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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. Holy fucking shit at IT's WW number. I hadn't followed it all beyond its domestic OW.
  2. Just browsing Jackman's IMDB, his only real critical successes outside of X-Men films are The Prestige and Prisoners. I like the guy, but it's shocking how bad he is at choosing movies.
  3. I can't remember a non-franchise film that's been advertised this much in recent memory. Seriously, they've gone absolutely nuts marketing this in the UK.
  4. Not the most exciting trailer in the world, but it looks way too deliberately uncomfortable to be brushed off as Oscar bait. It's also going to have a lot of Weinstein references in the reviews.
  5. Yeah, this is really funny. It doesn't hold back at all on how horrific this period in Russia was (lots of people die, brutally), and the laugh out loud dialogue combines to make it almost surreal. The 100 minutes flew by.
  6. How come? (Asking only because you're more thoughtful than most, not getting defensive.)
  7. Fassbender suffers from Colin Farrell syndrome: a character actor cast in leading man roles because of his looks. He'll never be a draw, but I've always found him very watchable.
  8. There's a weird strain of people on this forum who don't seem to appreciate that Shame is a legitimately good movie.
  9. By every account it is. But I'm sure if it's not to your taste the next feature length Faig/Apatow improv class will be along shortly.
  10. Can't be bothered to check the thread but I assume we've already had a laugh at how much the poster rips off Inception. I do a double-take every time I see it out and about:
  11. I'd love to have been in the pre-production meetings to see how a bunch of people agreed to spend that much money on a sequel to a film that's partly famous for being a box office disappointment. Maybe they saw Tron Legacy's haul and thought 'it'll be fine'.
  12. In fairness Ghostbusters '16 only had about three defenders on here. Three more than it probably deserves, but still not many. As for JW, I'm unremitting in how bad I think it is, but I'd never deny it was popular. It is quantifiably very popular... insofar as people think of it at all.
  13. I think they probably could have gotten away with dropping the whole hologram love angle. It didn't really feel new and his relationship with Deckard may have been more profound if he'd spent the previous part of the movie in utter loneliness. As it was, the artificial love aspect was occasionally interesting but far from essential. Perhaps they were trying to subvert the isolated protagonist trope of the first film.
  14. I did chuckle seeing Sony product placement all over this film, considering many of the corporations who did the same in the first one famously went bankrupt not long after.
  15. Clearly, the film shouldn't have been that expensive. If that's what it took to make it look like it does then I'm not complaining, but this should have been an 80m labor of love, at most.
  16. To a point, but the book is actually really sparse on the look of the world. It doesn't even say LA 2019 looks especially grimy or decrepit. That was all Scott. Dick actually saw early production footage of the city just before he died, and was floored.
  17. It's a small point but I wish there had been a lot more street level scenes. That's what made the original come to life, and they had such a great playground to explore in this one but went for almost entirely big landscape shots. Good-looking ones, no doubt, but in a world where absolutely no-one is impressed by CGI anymore they really should have gone lower more often.
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