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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. this thread clearly got derailed , see ya ! seriously godzilla vs jolie's maleficent lol only on this forum
  2. A+++ this is by far the most beautiful movie i've seen this year easy , i sat up in my seat head resting upon the seat in front of me for the last 20mn , just super pensive and wanting to soak it in , when the credits rolled not a lot of people got up , there were a few couples but mostly women from teens to 40s ! there wasnt any clapping or crying to point you could hear but if they were anything like me then yeah there were def some quiet tears going around i didnt cry , not exactly , i did tear up , maybe a drop fell maybe but mostly my throat was so tight ! i think because my friend was there , she hasnt read the book and isnt into necessarily romantic films , it helped me reign in my emotions plus i had already cried over this when i read the book earlier this week thing is i wish i could have brought the movie home with me so i could rewatch it immediately, too bad they don't do this like how some singers will sell their cd at their own concerts for people to buy i cannot believe these two play brother and sister in DIVERGENT , they're so good together i want them to do a happy movie , the guy has a bod to die for hello abs (tots off topic but ever since i started my journey to a healthier lifestyle its amazing how much more i notice abs such a girl thing to say ) talking about casting , i had no idea sam from trueblood was in this aww willem defoe as the eccentric ugly man that is the writer in this film there was nothing corny about the delivery of the lines , its a beautiful movie , just sweet . i like it , i love it , i want it ! my friend did say they could have done more to make augustus look sicker , i told her channeling hazel maybe not all cancer look the same as they're killing you from the inside but she did say for a film about cancer it had its funny moments , still feels its not a film to watch at cinema but in private on HD screen with a bowl of marshmellows so you can let yourself go
  3. jeez read the book before going at the line ! bet you guys cry in private watching exactly these movies ok sneakers on , i'm outty !
  4. i'm going i'm going i'm going tonighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee YES YES YES i'll be weeping my heart out tonight to quotes like "it would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you" & "i fell in love the way you fall asleep slowly and then all at once" woohoo! but first my thighs are going to weep lol , getting ready to go do my cardio walk/run on the bridge (see pic in baumer bizzy thread) then its dinner then its movie time ,see ya
  5. yeah i will, i see i made some typo mom isnt dead , going to fix it , clearly i was sleepy
  6. and that's a wrap people , its late but i'm done with this show just watched episode 12 lol so yeah basically marathon the shizz out of this i waited so long to watch this , to get around catching up that i was afraid if i stopped who knows when i'd keep up again seeing gap between when i saw ep 3 and today since the accident on the arc , i've been talking to my screen why don't they use the arc to scrap together a newww ship to get them down to earth or use the arc instead of just twiddling their thumbs as they wait to die , and then finally the chancellor is like eureka me : duhhhhh! glad mom isnt dead but really mystified at death of arc rebels , than plan went through the window stat, can't believe they were that stupid , i keep hoping its a diversion and she'll show up eventually like little girl i guess this means no more space but at same time it was annoying how it would look like night on earth and up on the arc the planet was in daylight and before you say orbit , those flares where launch at night yet they pass in the sky its daylight i was happy to see rebel grounder was sticking around for octavia she better kiss him if he survives cannibal goup anyhoo be back tomorrow to discuss more i need some sleep
  7. finally catching up on this !!! just watched ep 4,5,6 now hmmmm can't believe how they've swept the black guy death like nothing, well the little killer did get it , although i'm not convinced she's dead
  8. thing that has me confuse , this won't be 24 hrs so when exactly are they going time jump ? that signature forging is like a time bomb ticking ... if anyone remembers why did jack kill those russians , can't remember what happened in the finale put in spoilers
  9. yeah and we have a mole ! just like old times ... i thought it was him last episode when he wanted to lead the bust on margot home , thinking he'd alert her in time to get out but that was wrong theory , his moling has nothing to do with the drones business or will it eventually tie into that i get the criticism but i'm huge fan so instead of it rubbing me the wrong way i'm feeling nostalgic margot should have taken care of business and listened to her son who had doubts about his sister commitment , this chick came off as a mini-me of her mom at first and now suddenly she has a soft spot pfff, there's always a chink in the armor and darn british , why why....that PM should have drank a cup of tea and ate some scones before making ill-advise decisions based on maybes from a blonde bimbo in his cabinet
  10. wow i just watched epi 1-5 back to back , felt good so good like slipping on old pair of comfy bed shoes chloeeeee looks weird but i can roll with it , a bit iffy about her new posse jackkkkk first thing i was like since when is he clueless and gets caught by amateurs on the shore of the thames ? then i'm like duh , jack doesnt do anything jack doesnt want 98.9% of the time , shit out of his control accounts for other 1 % lol took me a good 20mn to realize that was the chick from chuck , facepalm! she's good didnt catch on one time that the DOD was now POTUS whaaaaat! his chief of staff mark boudreau was in a previous season right ?, its been so long since i watch this show audrey and jack awww i have this vague recollection of her being a vegetable or catatonic ,but its all fuzzy look at her healthy and all that jazz with a stuck up douche for a hubby , she would have been so much better off with jack , that is until everything went to hell , still remember being heartbroken the way things went down back then nose kissing is the best kind there is !!! its called penguin kiss because that's how they show affection and do you know penguins mate for life awwww but hey this is 24 aint no warm fuzziness happening here, this is a baby/kindergarden GoT! we didnt even know how good we had back then , c'est la vie! time to hit the sack i'll see ep 6 tomorrow and catch up on the thread as it is i scroll by super quick to write comment
  11. sounds like a plan , can't remember what that was about lol , summer rereading stat lol
  12. that must be so much fun to watch a show with a group of friends in that kind of atmosphere ! it looked cool that's like the 3rd video i've watched and i promised you each time i hide the small screen showing the episode , i cannot watch , i just cant hearing is traumatizing enough lol another great character gone too soon , who you just know you'd have chance to root for a good while on another show !
