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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. "Reactive". Reactionary means 'opposing political progress or reform'. As much of a mess as the DCU is, you couldn't really accuse it of that.
  2. This reminded me of that film 'The Devil Inside', where the ending was just a link to a website where you could find out the actual ending. Still made 100m WW...
  3. Yeah, I guess that's what I mean. What exactly about MoS's reception (it did ok at the BO and the less said about reviews the better) made WB think this is the guy we need to entrust with 3 enormous, franchise-defining movies... I'll never know.
  4. If JL's numbers are anything to go by it looks like audiences are treating them as two entirely separate entities. In a way it's remarkable how little WW's presence helped JL given how popular her movie was.
  5. To be serious for one post, Batman does deserve better. Has any movie franchise character endured the ups and downs that poor guy's had?
  6. I think he's given up defending the indefensible. His 'JL might not even drop at all next weekend!' post will live on through the ages, though.
  7. Omg, under 100m. What's it like to be a studio that has one of the the biggest success stories of the year and the biggest disaster of the year?
  8. Listening to the audio-book for the first time in ages. So so funny.
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