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Posts posted by GiantCALBears

  1. 1 minute ago, Telemachos said:


    Of course. It's just an ugly thing to root for, especially when the only reason to do so is because you didn't like a movie.


    Dude listen to what you guys are actually arguing. I guess rooting against rival sports teams or political candidates because some lower level employees may lose jobs in their failures is a terrible thing? 

    • Like 5
  2. 3 minutes ago, Telemachos said:

    I'm not really excited about reading the last 50 pages or so. :mellow: 


    Just as an aside (from reading the last couple of pages before the lock), everyone who publicly wants Snyder fired and the JL project delayed -- there's human collateral damage if your wishes come true. A few hundred people -- all the below-the-line crew -- will be out of work and scrambling to find ways to cover rent/mortgage payments/cost of living. When a project gets delayed close to its start date, it's very difficult to find a replacement job quickly, especially any sort of long-term work. All these crew members had financial security for awhile, their lives at least somewhat planned out for the near future. Often-times, with a high-profile feature like this, once you're booked, you turn down other work because projects like this are better. So the jobs you might've had are also gone (in most cases) because you were already booked on JL. 


    It's easy to hate on Snyder and the really-high profile cast and crew because they're extremely well-paid and they'll be fine, one way or another. But the below-the-line guys (and gals) are just working folk. 


    I know it's not gonna change anyone's opinion of what they want to see happen, but at least recognize that it's sort of an ugly thing to want.


    & other people without work right now will have jobs doing something else. That's business.

    • Like 3
  3. Just now, Telemachos said:


    Pretty simple: don't insult or berate other people, don't constantly post about how awesome/horrible BVS is, or how awesome/horrible it's doing.


    Moderation in all forms. :) 





    That post got deleted but I'm pretty sure you guys wouldn't be this strict had it opened huge & held well (like it's been on almost every other movie). Food for thought.

    • Like 3
  4. 1 minute ago, Sam said:


    Sounds about right.


    This is really surprising to me. I mean, I'm aware that WOM is at best mixed, but the dailies were not really that bad, definitely not bad enough to give indication of such drop like this for weekend. And without any competitions from openers too. Yikes.


    The lack of competition is what's most troubling about this number, it had everything going for it this weekend to hold well globally other than MAYBE saying it's still a month away from the official summer season but even that's a stretch. We've seen the line drawn over "seasons" & best months be blurred a lot more recently.

    • Like 3
  5. 2 minutes ago, Water Bottle said:


    Sure. It went up from 0.01% to 0.02%. If Legendary/WB haven't fired Gareth Edwards after Godzilla, why would WB drop Snyder?


    Im not saying it's going to when they are about to start filming in <2 weeks but crazier things have happened.

  6. 1 minute ago, Nova said:

    I don't know what's worse. The meltdowns that are going to happen on this board or the meltdowns currently happening over at ESPN because the Warriors have lost at home. Meanwhile I'm just like :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:


    Lol the Warriors are on a history breaking end of the season run, where do you expect the slant to be? Besides historically has any West Coast team outside of the Lakers ever meant this much to the sport?

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