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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. Still think this will waste Bale with so many characters in the mix but I would love to see him go nuts if he's given his due screentime.
  2. Was reading about the original movie and two tidbits I never knew before: - Jim Carrey auditioned for Malcolm and apparently got really close. - They had planned to film a Sam Jackson raptor chase sequence but a storm destroyed the set so in the end they just had the bloody arm fakeout.
  3. I wouldn't go that far, but the PT's moderate rehabilitation does show the power of meme culture. I still think the movies are shit but even I find the memes funny.
  4. I've no doubt it's a movie you have to see multiple times to appreciate all the nuances and intricacies.
  5. "“With every casting announcement or bit of news, they’re like: ‘What is this?’ And that’s perfect — the less you know about it the better.”" I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's go to be a deconstruction of Barbie. Call me crazy, it's just a feeling.
  6. I'm sure it was just a joke. Although JW did seem to take sadistic delight at BDH's assistant being torn to shreds and then gobbled up for the sin of... looking at her phone. (I'd have been up for a movie full of stuff like that, but having it just once was... weird.)
  7. My favourite thing about Jurassic World is still Jake Johnson's original logo wearing meta-character, because he could go between parallel dimensions and see the 1993 film we saw instead of remembering how it was in his world: a terribly managed disaster that resulted in the deaths of multiple members of staff. 😵
  8. The 5 mintues when it was actually the movie they promised was fun, I'll give it that.
  9. The seems to be getting the kind of reviews the first Jurassic World film should have.
  10. I remember being so bored in by Lost World as a kid in the theater. Between that and Batman and Robin I had a bad time with anticipated sequels in '97.
  11. I liked this enough that I didn't feel my time was wasted. Surrender to the campness and there's enough to enjoy. It knows there's nowhere to go after the first trilogy that wouldn't be a retread, so you might as well make fun of the retread itself. Not every day you see a movie call out its own financing studio by name. Unfortunately when it's no longer in meta mode and gets on with the earnest part of the story - rescue Trinity - it gets really boring, and the action scenes are barely worth talking about. Clearly Wachowski is a lot more invested in the Neo Trinity love story than most viewers are. I also have to say the digital photography was ugly as fuck - it made the movie feel so much smaller than its predecessors. I assume its ludicrously high budget was partly down to covid? Becuase it sure as hell didn't look like a 200m movie.
  12. But for the elite of those sports the olympics is a logical end goal and what they train towards. Winning an Oscar is not a logical end goal for the makers of Top Gun 2.
  13. Imagine giving a shit about the plot of these films at this point. It's like being worried about Pirates of the Carribean spoilers.
  14. Rewatched the first one yesterday, I'd only seen it once before about 25 years ago. The dogfights are still really boring (I hate them in Star Wars as well, to be fair), but the film's way better looking than I remember. Scott's sweaty, sunset-laden photography makes everything feel huge and visceral. A real precursor to Michael Bay, for better or worse. The script also takes itself just the right amount of serious, it's not nearly as camp as its reputation suggests. I wouldn't say it makes me desperate to see this sequel but if they can make the ariel stuff more exciting then it's already a major win.
  15. I mean, the trailer wasn't very funny. I'm sure it'll be fine but I can easily believe a lot of jokes didn't land at test screenings.
  16. Eh. Like all MCU humour it's never *that* funny but I'm sure enough people will be happy to see another Thor movie. I strongly suspect Bale will be wasted in this, though at least it's recognisably him.
  17. You can set your watch by the quality and reception of this franchise by now, there's no risk in filming both back to back. They don't need to wait on the first part's reception to do the second. Anyway. Hasn't Kittridge aged well?
  18. It's all a bit too epic and self-important for its own good - that's definitely not why I watch these movies - but it doesn't matter, I'll be seeing this in cinemas.
  19. Curious to see how this does. On the one hand the criticisms about the first movie having a meagre legacy are somewhat warranted; on the other hand in a world of peak MCU saturation even a goddamn Avatar sequel feels like a breath of fresh air. And sorry Jim - however I end up watching this it won't be in 3D. Fool me once...
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