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Everything posted by Hangman

  1. Review of BB pilot from 5 years ago....lol Dope slap: Teacher turns drug dealer in AMC black comedyThursday, January 17, 2008 http://bostonherald.com/entertainment/television/television_reviews/2008/01/dope_slap_teacher_turns_drug_dealer_in_amc_black
  2. Is Matthew Weiner's Greed Ruining AMC?http://gawker.com/5830406/is-matthew-weiners-greed-ruining-amcKurt Sutter Reflects On 'Mad Men' Controversyhttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/01/kurt-sutter-mad-men_n_1468815.html
  3. From what I read, Matthew Weiner almost bankrupted AMC with the money he demanded for Mad Men and that had a huge impact on The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad's budget.
  4. I wish Mad Men wouldn't have taken all of AMC's money so we could have gotten another season. 62 episodes is too short
  5. It seemed like Jesse was going to kill Walt, but only stopped because he saw that he was shot and was probably going to die anyways.
  6. I liked Iron Man 3 better than The Avengers
  7. Who did you enjoy more: Heath Ledger as The Joker or Tom Hardy as Bane? (Hint: there's only one correct answer)
  8. Impossible!!!! I just re-watched Batman Begins. I forgot how awesome it was. Tom Wilkinson, Neeson, and Cillian Murphy were so great. Batman Begins: 9.5/10 The Dark Knight: 9.5/10 TDKR: 5/10
  9. But why use a real company like McDonalds if they are planning on using fake products for most of the show?
  10. I think it was in 3rd place (it did better than Glee). But yeah 2.1 is not good. They are saying it was the lowest rated comedy premiere for NBC on Thursday ever and I'm sure it's only going to drop further.
  11. I thought it was good, but I don't like watching a 30 minute ad for McDonalds.
  12. The 2nd episode wasn't funny or interesting enough, so I give up. Probably going to get cancelled anyways.
  13. Saw the 1st episode. It's more interesting than funny. I'll give it one more episode.
  14. I always found the SHIELD part of the Marvel movies to be extremely boring and this TV show wasn't much better. But I'll keep watching just for Cobie.
  15. I think the mother looks too much like Lily...it's weird.
  16. I was trying to figure out what type of show this was going to be, but from the 2nd episode, seems like it's going to be a "freak of the week" type show which is kind of disappointing.
  17. I used to love SM2, but the special effects look horrible now.
  18. I would have like to see this ending: Former Dexter Producer Clyde Phillips Reveals How He Planned to End the Series http://eonline.com/news/461558/chills-former-dexter-producer-clyde-phillips-reveals-how-he-planned-to-end-the-series "In the very last scene of the series," Philips explained, "Dexter wakes up. And everybody is going to think, 'Oh, it was a dream.' And then the camera pulls back and back and back and then we realize, 'No, it's not a dream.' Dexter's opening his eyes and he's on the execution table at the Florida Penitentiary. They're just starting to administer the drugs and he looks out through the window to the observation gallery. "And in the gallery are all the people that Dexter killed—including the Trinity Killer and the Ice Truck Killer (his brother Rudy), LaGuerta who he was responsible killing, Doakes who he's arguably responsible for, Rita, who he's arguably responsible for, Lila. All the big deaths, and also whoever the weekly episodic kills were. They are all there. "That's what I envisioned for the ending of Dexter. That everything we've seen over the past eight seasons has happened in the several seconds from the time they start Dexter's execution to the time they finish the execution and he dies. Literally, his life flashed before his eyes as he was about to die. I think it would have been a great, epic, very satisfying conclusion."
  19. Probably the best episode of the season, but that's not saying much.
  20. The pit scene was terrible. Thousands have failed because they were trying to jump. Why not try something else? At this point, he is so high up, why not cut the rope, tie an anchor to it and throw it over and climb out? Or use any of the metal railings to make a ladder or use it to carve the stone walls?
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