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Everything posted by peludo

  1. IMO, it is more likely to drop OS than DOM. I think the ratio can rise to 47/53 or 48/52, even 50/50, since I think Fisher's factor will affect more domestically. I say 800-850 for both DOM and OS.
  2. Pretty agree. It is not just that China has low interest in SW. The real "problem" is that it is so huge in USA that anything it can do OS it will always seem low unless it breaks all time record. SW7 did 1.1b OS but still with a 45/55 ratio, abnormally high for a huge blockbuster. The next film with a similar ratio in WW list is, precisely, Rogue One, with a 50/50. And I do not think SW did a so bad result in China. In the moment it was released, it was the 9th biggest Hollywood film ever, just behind Furious 7, Transformers 4, Age of Ultron, Jurassic World, Avatar, Titanic, Transformers 3 and Mission Impossible 5. That means, behind the 2 biggest HLW franchises in China (Furious and Transformers), a SH sequel, which already had a solid base in China, the 2 biggest films ever (Cameron's monsters), another global hit (JW), and Mission Impossible, which seems the only strange entry. Rogue One dropped a lot relative to SW7, but like it did everywhere. And now we are fearing that SW8 will not match what SW7 did, but it will happen everywhere, not only in China. What people should start to asume is that nothing can be liked in the same way everywhere.
  3. Last year Moana doubled the cume after this holiday weekend. If legs are good enough Coco could even manage $20m.
  4. Well, Chinese and people from most countries. Just 8 teams have won the World Cup.
  5. More like 40-50 years... And we will see then
  6. Sure. And they will probably win the 2020s or 2024s Games (USA will probably win in Los Angeles 2028). But individual sports are which give most of medals. Tell me a group sport which China is one of the best in the world... No one. The main Olympics sports (Athletics, Swimming and Gymnastics) are way different to professional group sports like football, basketball or handball. They need strong leagues and that can not be created in a couple of years. It is a decades process. Right now their level is waaaaay behind the best countries in the world. If they have not been able to be the best of Asia (they have not qualified to World Cup), to talk to compete with the best European and American countries is, for the moment, a chimera.
  7. It eventually can happen, but in 5-10 years? 0% chance
  8. I have spent a lot of time investigating and making calculations to get adjusted figures by ER and inflation, not only in China, but everywhere. I even started a thread for it My point is not so much to measure the success of the film in China, whose result is already quite good. My question is if it is so important to know if it reaches $103m, $104m or $105m. I see many people questioning last days here if it will reach 1 or 2 million more. Does it change a lot the vision of the result? People can ask whatever they want, of course, but I find it quite curious. The reality is that 1 or 2 more millions in China seem irrelevant to make up an already horrendous worldwide result, what I think is the main debate.
  9. I am sorry. Maybe I do not get some things. What's the difference between 101 or 103 or 105? Even more when everything depends on ER. You should be more excited about getting 700m Yuan, which is the real Chinese currency. And said this, and being myself a fan of DCU (specially BvS, the best SH film since TDKR), it does not matter if JL makes 660 WW or 670, or even 680. Even if there is a fucking holy Christmas miracle and it reaches 700. It is a huge disappointment. No matters how you look at it.
  10. 5 seems too high. Correct me if I am wrong, but according jpbox-office.com, France sold 212.7 million admissions last year. And the population of the country is 66.9 million. That means 3.2 tickets per person and year. It is still high for European standards (2.15 is the ratio in Spain, for example). Edit: I have already seen that @TalismanRing said the same before
  11. I quote myself to bump the thread (2 months without a single post ), and to confirm that I have no idea about how Spanish BO works... Tadeo Jones 2 is already over the first part in admissions (3.11m vs 2.76m). But the first part is still over in gross (€18.2m for the first part and €17.3m for the second one) because in 2012 prices were higher and 3D was still on fire.
  12. ^ You can expect the same behaviour from Spain along upcoming week. Both Wednesday and Friday are national holidays.
  13. I guess that nothing can be liked in the same way everywhere. The 45-55 DOM-OS ratio of TFA is a very good proof of it. Star Wars is, by miles, the biggest brand in USA, but not everywhere.
  14. $880m WW means over $600m OS. That is an excellent result for an original film (although I recognize that China's boost makes the result a bit misleading).
  15. Not just satisfying, it is amazing. Coco can make more than the previous 10 Pixar released in China COMBINED I still have not seen Coco, but I absolutely love Pixar so it is great to see finally this kind of result in China
  16. The $75.6m figure is the 10-day cume in China, not the OW. But with an incredible WOM, it seems headed to reach, at least, $150m.
  17. What a mistake! You are absolutely right. Russia has opened to $3.1m, so the sum of the 3 countries during the OW is $11.7m. A 24% lower than Inside out. And on par to Dory, although Coco's legs do not seem to be as good (maybe the weather affects). After 10 days, Dory was at $6.4m and Coco is at $5.6m. Said this, I am still confident this can make huge numbers thanks to Christmas.
  18. Poor? If you add the openings of France, Russia and Spain (I do not see more data) the sum ($15.0m) is on par to Inside Out ($15.4m), over Dory ($11.1m) and doubles The Good Dinosaur ($7.4m), which was the last Pixar November-December film. The Good Dinosaur did $33m in these 3 countries, so a x4.46 multiplier. That would mean $67m just from these 3 countries. IMO, it has chances of $600m OS.
  19. Coco started second in Spain on Friday after a local film, but on Saturday it seems to rank first.
  20. It is not a problem that "Perfectos desconocidos" opens big. There is enough market for both. Next week we have two national holidays (6th and 8th). And this is the Christmas animated film of the year. It will be big for sure. And for the record, it is not something new to see a film dubbed with Mexican accent here. It is not the same situation, but until Franco's death (1975) we saw every Disney animated film dubbed by Mexican actors. I do not think that factor will be a problem.
  21. For sure. Spain uses to love Pixar. And although the "Día de los muertos" is not a Spanish celebration (at least not a funny one) it is quite known here because of tradition. I think you can expect, at least, 15 milion from here
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