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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. I'm not a SW fan at all and can ultimately take or leave any of the movies, but the fact that TLJ even has a moderately cohesive plot already puts it far closer to Empire. It's fine to say Empire is the series pinnacle and TLJ is condemned to remain in its shadow, but c'mon:
  2. This debate got so boring I believe the board collectively agreed that it was somewhere in between. Which it was.
  3. Insofar as Clones is literally one of the worst big budget franchise movies ever made, I think it's fair to say TLJ is at the very least closer to Empire.
  4. Jumanji's definitely doing better than I thought it would. I doubt there's much if any nostalgia happening, it was just the right movie for the right time. TLJ's only okayish performance didn't hurt either.
  5. TFA was the definition of design by committee (a committee whose MO was "make it as much like A New Hope as possible".) It's weird because I didn't even like TLJ that much, but man there's a lot of bullshit being peddled around here.
  6. Someone on my Facebook newsfeed just posted something along the lines of 'just got back from last jedi, whole thing was just a long toy commercial!!' I resisted the urge to reply 'is this the first Star Wars movie you've ever seen?'
  7. They were, helped along in part by people like me who were purely curious about the 3D. Before you start, I'm actually one of the few apologists on the forum for Avatar's screenplay: Cameron's really good at telling populist stories. But man, 4 more of these things...
  8. I think it's a given the next movie will increase, because both Disney and Abrams will be safe as fuck. A shame, perhaps, but totally their prerogative.
  9. Although it shouldn't be overstated, there might be a bit of that going on here. TFA really isn't the beloved movie its phenomenal box office suggests. Wonder if the next four (!) Avatar movies should be concerned.
  10. I doubt anyone wanted an origin story for this of all things, but since all that matters are the songs and scenery who cares I guess? Give it all the money (in the UK at least).
  11. This is one of the strangest posts I've ever read on this forum.
  12. ^ Both kind of positive? Also, does Michelle Williams actually speak in this? I'm mildly shocked that an actress of her caliber is already playing the passive, supporting wife part.
  13. Yeah, the title of this is definitely unfortunate. I saw the thread and my initial reaction was "I thought they canned that flop YA series."
  14. Ah, that fun moment when I know nothing about what constitutes a good or bad dailies drop thus have no idea how sarcastic everyone's being.
  15. As crazy as it sounds, credit placement on promotional materials is often part of a big actor's contract. But yes, marketing departments could at least have it make sense when they compose the alignments. Anyway, as hard as it is to feel strongly about this franchise I wish the movie all the bet. Hopefully, unlike Ghostbusters '16, they actually bothered to write a script.
  16. I've never been so excited at one gigantic corporation buying out another slightly less gigantic corporation!
  17. The BBC's hyper-lavish And Then There Were None that was on a couple of years ago is really worth watching if you're into this stuff.
  18. Is Jake Johnson's computer-guy meta-character, who seemed to be around just to subtextually say how stupid the audience was for wanting to see JW, gonna be back? He was great.
  19. Genuinely surprised reviews are good for this. And no, the first is not some sacred classic — that's nostalgia fetishism gone mad.
  20. This book starts brilliantly then falls to pieces. By the final hundred pages I was embarrassed on Tartt's behalf. Can't imagine why it would make a good movie, but at least a sterner editor will streamline the narrative a bit.
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