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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. Finally watching season 4 , I had already seen s4e1 but its been so long I'm rewatching it since I'm determine to see the season through this week And I'm remembering what happened , I got fed up watching a show about drugs,and I also saw a report on the devastation of meth in america and around the world I let the product get in the way of good drama and storyline I loved the show so much I went through season 1 to 3 really quick couldn't have been more than a month or was it during a summer all I know is that day I was like ugh there's no one I really like or root for and skylar drove me nuts she's beyond infuriating Anyhoo I'm giving the show a 2nd chance
  2. Talking about cranston I've finally decided to watch season 4 of breaking bad , its happening peeps Watching episode 1 now , 28 to go ! (Like at will lol)
  3. Ha I posted in the book+tv thread what I intended for here lol darn phone history , wasn't paying attention ! Oberyn and his gf sure are modern! Tywin and tommen , loved cersei face during that scene ! Ha! I was more disturb by the fact it was next to their son body , I wonder if that was the actor jack gleeson I mean to have to play dead with those eyes on while his parents go from talking comforting to him taking her by force ok weird and super awkward red alert I admit as a book reader I was surprised cersei hadn't given recently freed and maimed jaime some sweet loving since he came back which he complained about so from his pov here they are in an emotionally volatile situation , she begs him to kill tyrion then she turns to him for comfort , poor guy think he's finally getting some only for her to blow cold on him Eh she's grieving she's entitled to give everybody whiplash That I feel is how he sees it if you're going solely by the show as GRRM says in the book we really delved into the way both twins mind workThat said if her saying no isn't enough surely your dead son body should be more than enough to cool down your endeavour to satisfy your base needs hmmmLol at sir Jorah being friendzoned, he should take heart that she cares for him as a friend and a true advisor better that than status of lover boy Just you wait if cersei sees jaime hanging around brienne , see how quick she's not a rape victim anymore and she'll be stroking his ruffles feathers ! That woman do you remember what she told sansa about a woman's weapon as stannis attack the city
  4. Hopefully they're hard at work ironing out the kinks in tying different storylines together They must have a crazy wall trying to keep up with what's what , what influences what , what has this or that consequences now and later on etc Oh I forgot something that has been bothering me , everybody is mentioning the dragons as if its fact whereas in the book I'm pretty sure it was scoffed at as tall exotic tales from far away and of no concern to the 7 kingdoms then again they're not taking seriously the white walkers threat book or show save for the wall people duh
  5. Non readers need to start reading pronto #sorrynotsorry ;)Finally saw the episode , funny thing is just before I watched scandal season 3 finale and there I was thinking huck and quinn having sex in a room where a guy was stabbed and the blood puddle was still on the floor was gross but my opinion got tempered by cersei and jaime "rape" scene next to their dead son corpse ( no small feat)I'm not nearly as outrage about it as some people are esp if they are non readers, she's one cunning cold fish in the books , anyone who believes her act and protestations I'd say beware she plays jaime like a fiddle ! Agree about her being her father's rightful heir! I certainly hope they're not softening her up for real and she will turn out to be the hateful character of the books I don't believe a word she says about her and jaime being wrong , anyone remember her speech to ned stark about them , she might not care for him anymore now that he is maimed but it never crosses her mind that what they are to each is wrong and its certainly not the reason she's giving him the cold shoulder now Meanwhile the adventures of arya and the hound down ...up ? The mississippi continue Sir davos is a natural , learn to read real quick who knew ? Even stannis remarks on it the surly pretender of dragonstone has humour Loved convo between tywin and prince oberyn these two wield words nearly as deadly as swords Littlefinger how I missed thee (not really guy has this creepy pedo vibe with sansa) bye bye sansa ! Bye bye pod too you were a loyal servant to tyrion indeed ! As for my dear one true queen of westeros 7 kingdoms , she continues her trek of freeing slaves , though everytime she raised her head to look at mereen slaves I kept wondering what's with the show we've seen this before she should have had drogon dracarys that little pisser on his horse and fini! Guess they had to give upgrade daarios something to do and a reason for daenerys to "swoon" ok ok eye him and go all hmm he looks doable and mother of dragons entire day can't be all about her babies she needs some TLC her dragons can't give her I loved that Maergery was all peeved at being a widow again, I'd start to wonder too lol but grandma Tyrell knows best ! Best line of the episode even if it hurt grrr , think it was the hound to arya about how many starks need to be beheaded before she gets it I was like BURN ! Ahhh GoT I love you I hate you !
