and toss it up the wall and Chip I know you have good acrobatic skills to catch the top right?Chip: No problem dude.Aladdin: Awesome and after that we’re going to go up one by one, smallest to biggest. Ursula: Sounds like a plan to me, captain.CONFESSIONALUrsula: Yeah I said captain! Put him in the leadership role and watch him crash and burn baby burn!While Aladdin’s great idea takes initiative the Oogakoo tribe is confused and don’t know where to begin until Zini takes charge.Zini: Okay team I’m a climb to the top with the rope and grappling hook and hook it and you will come up one by one. Megara: Sounds like a plan to me!Scrooge: Good thinking there chap!CONFESSIONALMegara: So the monkey has some brains after all…maybe this tribe won’t be that bad, maybe I can actually count on them to deliver. Jasmine: Alright TEAM let’s DO THIS! (Oogakoo chants)Zini climbs to the top with the rope very fast and begins to pull Jasmine up on Titi. Chip is pulling Lady up with Belle ready to climb next. CONFESSIONALChip: Initially I was all for Aladdin’s little plan and all but then I realized how in carnations are we going to get that big bitch Ursula over this wall! So far Lady and Belle have gotten up for TiTi including Tigger who’s bouncing on the other side. On Oogakoo Jasmine and Meg have climbed. Tinkerbell and Peter who can’t use their wings are battling it out next. Peter: You will never beat me to the top Tink you’re tooooo smalllllll ahaha.Tinkerbell: (pokes tiny tongue)Peter makes it first and now Jane climbs and finishes with Tinkerbell who also finally makes it and Yzma goes next and Aladdin who quickly passes her up.Sergeo: Oogakoo really needs to pick up the pace if they want that flint!Oogakoo (Completed) Titi (Completed) Zini Tigger Jasmine ChipMegara LadyTinkerbell Belle Peter JaneOogakoo (Waiting) Titi (Waiting)Yzma(currently) Aladdin(currently) Scrooge UrsulaPleakleyPoohAladdin makes quick work of the climb and yells to Ursula to get it moving. Ursula tries her best to climb but get tired before she reach the mid way point. The entire tribe is screaming at her to get up the rope. Meanwhile Scrooge and Pleakley have climbed the rope. Titi tribe gets worried they’re going to lose until Tigger bounces back down and takes a giant leap boasting Ursula way over the wall. Sergeo: Titi wins IMMUNITY! (Titi tribe cheers in victory) Pooh is saddened as he was slowly making his way to the top of the wall. Sergeo: Congrats Titi on winning the first reward and first challenge of the game. Come claim your reward. (Tigger bounces to get the flint)Now with that said here’s the map to each of your homes for the next 39 days. CONFESSIONALYzma: Arghhhhhh! I’m so angry I wanted that flint so bad now I have to sleep in the dreary cold with these dingbats that I’m supposed to call tribe. I’m ready to vote them all out already and if we so happen to go to tribal my eyes is on little Ms. Meg ahahaha!Oogakoo CampThe Oogakoo tribe arrives to an uninhabited beach filled with crabs and turtles. Scrooge: So this is our camp eh?Megara: At least we have crabs for dinner.Yzma: With no fire. (walks pass Meg)CONFESSIONALMegara: The Old bitch Yzma obviously has it out for me but she really don’t know who she’s dealing with. Pooh: Oh dear, no honey here.Jasmine watches in annoyance as Pooh refuses to help set up shelter to look for his honey. CONFESSIONALJasmine: If we should lose a challenge I want Pooh to go first, he’s very useless and doesn’t help around camp. All day he’s been looking for honey…THERE IS NO HONEY OUT HERE!She talks to Meg. Jasmine: Pooh is annoying me.Megara: As Pooh annoys you I want Yzma out soon.Jasmine: What’s your beef with Yzma?Megara: She has it out for me. I can feel it. Jasmine: If she does she’ll only mark herself as a target because she’s just as weak as Pooh. Yzma and Scrooge are down the beach scheming. Yzma: Let’s take Meg out soon!Scrooge: Your heart is set on that young lady isn’t it.Yzma: Scrooge if you wanna team up with Yzma you need to understand that Meg will get us out quickly but we don’t want to put the targets on our backs.Scrooge: Oh NO!Yzma: So we are going to use someone else to gather the votes for us.Pleakely straddles out the water trying to fish.Yzma: Right there!Scrooge: Pleakley?Yzma: Yep! He’s dumb enough to fall for anything ahahaha.Scrooge: Leave it to me!CONFESSIONALYzma: Scrooge can’t win this game, he’s already wealthier than all of us combined. So I will make him my goat to ride on to the end with ahahaha!Scrooge: Listen Pleakley me and Yzma think you have the most charisma here.Pleakley: Me? Charisma? Really?Scrooge:Yep and we want to go to the end with you chap. Me, you, and Yzma…the unstoppable final three. We can dominate this game. And wipe out all that stands in our way.Pleakley: I gladly accept Sir Scrooge!Scrooge: Really? I mean great so you’re the leader.Pleakley: I actually think you should be the leader sir Scrooge.Scrooge: You are a better fit, the girls will listen to you before they listen to an old duck like me. CONFESSIONALPleakley: Sir Scrooge wants me in his alliance and he’s making me leader! It’s a great day to be Pleakley oh yes it is.TITI CAMPOver at the Titi tribe Aladdin, Peter, and Chip are making great progress on the shelter, Ursula just sits around being lazy. Chip: The fat lard is driving me up the creek, she has done nothing all day. Aladdin: Yeah, it can be quite annoying but maybe she just thinks she’ll get in the way.Chip: She’s in the way regardless! She might as well make use of it. Lady: Calm down Chip, just do your work and be cool.Chip: I guess. Aladdin: It’ll be okay lil dude.CONFESSIONALUrsula: Yeah, I’m sitting on my lard, but I still have a plan. Initially I was going to sabotage the dumbass Tiger that has some form of ADD I’m sure of it but now I’ll just get the chipmunk out who I call the raging bull ahahaha…DAY 1 - NIGHTOogakoo CampTinkerbell: (cries)Jasmine: You’re okay Tink?Tinkerbell: Cold.Jasmine: Yeah, I know.CONFESSIONALJasmine: Poor Tinkerbell is freezing her butt off out here because these fools couldn’t get over a wall fast enough. So I attempted to make a fire, some skills I picked up from Aladdin. Half the tribe was sleep but I wasn’t giving up and eventually…I got it with two sticks. Most of Oogakoo awakes to feel the fire and everyone hugs and thanks Jasmine. DAY 2 - DAYOogakoo CampCONFESSIONALZini: It’s day 2 and all I can think is getting this shelter done, because although Jas saved our butts last night with the fire we are a crumbling tribe if we don’t get it together soon. Jasmine: Zini is working.Megara: I know.Zini continues working on the shelter as Jasmine and Meg gathers food. Pooh continues to look for honey although there is none. Yzma, Scrooge and Pleakley help Zini with the shelter as the plot on eliminating all of the competition. Yzma: I say Zini can stay for awhile because we may need his work ethic. Scrooge: We can just get rid of Pooh first then, he’s useless. Yzma: Pooh can wait, Meg is a threat and needs to go and if we lose immunity that needs to happen first.CONFESSIONALScrooge: Yzma is stuck on getting Meg out but she may have a point. Meg can be dangerous if we allow her to stay so she’s on my radar although I’m not to find of Pooh. I think the Yellow Belly forgot he was on survivor and if I have to hear him rant about honey one more time I’m going to lose my rich mind!Titi CampAladdin, Peter, Tigger and Chip have made a very great shelter and the girls including Ursula have been gathering the food all day.CONFESSIONALAladdin: Our tribe rocks, we all understand each other and know how to work together I can see us winning every competition from here on out. Later that day Lady pulls Chip aside to give him a pep talk. She tells him that he needs to cool it down around camp before he mark himself as a target. She also tells him she wants to work with him till the end.CONFESSIONALChip: I admire that Lady came up to me today and tells me she’s looking out for me. I have been a bit nutty these last 2 days but I’m good now. I got to get my head in this game. She’s right I’m here to win and I already see me winning so it’s time to put in work. Tigger still bouncing around and Belle and Jane continue to have game talk chat. Jane tells Belle that she don’t trust Ursula. Belle agrees.Day 2 - NightPleakley have a talk with Yzma about how Meg and Jas are getting too close, Yzma tells Pleakley they need to be split up soon. Pleakley tells her as leader he agrees and he will surely