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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. And flash is a go! Good luck to the cast and surviving their first season
  2. This last episode has my heart in my throat , I'm going to be on pins and needles all week until wednesday comes around and we know one way or anotherBecause per stills release its not looking good for team arrow The dream of olicity is alive !!!Besides all the shipper romance business , this show action wise is so good! Slade aint playing around , he's wrecking the city and oliver's existence But I'm positive oliver will come out of this stronger albeit not unscathed
  3. Where oh where will I get great gifs from now ? Huh? NBC ? You didn't even think about that did ya? Pffff
  4. Are they serious ??? How can they cancel community?What happens to #sixseasonsandamovie dream? Boo hoo hoo I hate network tv May sucks between seasons/series finales and waiting for renewals/cancellation news I was glad the flash was picked up but that was never in doubt
  5. i'm thrilled GO GO POWER RANGERS * cue jingle* i don't care what anyone says i loved that show and i loved the movie MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS you ooze you loose!!! i'm kimberly the pink ranger , absolutely just good memories associated with it , my guilty pleasure! lol
  6. beckett finally arrested bracken , her mother killer who was running for president !!! now she can concentrate on her wedding to castle
  7. Baumer yes you must watch game of thrones , think of it as a spiritual tv experience that will change you Once you go GoT you never want to go back to blah tv
  8. And I'm done watched the season finale this morningI swear for a second there I was ready to be pissed as I thought glenn and maggie etc were deadGotta love rick delirium they don't know who they're messing with as they themselves are locked up in a waggon with no weapon sureeeee! They should have let daryl stay back and come in as back up But a bigger question remains where is carol tyrese and baby judith , I had them pegged as first to arrive to terminus hmmm?
  9. This seems to be this season's filler episode and yet GoT filler style episode blows regular tv fillers out of the water by leagues quality wise I was kinda disappointed jon and bran didn't meet , even though they don't in the book I was secretly happy the show seem to be deviating from the book , my poor stark curse continue never to see each other again (I teared up a bit) , a tragedy ! The vale scenes were fun , that lysa is cuckoo I was squirming for littlefinger and that is incredible they got me to feel that for him when he's the one who usually creep me out , make sense what will happen next If I didn't know cersei I'd think she was going soft alas I do know her! Enjoyed pod and brienne scene I know she'll come to appreciate him just as much as tyrion did You know I'm going to miss Arya bidding her time !lol
  10. Well I certainly wasn't expecting that episode to go that way psycho kid and forgiving tyrese! HmmmThis was a really good episode Kids drive me up the wall in these type of films/tv shows In hindsight carl hasn't turned out so bad after all
  11. Coulson probably did the tape pre his death Fury saw the report and decide to use coulson assessment because he didn't want to lose a friend and good agent to loki evil plan So he decided to submit coulson to it and voila but he still heeded his recommendation hence babysitter May and secret phone to give regular report on his mental aptitudes
  12. Is no one watching this show? Its a good show , I watch it in batches of episodes every now and then Tonight watched episode 19 and 20Liz finally knows her husband was her handler and she was his job
  13. I finally caught up a good bit today I watched episodes 9 to episode 13Not a fan of the daryl and blondie storyline but eh whatev Abs' loved hearing more about michonne , well-off huh? Carol she's alive!!! Whatever has she been up to , oh and to pair her up with tyrese , courting disaster me says Love that maggie and glen aren't ready to declare each other dead yet Was anyone like me not really caring about the scientist that knows what cause the virus or so he says Anyhoo after 5 episodes back to back I had enough of zombies so I'll watch last 3 tomorrow at some point
  14. Agent hill is always a pleasure to see! And to see her and coulson take down special forces ops ! Stark got a sweet deal there a civilian with shield high level experienceI knew May was looking into coulson and knew it was her in his hotel room (my crack ship)Fitz was emotional , but I guess he's upset because he spent time with ward ! I'm glad fitz and simmons have each other One question hill knows fury is alive so when will the tv shield team know or is that a fact that will remain hidden for the foreseeable future And how about coulson secret "secret" was not expecting that but yeah tots make sense, dog chasing his tail huh? I'd like to believe ward is a triple agent but the possibility is wearing thin more and more Sky and ward are ok when they're not pretending to have romantic discussion
  15. Lol I immediately thought of friendsThe only person I think had a good income was ross as a professor of anthropology after him chandler and monica