  13. yes well the wildings aren't exactly endearing themselves right now what with their killing rampage on innocent villagers and brothels businesses
  14. be sensitive AC slater we're in mourning okkkk , doing group therapy for our eyes , this show/books is GRRM version of flaying his readers eyes ,everytime we think he's peeled off a layer he goes in for another ! tsk tsk my most sincere commies to ellaria his woman , his daughters , his family and all of Dorne from the Starks and the North we know deeply how it feels to suffer at the hands of the lannisters and their henchmen
  15. it was ok , yeah i like the main couple and the family dynamic , even if dad was a major douchebag sometimes you need a movie like this sappytastic but by the end i couldnt help think these two are crazy naive but isnt first love like that , hey maybe they're part of that urban myth where people meet in high school fall in love and stay with that person all their lives maybe its me who's too much of a cynic but it was sweet and alex pettyfer is real easy on the eyes , def better than his role in scifi film FOUR
  16. endless love ? the search engine doesnt work if this already exist can't find the thread nevermind i found it , went searching old school for it page after page , but yeah how come its not in the archive list ?
  17. endless love with alex pettyfer , its cookie cute so far....
  18. gotta wonder what kind of childhood the mountain and the hound had , we know one burnt the other the rest gets gruesome
  19. UGHHHHH I have to say i did watch the time and was starting to wonder if the fight was happening this episode , yeah they should have given poor oberyn a few more minutes , maybe they'll do a flashback showing a conversation with him and tyrion before the fight
  20. i figure they'll turn around , but yeah why would the guards let her leave can't imagine littlefinger with his hands on both of kat's daughters ...so yeah this will probably play out like bran and jon so close yet so far non meeting at craster keep plus littlefinger will be notify but too late and he won't say anything to sansa because it doesnt give him any advantage!
  21. I dont think i can watch that episode ending anytime soon, heck took me a year to rewatch the red wedding that shit was gross i had a gag reflex as i watch ughhh its been such a while since i read the book i didnt remember how oberyn died , but i did remember the mountain being as for sansa , that smirk she had in her bedroom was disturbing, not as disturbing as creepy littlefinger but yeah , they're in a weird dance right now , and i don't quite remember what happens plot wise in the vale or i fthey're going off tangent on that one fav scene of the episode : Arya laughing when they told her lysa was dead i'm telling ya a psychiatrist would have a field day with arya i bursted out laughing myself , because lets be real what is she suppose to do cry ? the irony of the situation must have hit her real hard , this is the 2nd person the hound brings her too , promising she'll be safe and he'll get paid for keeping her alive and once again on the cusp of being reunited with family this happen ! sad scene of the episode : poor jorah shunned away by his khaleesi , that was harsh , i felt for him ! she didnt even leave him speak/defend himself when will we see him again? wtf but hmm i'm digging scene of the epîsode: misandei and greyworm , sure its filler but GoT does them like nobody else , i was hmm but damn they actually do have chemistry too bad who cares about their romance but yeah it was hot , music was good in that scene that end though , the scream , the looks , the emotional roller coaster on everyone 's face was crazy went from woohoo to wtf noooo real quick for some and ahh crap to fist pump yess for others
  22. only a few more hours !!!! Are we ready to rumble? its WWE game of thrones style
  23. baumer you're sweet for liking this ! i didnt hate it , it was ok in sense i watched it , i kept laughing the entire time and basically rolling my eyes but i was tots interacting with the film , the script was terrible but the movie is shot beautifully , visuals are great i had to remind myself there weren't no geologist at the time to check on volcano and give warning to get out of dodge but what had me in stitches was couple scenes where they're either staring at an erupting volcano, or fighting + killing each other i was like SERIOUSLY you guys have your priorities on wrong nevermind the slave owners who left the arena before the fight started, a good 15 mn before the volcano erupted somehow ended up stuck in the crowded harbour , but gets on a boat only to die , that one had me confuse , unless he took a pit stop to eat and bath first he should have been on the first boat leaving but def the last scene takes the cake , the horse couldnt carry them , this guy was supposedly a horse whisperer of sorts but he couldnt calm the horse get back on and ride on with the girl , and gotten a fighting chance basically i know my pompeii history but jeez this is a movie not a biography , they could have altered the end and let them live a peaceful life as merchants where no one would know they survive pompeii tragedy , 2 hrs with no payoff C+ because of visuals and kit harrington killer abs HELLOOOOO i was like are those real or painted on ? look like you could grate cheese on them GoT why are you denying us those abs ? so its cold at the wall big deal ...wait a minute jon and ygritte had a jacuzzi scene , gotta go see if those abs are real
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