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Posts posted by GiantCALBears

  1. 3 minutes ago, YourMother said:

    When RDJ eventually quits, as long as Marvel writes a good script, brings decent marketing, and find a charismatic actor, I think the next Iron Man will do well.


    Well is all relative... Need to define the parameters better.

  2. 1 minute ago, boomboom234 said:

    If you go with that argument why doesn't every comic movie open huge, suicide squad is relatively niche comparable to GOTG 


    Fair enough, I don't think anyone was expecting SS to have a less front loaded opening though? 

  3. 4 minutes ago, jandrew said:


    This is not any proof at all. SS has been set to open grand for a while now. You can't stop a hypetrain just like that...


    Our members need to learn the difference in RT affecting OD/OW as opposed to the rest of the run. 

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, Baumer said:


    That's not a good number. If you base it strictly on BvS then it does 127. Any other CB released in the last two years and it does over 130. 135-140 seems logical.


    I'm not saying it will do $125m, I'm saying despite the great social media hype/ads this will not open like a traditional non-sequel. Even with the Olympics tonight, I expect the IM to be a lot closer to BvS as opposed to TDK.


  5. 5 minutes ago, nilephelan said:


    Or how many people are throwing a bit of reality on it given the 6pm release, the potential T-Mobile fudge built in, the terrible reviews, etc....


    The vast majority of people don't want this to fail and were hoping it would be a great movie.  There is no conspiracy.  


    Hes having a borderline meltdown over SS, it's weird.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, James said:

    I just saw a comment here predicting 125m for OW. LOL WUT? This is a not a sequel. It should hold better than BvS/CW for the weekend.


    It will be closer to 125m than you think, you clearly don't understand how frontloaded this could be.

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