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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. Funny, I was about to say that (so far) it looks much smaller... and that that's a good thing. I know of course it will be bigger because it's illegal for sequels not to be bigger, but I liked the idea of paring it down a bit.
  2. Sometimes you see that a movie exits and can barely conceive how enough people thought it was a good enough idea to make it.
  3. It was a moment of genuine heroism, but man I have no interest whatsoever in seeing this.
  4. Oh, so the volcano thing is actually a major plot point of the next one. I though @CoolioD1 was joking when he mentioned that yesterday. Huh. That sounds... huh.
  5. The Lost World's chief failing is definitely that it's totally oblivious about what dickheads most of its good guys are. In the movie's head, Vince Vaughn's character is someone the audience roots for.
  6. I'd say "Jurassic Park is one of the best mega-blockbusters ever" is a pretty reasonable argument. For kids of a certain age in the early 90s JP was the closest they got to their own Star Wars experience, and on rewatch I think it holds up thanks to great characters, pitch-perfect atmosphere and well-executed pacing. It's why no matter how shitty the sequels are I'll always find myself rooting for this franchise, against all logic.
  7. If you liked that aspect of it I would very much recommend reading (or rather, listening) to the book anyway. It really is great.
  8. Marketing costs for this film must have been insane. I can't remember the last non-sequel, non-SH movie that got so much promotion. Luckily it had a fairly low budget.
  9. In terms of sheer audacity at centering its entire marketing campaign on a scene that only lasts 5 minutes — in this case dinosaurs terrorizing thousands guests at a fully functioning park — JW is up there with BvS. That was the movie I wanted to see, and fuck JW for not giving it to us. That said, I'm kind of intrigued to see where they go from here. Surely it's not yet another 'return to the abandoned park to find it overrun' storyline.
  10. Are the (admittedly not awful) kids actually back for this one? Say what you will about the Lost World, but it at least didn't shoehorn Tim and Lex back into the plot as major characters.
  11. It's a tad funny that 2012 wasn't released in, y'know, 2012. That's all I can really muster up to say about it.
  12. There's some truth in jest to that: Nolan is basically his own franchise at this point. But apart from TDA categorically not being an original move in the Academy Screenplay award sense, its inbuilt fanbase (small as it may be) is basically the reason it exists and has any hype at all, surprisingly strong reviews notwithstanding.
  13. The Disaster Artist is arguably not even behaving like an 'original' film anyway: it had a very specific fanbase ready and waiting from the get-go.
  14. It won't affect it to any noticeable degree. Maybe when it's down to the last 8 those individual countries will see hits on specific days, like the US would for the Superbowl.
  15. Sadly the video has been taken down, but I expect it'll go something like this: http://ew.com/article/2010/07/19/devil-laughter-m-night-shyamalan/
  16. It's a really bad film, but it's fascinatingly bad - I'll give it that. It stayed with me a lot more than the average MCU flick, put it that way.
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