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Everything posted by Hangman

  1. This season of Dexter is the worst ever. So predictable...terrible.
  2. I can overlook all your other points, but I agree with this one. Also, the pit was supposed to be "Hell on Earth", but when Bruce gets there it turns into a resort with doctors who provide physical and mental therapy, fellow inmates who aren't violent at all, but actually root for him, and the pit was not "impossible" to get out of. It was unguarded!!!!
  3. The script was stupid. How does that link prove otherwise?
  4. Talking scenes were boring, actions scenes were cool I preferred X1, X2, X3, and FC over this. B-
  5. I just saw PR in IMAX 3D. Visually, it was beautiful. CGI was great. Out of IM3, STID, and MoS, PR had the best use of 3D. The first robot/monster fight was awesome, but I felt it got a bit boring with each fight. I loved the first Transformers movie and was hoping I would get the same enjoyment from PR, but it had none of the charm, was very predictable start to end, and I didn't really feel anything for the characters. I'd give PR a C+
  6. Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast
  7. lol what are you talking about, I don't have your email address. I didn't send you anything.
  8. If you work for a porn company, you should at least look up the word to know what it means.
  9. Obviously its a win for Marvel. Without RDJ the Iron Man movies would have the same BO as Thor and CA. TA probably wouldn't have crossed 350M without him. They wouldn't even make TA2/3 if he didn't sign on. Bale, Cavill, Garfield, Hemsworth, and Evans can easily be replaced. Downey can't. It's over after he's gone. Marvel owes him (and Favreau for getting him) everything. All their success is due to Downey. He deserves every penny (or hundreds of millions) that he makes.
  10. I think it's just the white light blurring everything: Source: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/ComicMovieBuzz/news/?a=81753 This is probably the CR easter egg: Source: http://moviepilot.com/stories/839506-is-man-of-steel-paying-homage-to-christopher-reeve
  11. How can you confirm that? I think all the white light just blurs everything. I don't think I mentioned it before, but I really like the ending, especially Lois' comment: "Welcome to the Planet"
  12. Option A) Everyone knows that Clark is Superman, but they're scared of him/they want to be nice and pretend not to know Option If you believe a man can fly, you can believe glasses can hide his identity Option C) No one, except the military, got a good look at Superman's face
  13. Loved it!!! I'm sure it has it flaws, but the awesomeness of most of Man of Steel made me forget them. First movie in a long time where I wanted to re-watch the film immediately. I went in with low expectations, since TDKR absolutely devastated me with how bad it was, but MoS delivered. The flashbacks were great. The CGI was pretty good. Was expecting this to be a remake of S1 & S2 and although it has some elements from them, I'm glad to say I was wrong. The 3D was pointless as usual, but I think there were some good shots in the beginning though. Rating for 1st viewing: A
  14. Here's another good reaction: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Cs8Y5rNPC8 https://vine.co/v/b3XZMHmxzxh
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZaJ94x9p9E
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