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Posts posted by GiantCALBears

  1. 19 minutes ago, grim22 said:


    Yup, I read that, and it clearly shows how little the studio itself spent on the marketing



    The studio exposure is really limited here. Probably no more than 130-150M all in.


    Wouldn't call it "limited" for a project they could have pulled the plug on a long time ago. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, grim22 said:


    I'm shocked how bad all the holdovers are. Did everyone just decide to skip the theaters this weekend or something?


    Alice 2 has a 4-day lower than the OD of the first movie, Civil War with a worse hold than TASM2 over the same weekend, Neighbors collapsing. Crazy numbers all around.


    Weather is uniformly amazing across the country, the offering isn't as strong as people wanting to spend time outdoors.

    • Like 3
  3. 10 minutes ago, grim22 said:

    Monday box office just took a huge nosedive thanks to the Warriors. The evening will fall off big for the male targeted movies - Apocalypse, Civil War and Neighbors 2 will come in below whatever the estimates will be.


    Thank goodness for that man haha!

  4. 34 minutes ago, Baumer said:

    How can The Dark Knight Rises.....a film with arguably the dumbest script ever written...be considered one of the best of all time?


    Dumbest script ever written is obviously a stretch when Aaron Seltzer & Jason Friedberg are allowed to release their films to the the public but I agree with your premise. The plot is silly & not in a good way.

    • Like 2
  5. 8 minutes ago, Baumer said:


    I'm not one to usually agree with giantcal..but I do this time...100%!


    It takes a lot to get almost everyone to agree on something here, could we all be the crazy ones? I guess it's possible in one of the infinite universes in the multiverse but we aren't in this one.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Agafin said:


    Why should he care if people make a joke of it? As long as he's not trolling, there's absolutely no reason to not keep reiterating what he thinks, at least while it's still relevant (and since CW is still in the top 10, it is still a relevant thing to discuss). I could understand your complain if he was just spamming the board with fanboy comments devoid of any substance like "it should've had a 3.00 multi", 'WOM was so great" etc but so far, he's been using actual data and trends from past movies to come to his conclusions that CW is not behaving like it should according to him. That is valuable imo.


    I am about to blow a gasket having to repeat myself over and over, if you (or BKB & NP) don't understand how piracy is having zero effect beyond the normal blockbuster & how Civil War is performing almost exactly in line compared to AOU & IM3 then it's pointless to keep going. Literally everyone on here but those two thinks that argument is conspiracy nonsense. Now I'm done.

    • Like 3
  7. 11 minutes ago, Agafin said:


    I don't really get this logic. Are you saying that he's wrong because you said so? Or because the majority is against him? If he can back up his arguments, that's far more valuable in a BO discussion thread than just calling something a joke because you disagree with it.


    You don't get the logic that the forum has been making a joke about the piracy argument for two weeks? No helping you then & pointless to keep talking about this. This discussion is the antithesis of "valuable."


    Btw it is 100% wrong & I am 100% right. Thanks though. BKB & NP have ZERO support other than crazy conspiracy theories.

    • Like 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, No Prisoners said:

    The point is that's meh legs compared to each of the last 3 may openers. All of them not considered as good. Small or large OW.

    Prove? The truth. It's piracy not fatigue. The numbers back me up and so will Disney at some point


    You do realize the entire forum has been mocking you & BKB for two weeks straight on this right? To the point it's beyond not funny anymore... Just please stop for your own good & for the sake of this joke finally going away.

    • Like 3
  9. 1 hour ago, cannastop said:

    Bro, you're talking out of your ass. Where is this enormous resentment of TFA? Have the critics on Rotten Tomatoes rescinded their reviews?


    Canna where did I say there was resentment exactly? You said that, not me. Even on here, there has been a softening of how great the film has been perceived as we've gone farther from the release. It's impossible to quantify but it has been slowly moving down on IMDB as time has gone on & that site is notoriously upside biased. Watch the huge come down in episode 8, it will make a lot of $ obviously but it's clear it won't come anywhere near that level of hype or repeat viewings. Why is that? Partially due to law of averages but partially because it's not as beloved as some tout on here. It's that simple.

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