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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. They should get the Margot Robbie Vanity Fair guy to write these reports. He won't stand for this downplaying of LoT success!
  2. Highly recommended. These titles are aware of their ludicrousness so it makes it all the more fun. The Flintstones debut issue was really strong. Way above my expectations. DC is on fire right now (well, when it comes to the comics :p). They have just announced a Masters of the Universe/Thundercats team-up book which looks to be as amazing as it sounds.
  3. They only have to put out one movie a year (the year two movies come out, the previous or next year don't have a WDAS movie at all). I doubt we will get a true WDAS clunker before 2020 or anything.
  4. Are you guys reading the Scooby Gang as post-apocalyptic zombie hunters comic that DC is currently putting out? What about the Mad Max-esque Wacky Races and the dark comedy Flintstones ones? All of them are LIT!
  5. Not sure but whom do I need to sell my soul to in order to have Dini and Timm contribute to the DCEU? I heard that Dini unfortunately had a terrible experience working on a live action Hollywood script before and vowed never to return. Thankfully it does look like Spider-Man: Homecoming is taking cues from the awesome sauce of Spectacular Spider-Man. Something that TASM should have done in the first place.
  6. LMAO I was a pre-teen when Evolution aired. It was a fun time to be an X-Fan with Evolution airing, the brand new movie and the beginning of Grant Morrison's legendary run. Evolution wasn't a masterpiece or anything but it had a far more fun take on the X-Men as teenagers concept than First Class.
  7. It would've been awe-inspiring for a non-sequel to barely break into the July Top 10 OW. To place halfway on the list is just nutso.
  8. Yeah, Littlefinger is a big wildcard who everyone has temporarily forgotten about for some reason He won't just let the Dany/Jon union happen as that will reduce his own power some more. Though with how efficient the show had made him, I'm surprised he hasn't prepared or seems to be much aware of the incoming Targaryean comeback feat. his old buddy rival Varys. Cersei will definitely try to repeat the wildfire massacre post the success of the Sept explosion. King's Landing is pretty much booby-trapped, especially when you bring in dragons that can easily ignite the vast caches of wildfire. I don't know how that will play off but hopefully with huge losses on Dany's side (just to keep things interesting for the White Walker attack). It would be interesting to see whether Dany herself is susceptible to this different kind of fire. I can see Tyrion trying to warn her but her characteristic arrogance getting the better of her.
  9. Japan still remains for Jungle Book. Not amazing chances that it will get it to 1B, but not terrible either. It will be painfully close either way.
  10. Hmm, to be fair though, fairytales are the longest surviving genre of storytelling and superheroes have been proven to be incredibly effective for nearly a century now. There will be ebbs and flows, but I doubt they will come crashing down. At least when it comes to those two genres that have shown remarkable consistency in capturing the collective audience's imagination.
  11. Some of them were interviewed during Kaguya's year anonymously and one of them made the mega ass comment "How did these two Japanese things that no one has heard of be nominated (in regards to Kaguya and European production Song of the Sea) instead of Lego Movie?" The folks who nominate the movies for BAF are the only ones who take the category seriously. After that, it is just a Grammy-style blind voting for the most popular/ubiquitous film.
  12. That's not to say Japanese animation isn't more varied though. There is nothing that really comes close to the works of Satoshi Kon (a creator who has inspired everyone from Madonna to Nolan and Arronofsky), and of course, Miyazaki and Takahata. Agreed that like the output of every country, anime isn't immune to its excesses (of which there are plenty) and often it is the merchandising advertisements disguised as movies that bring in the most $$$. I don't agree with Tele that the West cannot touch Ghibli, but the fact remains that Japan is more open to seeing more subjects tackled by animation. For every Kaguya, there are smashes in Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke, and even overperformers like Only Yesterday. I also heard that Kaguya's release strategy was slightly botched, which affected its performance.
  13. DC has been/allowed colorblind casting since the late 60's, which is incredibly cool of them: It's interesting that during this so called "PC era", the protests against colorblind casting are at an all time high. I don't think Eartha Kitt, Billy Dee Williams in Batman '89, Dean Cain in Adventures of Lois & Clark, Kristin Kreuk in Smallville and even the animated Lex Luthor in the 90's received a quarter of the oppositions POC actors being considered for traditionally white roles get today. *Unless they did and I was too young in the 90's and early 00's to be aware.
  14. This is specifically in regards to the accusations of "reverse racism" as I clearly mentioned in my post. The inter-minority racism is another topic altogether. This was in reply to the tweet bitching about people wanting darker actresses for a white character hence reverse racism. Which is idiotic because Iris West was a character originally created in the 1950's, when black people didn't even have Civil Rights. If making a black Barry Allen would have been incredibly controversial in the 50's, having a black Iris West date a white Barry Allen would have been even more dangerous as interracial marriages were illegal at the time. Iris West couldn't have been ANYTHING but white in the 50's because POC's were still regarded as subhuman in the time period. So now allowing for more options that weren't granted before is racism all of a sudden? The inter-minority racism thing certainly needs to be also discussed, but it isn't 100% certain yet that Kiersey Clemons has gotten the role (there are two white women also rumored to be running as well). Regular racists are jumping into the conversation about inter-racism and muddling the issue, with an aim to ensure Clemons loses out on the role. And if she doesn't get the role thanks to this noise and loses out to FUCKING RITA ORA of all people... *Admittedly chances are slim of her losing out just because of this though.
  15. Not to be a contrarian or anything but I can't be the only one who preferred the predatory and tenacious fogey to the immense drag that Marlin can be at times? Favorite hawk character eva!
  16. It's actually better that it turned out to be a smash instead of a flop. Sloppage can be the inverse of floppage now.
  17. Why can't it be Iris? She's as integral to the Flash mythos as Lois Lane is to Superman. Maybe more so considering her relation to Wally West as well. If Barry Allen can manage being on TV and film simultaneously, so can Iris West.
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