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Posts posted by GiantCALBears

  1. 2 minutes ago, Kalo said:


    No sorry, It's Called Captain America. it's his movie, and that's what audiences see when they look at it the title. Outside of geek culture at least. 

    Terrence Howard was paid for for IM than RDJ. was it an Rhodes movie? I don't think so. and Chris Evans has a significantly larger role than RDJ and every character in the film and he's pretty much the center of the entire story so yeah, it's a Captain America movie, he just happens to hang out with lots of avengers.


    Lol please, some of you are so dense. They completely changed the plot & tone of the production/advertising to show it was Cap vs IM. It's really not just another CA sequel, both the industry/fan expectations & actual data support it.

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, Kalo said:

    I honestly don't care if it make trillions of dollars, it's going to be a huge financial success for the studio and it's the best superhero film ever made, if American audiences are too stupid to see that for themselves, then it's their loss. 


    No way this is a better SH film than TDK, I bet it's not even close.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, No Prisoners said:

    I know yall like to think of this as an Avenger 2.5, but in the end it's still a CA movie. A nearly 100% OW increase and a likely 66%+ total increase over CA2 is nothing to be disapointed about


    No it really is TA2.5 when you consider it has RDJ playing a major role. Especially how it was marketed.

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, Dexter of Suburbia said:

    I want to know what these people are like in real life. Do they say these things to friends and family. "So today I told a go to fuck off Twitter since he is predicting a 180m OW"


    Clearly they don't, it so easy to say whatever you want as a basically anonymous troll (as if Gitesh (or anyone in that same sort of position) cares enough to call him out) online with little consequence. Pathetic but true, guys like that think they are geniuses because they can type on a keyboard lol.

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  5. 9 minutes ago, Talkie said:


    An OW of $180M+ for a Captain America movie would be the very definition of "over-performing," given that the previous entry in the series earned roughly half as much. If anyone actually believes otherwise, there's no reasoning with them.


    Honestly, stuff like this takes away from the fun of following box office stats. People on this site lose perspective too easily. It has to be all or nothing; if a movie doesn't make tens of millions over expectation it's deemed a disappointment or a flop. There's no middle ground.


    For me, making predictions and joining or starting clubs is about taking risks and having fun going out on a limb. I'm sure that the professionals have more at stake, but none of us are pros. It's still going to be fun tracking CW's numbers, but the ginned-up drama is not as interesting.


    Thank Feige the movie is everything I ever hoped it could be. Watching CW was like watching my geeky childhood dreams leap out of a comic book and onto the screen. My inner 9-year-old spent 2.5 hours in heaven and I couldn't be happier. :D                     


    This isn't just another CA movie despite what anyone says, having the main draw in the franchise is pulling in a decent portion. The point was there is a ceiling clearly & that the two Infinity Wars will be in good shape if they can beat this films performance. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Stringer Bell Theory said:

    What is funny to me is that if no sites predicted 200 mil this would be an over performance. So called "experts" get carried away and now sub 200 is disappointing. A few months ago there were still people saying 120 to 150. All it takes is a publication over predicting and 180 is now a failure. It's still on track to be the #2 MCU film when all is said and done, but okay let's all freak out. 


    Managing expectations is one of the toughest things to do in life, not a surprise we see the same here esp among some of our younger and more eccentric posters.

  7. 1 minute ago, cannastop said:

    I just wanna say that I feel a little schadenfreude that Captain America 3's reception on Rotten Tomatoes, while great, is just a little less positive than it was for a different Disney movie released in March.


    Apple & oranges canna, you can take all the pleasure you want but not exactly the same type of films.

    • Like 2
  8. 8 minutes ago, Telemachos said:


    It's not instantaneous -- final data won't trickle in for a few more hours, and when even a slight adjustment could mean some egg on your face, it's understandable while studios prefer to wait until everyone's reported in. Plus, ya know, why pay that night premium for employees if you don't have to?


    I get the overhead aspect of it, data flows in so fast these days I guess is my counter.

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