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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. I don't think there's any doubt which would win. The only quesiton would be whether Opp's OW could make even half of Barbie's.
  2. What an incredible set. It really does look like it was etched into the rock. Warners are clearly sparing no expense.
  3. I know it’s pissing in the wind to point it out after this many years but it is genuinely demented how much this forum cares about incremental RT percentiles.
  4. Sounds like it’s about as good as it could have been given the best part of its predecessor is no longer around. If it had to be made it’s commendable that they didn’t drop the ball.
  5. Totally forgot this was a Disney film. Boy, they just gorged on everything didn’t they?
  6. Not gonna lie, if Cameron does a reverse Terminator and makes Jake the villain in this one I'll be very impressed.
  7. Well the cast and crew couldn't just 'mind their own business' at the time, such is a nature of a virus. To be clear her outlook doesn't change my interest in the movie. I just know if I was a journalist bored out of my mind at another film junket with the same old fawning questions and answers I'd be tempted to bring up something that actually was a big deal at the time of production. They won't of course, because that's not what these things are for and if you're a showbiz hack then future access matters.
  8. Yup, looks like a videogame cut scene. Not trolling, it just makes me realise how far video games have come in the 13 years since the last one came out. At least the water scenes might (and it's a big 'might') justify the 3D. Definitely curious to see how this is received.
  9. Finally got round to seeing the first one. Like the book, I enjoyed it with a detached admiration. In that sense it was a very faithful adaptation - I didn't really care about the characters but as a mood piece it was immaculate. Since others are comparing the two: I'm still more curious about any future Nolan project and probably always will be, but I think we can probably all agree Vielneuve's sense of quality control is much stronger.
  10. I'd admire any journalist who doesn't give a shit about future MCU access asking her straight out on the press tour if she's still an antivaxxer and if that made filming hard but yeah, water under the bridge as far as this film's concerned. Certainly didn't feel like that when the news broke though.
  11. I’m normally a “who cares about the lore, just make it good” guy, but my god did this show waste its IP. I’ve no doubt Netflix made this thinking it could be the next Game of Thrones and clearly it failed miserably. 2 seasons and it didn’t produce a single good episode. It’s not weird that Cavil bailed out, it’s weird that there’s even more of him on the way.
  12. I didn’t think the first BP was perfect (crappy action scenes and the world-building of wakanda was massively overhyped) but this is the first marvel film in longer than I can remember that I’ve been curious about. Sounds like they stuck the landing.
  13. That's just because you're used to the extended versions. Some of the extended scenes are interesing but lots of them also go on too long. Jackson did well to kill his darlings. I'd have probably kept the Borimir scene in the Two Towers though, because seeing that side of him enriches Fellowship rewatches.
  14. It's not without its problems but I liked this season a lot. The story was focused and absorbing while the acting and visuals were uniformly excellent. Every single interior looks gorgeous. And, cheap or not, there's just no substitute for that sense of dread you get with when people can die out of nowhere in seconds. I think as I'm getting older the spectre of threats against children hits harder. I do hope that's it for time jumps for a long while, because all the criticisms over the nonsensical ageing (or lack of) for certain actors is 100% warranted. Don't have much else to say - perhaps I enjoyed this more than I would have because of how dogshit Rings of Power was, but I think the fact that people still liked this following its predecessor's backlash speaks for itself.
  15. I watched the extended editions a long time ago. There's some good-ish stuff in there but I ultimately agree with Jackson: the theatrical versions are the definitive ones and should be judged accordingly. I think after a decade of SH movies I just have a much stronger aversion to huge CGI battles and RoK often feels like a never-ending series of them. It's notable that I don't have the same problem with Helm's Deep, though.
  16. So in the wake of this I rewatched the Jackson trilogy and, hot take, Return of the King... isn't that good. Fellowship and Towers remain masterclasses in story adaptation and wringing emotion while maintaining narrative efficiency, but Return surrenders completely to CGI action in a way the other two are actually really good at avoiding, and too many characters have too little to do. It's still enjoyable, it functions mechanically scene to scene, but in the macro... something's missing. I'd like to read a good deep-dive on that because the consensus that it's the best entry is still pretty prevalent I think.
  17. Yes really. It's a barely remembered 90s relic that had the balls to use 'from the producer of Jurassic Park' as a marketing hook. Good for them, because evidently it worked.
  18. I watched Fellowship straight after the last episode of this and I must say, as palette cleansers go it was like slipping into a warm bath after wading through sewage. Perhaps it’s unfair to compare this to Jackson’s trilogy given that’s had 20 years to ferment its nostalgia, but RoP is clearly trading off the films’ popularity so really it’s not.
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