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Everything posted by peludo

  1. What IA3 did in China? I'm trying to find out data but I haven't got it. BOM doesn't give any number for China. Was IA3 released there?
  2. That's the difference. The same than Europe. There are many climate differences between European countries / USA states in order to make an uniform analysis of wheather
  3. That's sad, but truth . Some regions don't usually see snow and when it falls, it's seems apocalypse. We have cold temperatures (not like Russia, but -10 or lower are very usual). But snow upsets us.
  4. Those are the real problems. Euro starts in two weeks and it will devour everything in June. And a month later we have Olympic Games. It shouldn't affect as much as Euro, but box office will still suffer.
  5. Agreed. We're still in May and, in Spain, we have already had about 40 degrees in some places, and 32-33 in the whole country. This temperatures are quite usual. I can understand there are other countries that don't usually have that temperatures, but that's not extreme heat
  6. I add Spanish data: We had 376 million admissions in 1968. 96 million in 2011
  7. I agree. I think Australia has doubled exchange rate since 2003. If ROTK did 36 million in 2003, today it would have done about 70 (and that's only if we take into account that factor. Not inflation or 3D)
  8. Spain, of course . I will compare ROTK with Avatar for 3D prices and similar release dates. Avatar had 9 million admissions and made 110 million (ratio 1.4 dollar-euro). ROTK, with 6.8 million admissions grossed nearly 40m $ in 2003. If we take the same price than Avatar and we adjust with the actual exchange rate (1.25 dollars for euro), ROTK would have done today about 70-75 million. Even with crisis or an admissions drop, it's difficult to see TH making less than 50 million here. Spain adores LOTR trilogy. Having into account that TA is in trouble to get 20 million here, I think TH will, at least, double TA in Spain.
  9. Then we have already two markets where TH can double TA grosses
  10. I voted TDK for both too. But I think Batman Begins has been highly underrated (not here). In my opinion, the second in the list, very close to TDK. An A+ for both
  11. I'm conscious that grosses have risen a lot. I just wanted to know if both movies would be at the same level than TA (40s). And I know too that both summer animated movies, Ice Age and Madagascar, will make enormous numbers, over any other movie in the year.I like to follow numbers in every country in the world, but lately, I'm obviously more interested in these growing markets (China, Russia, Brazil or Mexico). I want to find patterns in order to predict some OS numbers. For that reason, and finally, what do you see for The Hobbit? ROTK already did 14 million and I think Russia loves 3D. I have read predictions of 60 million.
  12. I suppose it's the Thursday DOM number for TA
  13. Is it already ahead of UK ? I didn't know it. What do you see there for TASM and TDKR? I have seen Spiderman 3 did 13.8 million and TDK did 8.5
  14. Well, I hope it doesn't take so long. Anyway, thank you :)Third market?? really?? ahead of Japan or UK?? Incredible
  15. Bien dicho Well, both Spain and Italy are in the middle of a disastrous economic situation, as you probably know. And I don't see a recovery in a short time (at least, in Spain). But Russia's BO is very funny to follow. I'm amazed how it has risen last years (and I suppose it will continue rising)
  16. Don't compare with Spain. Today, my country's market is not as big as the others you mentioned
  17. Great idea!! I'll start with a modern film, The Departed (2006)
  18. The Godfather, LOTR, Star Wars Original and Indiana Jones, in this order (and waiting for TDKR)
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