  6. Glad to see cap2 doing so wellI have to wait till tomorrow to see GoT. Boo hoo hoo I'm watching the wolverine right now
  7. I've only watched the first episoe of bates motel rest of s1 still waiting Well I have 1 more episode to go but the nephew is watching animaniacs on my laptop , times like these I tell myself I really need the tablet but I'm a softie where my baby nephew is concerned
  8. Well today I binged on scandal season 3 , held off watching since october premiere Its now 3am I knew once I started it would be hard to stop Stop I did after episode 11 yep eleven episodes in a row minus a few interruption due to needing human minute now and then But I do need some sleep and I will watch the remaining 7/8 episodes tomorrow while awaiting with glee new epi of game of thrones now that I'm all caught up with that after marathoning a rewatch of GoT
  9. Dom crowd is such a disappointment on some movies what's their beef ? Transcendence looks like such a cool movie if you're into that sort of stuff but I guess they're not I refuse to think the movie sucks of course I have no clue as I haven't seen it yet But if this is getting lukewarm response , I wonder what that means for my other fav trailer godzilla eek
  10. No loras was described so pretty as a kingsguard aww I like him - I don't want anything to happen to him esp somtg like marrying that snake and mother of a psychopath cersei lol Yep the thought did cross my mind they could introduce a cousin heir for the tyrell line.
  11. Good new episode , there should be a batch of new episodes back to back Slade wilson is such a fun character , he's like the life of the party right now Team arrow doing their thing fighting back , getting very difficult though Laurel knows , det lance still so likeable and having the arrow's back And we got a mention of barry , some chick named iris and I guess it was a crossover of sorts as we probably met secondary characters from that show if the pilot is a go
  12. Ugh I don't think I'll ever watch that film again ! It was that upsetting and hit a raw nerve , There's def a list of films out there I have had the misfortunes of seeing and will never watch again because they were that upsetting And I'm not talking about films that are dumb and boring , I mean films that disturb the sweet innocence in you , where you're confronted with true evil not the fancy tale the bible tells you about ...films that made you physically ill
  13. there's this guy on twitter whose handle is king joffrey he had me cracking up reading his tweets , last night ....who knew joffrey would be so much fun now https://twitter.com/King_Joffrey_ is it true jack gleeson is retiring from acting? i just read that on a french site saying he's been working since he's 8 and its not really what he wants to do , surely something got lost in translation i have to say as much glee as i felt during that scene, i have to also congratulate jack on how he played the scene , that was perfect ! it wasnt over the top , it was very realistic , plus it was a nice touch he was with his parents then ...you're only as good an actor as your character is loved or hated and he was someone fans loved to hate and deservedly so! here's an oldie but a goodie gif of one of joffrey's finest moment
  14. Its a shame I'm on my phone That was beautiful and deserving of celebratory gifs and smileys to express to the fullest the taste of justice I just had as a name on arya/myself list got his comeuppance ! Tomorrow people , aw heck I'll tumblr my feelings , this deserves it ! Tyrion had the right of it kings are falling like flies right and left What a world westeros is, no matter your station in life you're dealt a shitty hand only difference is some make the most of it, some survive and some lose alas losing means dead or worse flayed yikes!
  15. I won't lie I'm enjoying a certain iron born scene as much as I did in the book ! Aw heck I understand arya I too have grown a taste for for blood : traitors blood !