  16. real peeved they cancelled ALMOST HUMAN it was just hitting its stride , now we'll never know what was on the other side of the wall FOX he of killing shows in their infancy, they don't leave show breath anymore or have time to find their range and footing i don't have a problem if a show is cancelled after 2 seasons because if it hasnt happened then it won't ever but come on 1st season and it was a 13 episodes show give it a break at least sleepy hollow was renewed early phew
  17. final finale scene as i'm going to try and reread the books over the summer , its been too long and details are way too sketchy in my memory but i'll wait after this season is over, i love enjoying not being sure of what's next even if i have a vague idea
  18. And I'm done with breaking bad just like that 2 seasons in a few days Kinda sad I love binging through a tv show , but after you have to come off the wired feeling and knowing there is no more episodes most of the time I'll probably watch the 2nd half of the walking dead next ... That said I'll pace myself tv season is nearly over got to keep stuff for the summer hiatus
  19. I've been meaning to watch the wire for yrs now just haven't gotten around to it but I hear such good things Well finally watched s5e16 this morning I got a bit teary eye when walter saw his daughterAnd jesse lives on good for him maybe he'll take this 2nd chance to make a better life for himselF far away from drugs I love how he made his partners from grey matters sweat ha ha ha ha so the ricin wasn't for them hmm All in all a good episode walter went out on his own terms and made sure his product went with him and it was good he admitted he liked what he did and he was good at it and he felt alive unfortunately it was at smtg illegal but scientist live for the discovery , trial and error on the course to invention and don't really like to concern themselves with the moral implications , that's up to society and what they chose to do with said creation Its def a great drama from start to finish in its own right , unapolegetic to the end whether it bothered people sensibilities or not
  20. Ahh I see ! I'm not sure I found bran chapters boring , the only time I had to work at reading the books was for AFFC mostly because of characters I didn't know Then again I don't read fantasy that often so I'm not best at judging the quality of george writing when delving into that aspect of his series
  21. Sometimes when I was reading the books I'd be more interested in what happen way back then as far as valyria what was it like why now people are scared of going near it Or old kings for that matter Its really just a reaction to uncertainty the story arc for my favs
  22. Perhaps ages ago people were more in tune with magic and its place in their world but they clearly forgot about it and its coming back much like winter whether they care for it or not
  23. CEDAR everybody dies in this show take it from me a stark supporter all you can do is brace yourself and pray to the one true god GRRM who is cruel and laughs at us readers and viewers alike that your guy or gal isn't next and stands as long as possible. In westeros at one point as far as they know only sansa is alive and jon but he's a bastard so they practically feel they own the north now as they've decimated any legitimate leader But I am sorry your friend wasn't more mindful of your spoiler-free stance , its unfortunate but me after the red wedding I assume the worst it helps lessen the blow slightly very slightly mind you !
  24. Damn if this show doesn't just keep getting better and better I'm seriously considering rereading the books however daunting the task is because they're like an encyclopedia , there is way too much info that's fuzzy in my memory now I'm glad they're not eating the baby but I can't remember what is it per the books we do know of the white walkers I vaguely remember sam reading books on them , but as I don't frequent the books forum I wasn't aware of any theory save for the one about jon parentage If seeing the WW bit was a spoiler spoil me away show I loved it this was a lovely surprise whether you're a book reader or tv viewer I'm not even sure I understood what happen there with the baby (still pretty funny huh that craster provided them with so many kids)As for jon whaaaat I can't remember if he actually went to craster or what happened so most things show wise feel new enough to me Not sure either if bran and friends stopped at craster or got caught , I think bran wanted to stop but the siblings push to keep on moving and thus jon missed him But I'm glad that the show is changing that, the starks kids could use a happy moment in a reunion form , I'd cursed the books at time how things seem impossible and at least unlikely they should ever see each other Plus not sure sam ever told jon and I always thought he should have so jon could have some consolation so this is coolEpisode replaying on my laptop lol anybody felt a perv vibe to maegery and tommen , feels like she's taking advantage of the kid lolJaime and brienne parting ways was sad and yeah pod is with her I was so sure he pops up somewhere later on and now I know where In case no one said "where are your dragons dany) when will your city and new people see your babies
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