get Meg out soon all he needs to do is get it in Pooh and Tinkerbell’s head which won’t be hard because they’re both scared it will be them. Yzma: They are??!?!?!Pleakley: Yep, they both came to me although it’s hard to understand Tink. They were like Pleak am I in danger if we lose immunity and I said you are just fine if you vote alongside me. CONFESSIONALPleakley: Okay Okay I lied to Yzma, they didn’t really ask me that, but I do know I can get them to vote our way easy. All I have to do is just intimidate them! Those fools will be worshipping the ground I step on! DAY 3 – DAYTiti CampTigger is up early bouncing around which wakes everyone up. He shouts that today should be a good day. Ursula is cringing while Chip is like whatever at this point. CONFESSIONALTigger: Today will be so good, I can feel it!Peter and Jane go to get the treemail. They return to tell the other tribe mates what it says. It reads: “Today you 16 crazy individuals will have to work together to find a special secret that will cost a feather and change the weather as one of you will have to remove a member if you don’t beat the winter.”IMMUNITY CHALLENGESergeo: Come in guys! So how has these last couple days been. Jasmine: It’s been rough, but we have managed to get a fire started without the flint. Sergeo: That’s amazing!Yzma: Yes! It’s a rather difficult experience living in the wilderness I need a foot massage really bad. Sergeo: Well are you guys ready for the very first immunity challenge?Contestants: YES!Sergeo: Today’s challenge is called Zeus’s Will. The weather will on a constant change so your goal is use your senses together and get through the maze by avoiding all the constant changes that can nearly possibly kill you. Chip: Oh, crap!Sergeo: One of you will be the guider while the other seven will be tied to together to and must listen to you guide on how to get out the weather maze. So who’s the guide for Titi?Chip: All eyes on Chip!Sergeo: And for Oogakoo?Pleakley: I got this one team.Sergeo: Okay, with that settled the rest of you prepare to be tied together. The other 14 contestants dreading this challenge get prepared for what could be the worst experience of their lives. Sergeo: Survivors, ready…GO!The Titi tribe heads off to a good lead avoiding the lighting strikes and fireballs. Chip does a good job at getting them through trails of the maze all in piece. Oogakoo stuggles as Pooh continues to wonder where his honey is and Pleakley has no idea how to get them to focus. Eventually Chip and and Titi tribe reaches victory and wins immunity!Sergeo: Titi wins IMMUNITY (cheers)CONFESSIONALYzma: Boohoo we lost another challenge, but on the other hand I can now get to work to get Meg out this game. All the chips are in place and I’m ready to get it crackin ahahaha.Oogakoo CampThe Oogakoo tribe heads back to camp saddened by the lost. Jas and Meg immediately head out to get some water. And have a quick game talk deciding between Yzma and Pooh. Meg convinces Jas to vote for Pooh, while their gone Pleakley gets to work on securing the other 3 votes. He tells Zini, Tinkerbell, and Pooh that Meg is out to vote out either Pooh or Tinkerbell.Pleakley: She came to me and was like Pooh needs to go all he wants is that damn honey and I have about have it. Then she said and if Pooh doesn’t work let’s just get the small ass fairy out. Either is fine with me. All three agree to go along with Pleakley’s plan, but Zini wants to make sure that Meg said that so he approaches her without the others knowing. Zini: Are you trying to get Pooh or Tinker out tonight?Megara: No I am not…Zini: Well Pleakley has it out for you and he’s got everyone on board to boot you straight out of here. Megara: Seriously?Zini: Yep.CONFESSIONALMegara: First Yzma, now Pleakley’s coming for me? I don’t understand! Am I just that threatening? I refuse to go home this early so it’s time to do some damage control. Meg tells Jasmine, and the two of them tries to get Pooh and Tinkerbell to switch their votes and vote off Yzma because she is probably telling Pleakley those lies. Afterwards Pooh ask Tinkerbell what do she wanna do and Tinkerbell doesn’t respond. CONFESSIONALPooh: Still ain’t find no honey, but all this scheming is rumbling my tummy and I