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Everything posted by peludo

  1. Exactly. ROTK is the third highest grossing movie in the history here (just behind Avatar and Titanic) and sixth in attendance (6.8 million tickets). Spain really love Tolkien: TTT had 6.4 million admissions, and FOTR had 7 million. The better exchange rate in 2003 did ROTK to be the higher grosser of trilogy. With today prices, 3D, today euro-dollar rate exchange and if we consider, for instance, a 30% drop attendance, The Hobbit is headed to make, at least, 50 million here.You've been talking about the Spanish situation and its influence on box office. It's obvious that box ofice has fallen last years. We have a 24% unemployment rate. But the problem is bigger if you look at the youth people, who are the main market for big blockbusters like TA. The youth people unemployment rate is 52%. That's insupportable. They can't go to movies. It's just impossible. But there are some "special movies" that are immune to crisis. The usual blockbusters are obviously grossing less, but that special movies like Avatar (110 million) or movies headed to an adult public like Intouchables, that has already grossed 20 million, are not affected. Even Tintin or Puss in boots grossed between 22 and 25 million 6 months ago, which are still remarkable grosses.The Avengers? it has already grossed 15 million. It could end with 20. If you want to compare with other SH movies, Spiderman (23 million), Spiderman 2 (18), Fantastic Four (15), Spiderman 3 (24), TDK (16), Hancock (26), Thor (12). I think we can consider 20 million a good number, having into account the situation.
  2. I think he's right. The TA Europe numbers are quite average for a very big movie:UK - TA (65) - Avatar (150) - ROTK (106)France - TA (30) - Avatar (158) - ROTK (48) - DH2 (67)Germany - TA (23) - Avatar (157) - ROTK (87) - DH2 (78)Italy - TA (20) - Avatar (83) - ROTK (35) - DH2 (29)Spain - TA (15) - Avatar (109) - ROTK (39) - DH2 (21)But I agree that is in the same line than great SH movies like The Dark Knight or Spiderman movies
  3. 0. The Avengers (done)1. Ice age 32. The Dark Knight Rises3. Finding Nemo (I'm not sure but I'd really like. It need to do 132 with the 3D release)4. The Hobbit5. Jurassic Park
  4. Absolutely agree. And there are other emblematic characters in Star Wars apart Han Solo
  5. BOM reports Avengers plummets in France (-63.7%), 6.9 million 2nd weekend gross and a cume of 25.8 http://www.boxofficemojo.com/intl/france/?yr=2012&wk=18&p=.htm
  6. Agree. In this point I think everything is possible for the 3 movies. This is going to be a historic year
  7. Yes. I had looked at Spiderman as a possible model for The Avengers, but then we have to look to the weekends too. And Spiderman dropped a 37.8% the second weekend. So, we would have 130 million second weekend... The world would explode
  8. ROTK had a x3 even with its 5-day OW. And The Hobbit has one more weekend holiday than LOTR movies. I think your breakdown it could be possible
  9. About 56% drop for The Avengers. Expected. Great for American pie. It's a huge number, nearly 3 million $. Intouchables starts to fall, but it will surpass 15 million € (20 million $). I doubt if TA will be able to surpass it. If it does, it will be by a low margin
  10. I did like you. At first LOTR size scared me. But I read The Hobbit and I loved it, so I decided to read LOTR too
  11. Amazing for The Avengers. I wouldn't imagine it. Intouchables higher than last weekend (695,000)
  12. It will be released at Christmas with one more holiday weekend than LOTR had. I think that's important. Massive weekends and no direct competition. And (I don't say it will happen) the 3D factor plus 48fps it's a new experience in theaters. ¿Could we have another phenomenon like Avatar? I wouldn't discard it.
  13. The lower attendance is a fact and I have said it in my post several times, but it is highly compensated with the exchange rate, 3D and inflation factors. Every big franchise is increasing its OS grosses considerably, independently of the movie quality and the drop in attendance (Pirates, Transformers, Toy Story or Ice Age are good examples). I don't see why Tolkien novels should be an exception, even when we are talking about one of the bigger best-sellers in history. And I insist in the exchange rate factor. In my opinion It's even more important than 3D or inflation. And today it's very very favorable.I don't think the prediction for China, for example, is pointless, but quite logical. I'll give you another example. Mission Impossible 3 (2006) grossed 10 million there, and the 4th part has grossed 100. Three years earlier Return of the King grossed 12 million. I think it's not wild to think it can make the same or even more. You only give me the reason that The Hobbit is not well-known by the general public. Maybe it is not in India or in your environment, but I can ensure you that it's very well-known OS.
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