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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. Michael who's your fav character ? Just go with that or tack on your fav house to your name
  2. Minimum no doubt I saw on EW some chart or a cliff notes version of the first 3 seasons for dummies , can't quite remember but I know it went something like this is for you if your clueless about the show What I do know is its way easier to cram over 30 hrs of tv than the WALL-ish length of pages of the book series in one weekend Sadly I'll be watching s4 premiere monday night at the earliest or maybe wait till episode 2 lol who am I kidding ha ha ha but I'll still participate by cursing the day my household decided to keep the french cable and ditch the american one pffFf , oh yeah and curse to the seven gods all those watching it live but I take consolation in knowing there are many in my shoes About to watch episode 4 think I'll stop at 5 tonight finish s1 tomorrow morning and maybe s2 by midnight we'll see Its incredible but everytime the starks say goodbye in these first episodes its for good we had no idea at the time , makes me think of that gif with them that's too funny in a very ironic way
  3. Nevermind I see baumer had a few similar questions to me that were answeredSo that's who the twins are ok!I was like wtf how the heck did they get their hands on loki sceptor , last time I saw that natasha used it to close the portal in TA wuuuut?I too exclaimed its abed from community lollll, abed would tots be geeking out if he knew he was in a marvel movie just saying ha ha haDidn't catch on to the pulp fiction reference I've seen that film once a long long time ago maybe I need to refresh my memory
  4. Crazy movie!!! Mindboggling ...A+First I can't believe I fell for that stunt with nick fury after I fell for it with loki in thor 2 pffI'd have to say its the 2nd best film of phase 2 for me IM3 always numero uno for meTalking about tony I couldn't help but picture him smirking at shield demise well nick fury shield not the concept founded by his father and co way back , he never trusted them really Agree after credit scene should have been tony and banner watching the news but I get it can't have RDJ all over the place , this is cap movie after allWhat was up with the mid-credit scene : twins? Cap / black widow and falcon made a great team Nick fury is a tough old turkey Poor bucky / winter soldier , I felt for the cap seeing his bff like that and then to realize they must have had to brainwash him regularly there he was starting to remember his friend and they fry his brain again yikes So at this point tony has walked away from iron man and destroy his suits Shield is exposed as corrupted and infiltrated by hydra and in shambles Thor is having some me time on earth after saving the world but his mom is dead , thinks his brother is dead and has no clue his father isn't sitting on the throne Natasha secrets secrets are exposed , which reminds me how about bart where will he pop up next Nick fury burnt his pirate eye patch and other shield stuff boo!I had to laugh at colbie smulders working at stark industries Our avengers team is in a disarray , well at least they have each other the core group if not the support of an organisation behind them
  5. I'm confused , movie has me confused as to fate of the tv show? What now?Plus I'm fuzzy on names have no idea who you guys are talking about in spoilers apart from victoria hand
  6. Back to winterfell I go with a bowl of soup as heads fly on my laptop Had a lovely interlude this afternoon with captain america "mindboggling" that movieverse is!
  7. Ah vyserys and daenerys great introduction but my suns and stars was just as good ! Well gotta go 2hrs walk the things I do for a marvel film that after credit scene better be worth it lollll
  8. Winter is coming for a lannister , the old gods demand it lollllllI'm watching season 1 epi 01 now as I get ready to leave to go see cap america , my heart is heavy as I see bran walking , eddard alive the starks together still no idea of the storm coming their way! That prologue with the white walkers , scariest chapter I ever read in a book I knew right then and there this book was a keeper and the show does it just as good
  9. Damn you guys and spoilers , luckily I'm leaving right now for the cinema -i'm actually walking to the cinema so like that I get my power walk/ sport done for the day should take me nearly 2hrs to get there but to meeeee cap america and then I can come back and open up those spoilers lol Its one reason I watched this week episode of shield today , I was wondering if there might be a tie in to the movie
  10. Can't believe they suspected May tsk tsk she's a straight arrow cold but gets the job done! I'm telling ya she's been talking to fury ...that's my theory still she's an edgy one , did she have to shoot at poor fitz? May is going to be pissed someone else is piloting her plane!!! LolI'm glad though saffron burrows is the clairvoyant she's too good an actress to just be an upper level shield agent This episode was really good (I still rolled my eyes at skye though but I'm trying to make my piece with that)
  11. Beginning of year is always a bit meh for me so far I've only seen Non-stop Divergent And probably cap america tomorrow if no change in schedule
  12. Just finished "the internship" loved it , I remember seeing the ad for this and thinking it looked dumb and never gave it a thought since until tonight go figure !