really need to think straight before I lose my mind. Tonight I have no idea who to believe or who to vote for. I’m going in totally confused. TRIBAL COUNCILSergeo: Come in, dip your torch in the fire because fire represents your life in this game once it’s out so are you and have a seat. Now let’s get started with today’s challenge…Yzma do you mind telling me what was up with the horrible performance out there?Yzma: Um Sergeo I must say some of my fellow tribe mates care too much about themselves and just couldn’t keep up.Megara: Like you.Yzma: Excuse me?Megara: You heard me…I said like you. You were a horrible performer in today’s challenge. At least I carried my weight. Oh and Pleakley you did the worst job as guider by the way. I know some bats that could’ve done that blind as they are.Pleakley: I did a fine job maybe if you had lead them since you were first in line we could’ve won.Megara: I’m sorry but when a dumb one eyed idiot is leading I can’t understand what “left-no-right” means. You really do need both of your eyes cause you make no sense whatsoever. Pleakley: I told you to go right and you went LEFT! You terrible little slut, don’t think I ain’t been watching the way you stare at Aladdin on the other tribe. Jas you better watch you pal before she take ya man.Sergeo: Jasmine, do you have anything to say to that.Jasmine: Speechless…Megara: Jas, don’t listen to him or Yzma. Their lying to this whole tribe telling them I’m gunning for them when the only one I want out is the old bitch above me.Yzma: Lies!Pleakley: Lies!Yzma: And more lies!Megara: Something the both of you’ve been doing the past few days.Yzma: Actually I’ve been playing the game and getting to know my tribe mates unlike you who’s neglected the whole tribe because you said you’re stuck on a tribe of misfits. Megara: You’re full of it. Isn’t your life span approaching its end…die already!Yzma: I have nothing else to say Serge.Sergeo: Well…I had more questions but that about took all the time up…so um…Tinker you’re up to vote. Tinkerbell gets up and flies to the voting booth and tries her hardest to pick up the pen which is too big for her until Sergeo brings her one more her size. The other contestants except Meg laughs at the humor. Then jasmine follows…Pooh…Megara: (votes Yzma)You old bitch I can’t wait to see your face when you gets blindsided whether its tonight or whenever because I know it will happen. Yzma: (votes Meg)I may be an old bitch, but at least I’m an old bitch with some game see you in hell slut!…Scrooge…Pleakley…Zini…and all votes are cast.Sergeo: I’ll now grab the voting jar…I will now read the votes good luck to you all.1st vote – Meg2nd vote – Old Bitch Yzma…wow (Megara smirks)(Yzma laughs out loud)3rd vote – Yzma4th vote – MegSergeo: 2 votes Meg, 2 votes Yzma.5th vote – Meg6th vote – Megara7th vote – 1st person voted out of Disney Survivor “Meg” please bring me your torch. Meg gets up and grabs torch and points her middle finger at Yzma. Yzma: Same to you slut!Sergeo: Meg, the tribe has spoken. (snuffed) Time for you to go. Meg: Good luck Jas! The rest of you rot!Sergeo: Well if there’s a lesson learned here it’s that you should always play up the social game which is what Meg failed to do. You guys better get it together are I will be seeing you here a lot. Goodnight. NEXT TIME:The survivors are in for a treat when one reward challenge turns into a feast. Also Ursula sabotaging continues…Ursula: Haha say goodbye…And Scrooge and Yzma continue to let Pleakley believe he’s running the show. Scrooge: Let him do all my dirty work while I sit back and collect the gold.EXIT INTERVIEWMegara: I totally blame myself for allowing Yzma to get to me. I should’ve socialized with the others more. I mean of course they won’t believe me when I ignored them all from day 1. I think Yzma took advantage of that to take the target off her back for now cause she won’t survive till the end and I know that.
  15. Name: Jasmine From: Aladdin Name: Zini From: Dinosaur Name: Winnie The Pooh From: Winnie The Pooh Name: Pleakley From: Lilo & Stich
  16. Name: Aladdin From: Aladdin Name: Tinkerbell From: Peter Pan Name: Megara From: Hercules Name: Yzma From: Emperor's New Groove
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