  16. Yeah this show makes me feels so many different emotions Like at the beginning talk about adding insult to injury tywin !Interesting that they changed the actor playing daario I say upgrade!My my look who got big busy eating horses and cows I'd wager dany's bouncing baby triplets F.U. Rain of castemere song I cursed song/theme! Is there a new location on the map in the intro , guess we'll be seeing more of the boltons creepy sigil And I loved the attention to details in the arya/the hound scenes, a psychologist would have a field day with arya after all the shit she's seen , the girl is develloping a penchant for killingWhat I notice when they left the tavern was how the countryside is burning and at first I'm thinking where the heck are they and then I remember a detail from the book that the mountain and company were busy sacking and burning villages along the river so def detail I appreciated Prince oberyn made his entrance with flying colours , it felt strange a sexposition without littlefinger ! Hmmm Ok episode 2 next ciao
  17. Ok peeps its time , I'll be back in an hour no longer a season 4 virgin woohooooLet's get this jazz show on the road laterrrrr
  18. I'm watching the nut job , go figure! Had to keep my nephew busy so I delayed my fun plan of game of throning s4 Wtf with the credits of this animation the guy who sing gangnam style has an animated self singing his hit song , gee wonder what his paycheck was like Movie is dumb , squirrels were lame.plus human component lamely done no characterisation thieves trying to rob a bank and replace the money with nuts pfff I remember an animation with animal from the forest going into people house for food which was way funnier , can't remember the name but starts with this animal who's hungry and tries to steal a bear stash of food for winter and that fails miserably Now to me s4 GoT !!!
  19. Finally watched s03e10 just now ! Very happy I actually marathoned all the seasons leading up to the new one , everything is once more fresh in my mind Daenerys really gets amazing season ending scenes , getting her army day by day and her babies looking more badass woohooThe downside my poor starks get the brunt of the cruel and and one true god GRRM, but they are true northerners they know real winter we will prevail and make all those slime traitors pay for their deceit! It is known ! Well you know what that means season 4 here I come at some point today gotta lunch and others chores I'll probably wait till tonight
  20. That was brutal! Brutaaaaallll and appropriately credits run silently coz nothing else to add The lanisters send their regards indeed...Wasn't easier seeing it a 2nd time , that was just fucked up ! Oh well episode 10 to go and some retribution coming for us starks in s4 , I'm going to become a faceless assasin and kill all the boltons , freys and lanisters (save tyrion he's a lanister by accident)
  21. And here I am , no ten ways around its nighttime in episode 9 , poor arya so close and never so far ... Thanks the old gods arya didn't quite make it! This is not easy to rewatch oh but the falseness and treachery behind all that wine and music ooohhhhThe villainy of the freys goes deeper than a sceptic tank ughhh they are swines swines I tell ya Duplicitous backstabbing swines I'm starting to feel sick in my stomach haven't watch this since last year when it aired ughhh There goes the bride and groom ughI need to do something upbeat today to wash the taste of this disloyal treachery out of my mouth And here we are the last 9 minute of the episode its going to be hell aww man do I have too?
  22. Now it makes sense why I was confused about spoiler of s4e2 I had forgotten tyrion and sansa wedding took place in s03e08 which I'm watching right now , think I'll wait till tomorrow to watch the infamous red wedding , don't know that I want to sleep on that !
  23. Just finished episode 7 of season 3 , never watched it last night lol too tired ha ha , woke up at 11am after going to bed at 4am
  24. its see you evil , but i didnt care enough to write it down correctly i closed my eyes when that trailer started , i don't watch those type of films they give me nightmares
  25. Crap crap crap ...I got spoiled on twitter, I had forgotten I followed that darn red wedding account I wasn't expecting it so I started reading the tweet and read enough to know smtg big happen last night , I immediately unfollowed it until I'm up to speedAlas I'm watching s03e05 now , getting there !Ps: I'm such a sucker for arya and gendry , that was great acting by that girl ,I OTP them even if its kinda wrong coz she's a baby! I really hope I can squeeze in the last 5 today
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