  13. i'll be seeing it tomorrow at 2pm luckily there's a 2D version available not in the mood to be obliged to watch a film in 3D so theatre can get an extra $
  14. When is the next episode? I finally caught up with the last 5 episodes Loving annie and abed relationship now that troy is gone! The little tease with jeff and blondie when his friend wanted to date her lol I guess the addition of the crime teacher? Is cool sorta he's not what's his name Gahhhh I just forgot blondie and oldie name as I was about to type wtf not cool aging memory cells
  15. Maybe keep that day for season 3 and give us something new to bridge between day 14 and 235The finale had lots of wtf , one been sara being pregnant ? And then boom I guess we'll see
  16. Phew scrolled down quickly so not to see spoilers I'm waiting till the season ends to watch season 2 episodes, some shows lend themselves to marathon viewing ! With this show I can't imagine waiting an entire week to find out what happens next
  17. Well I saw the 3rd episode and I'm pretty pissed they killed of the black kid, like really? I was like there goes the token black kid in the show, now I'm usually the first to scoff at such comments but this was unnecessary , then again they tried to kill the chancelor off screen in the 1st episode Truth be told even though I like the concept , I haven't connected to any of the teens , plus I'm not sure how smart it was to send unruly kids down when your survival is on the line , I'd have prefered the cast was only adults it would have panned out as a smarter show , I actually feel like the show is elevated when the adults are on screenI'm undecided as to whether I'll keep watching it or not
  18. The guy was a schmuck but congrats on your longevity and sayonara! I rarely watched him , the few times with itw of my fav actors and the questions were so inane , he didn't even pretend to care or put his guests at ease , there was always this obligation vibe from him and the guest Which is so stark a difference when you watch jimmy fallon or kemmel they rock and entertain everyone the viewers the audience and the guest have a fun 15 minutes as they get the meaning of variety show
  19. The show has already done incest with another couple jaime and cersei who weirdly enough are not that shocking on a scale of shocking things in this series Plus technically in lord of the rings arwen is aragorn's great x time remove. Aunt or cousin as her father and his great great x time were brothers (technicality) That said even though I'm partial to that OTP I doubt it will happen and even if it does it won't matter they're all going to die anyway so says GRRM that's his secret dream and his poor editor is wringing his hands trying to figure out a way or reason to stop him from going down that route plotwise , plus he has it in for the starks grrr I dread the next book wondering which stark will bite the dust Maybe littlefinger survives maybe...
  20. could be fun like around xmas when we all got hats lol thinking of marathoning the heck out of it this weekend and try to fit in seeing captain america at the cinema
  21. just a suggestion for who wants to go along with it but i proposed we change our names for the weekend to a game of thrones character-ish ....with name of your house !

  23. between you guys and GA i really thought htis was the dudest of duds it wasnt that bad i gave it a B- , wasnt great or moderately good but i think if only they had shortened this by a minimum of 40 mn it might have done way better at the box office , editing was a mess /pacing was whack , i actually got up wash the dishes i used for dinner without pausing the film and came back and didnt feel like i missed anything , they were still riding around the desert but i'm maybe bias western as a genre i can't abide it bores the heck out of me ! the movie just felt there i didnt care one way or the other about any of the characters but since i never knew about a lone ranger before this film , my criticism is mild at best kinda reminds me of the other epic disney dud john carter, i'm always amazed at how some films reach release without red flags popping up at some executive or production level , i get after production has wrapped there's only so much you can do as actors move on to other projects whatev', but come on aren't test audiences a real thing ? who's the editor ? who gave it the ok that there wasnt more that could be done to salvage the movie?
  24. my favourite time of the year , 10 times better than xms or valentine ! tis the season where we get another go at the nail-biting popular game GAME OF THRONES who will live ? who will die? ooooohhh how mad will we get ? how deep will the outrage go as something awfull yet again happens to the starks ( you know it will whether you read the book or not , you've notice they've got shitty luck among the families )
  25. i've since then finished season 3 of teen wolf minus latest ep 24 don't know if that's the finale or there is one more episode i've also binged through orphan black s1 in 2 days , just amazing show ... also rewatched battlestar galactica season 1 dunno why just was in the mood that day for some BSG memory lane i'm thinking i should refresh my memory for game of thrones , but would have to see if i have the time first ...
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