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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. After the Dany/Yara exchange today, I think it is clear that Ellaria too will align with Dany's cause as Khaleesi's motto falls in with her own "No weak men" tagline. If Margaery manages to save Loras and gets him to the safety of Highgarden like she did with Olenna, I think the Tyrells may also switch to Dany. Even if it means Margaery losing the position of queen, I don't think Olenna would prefer the Sparrow mess over Dany. And if Loras and Margaery die before Dany reaches KL, then Olenna would definitely want to align with Dany to get back at the Lannisters and Sparrows.
  2. No they didn't. They explained perfectly well a couple of weeks back how blind loyalty to Robb fucked them up pretty hard. And unlike Jon and Sansa, he was the legitimate male heir. If he could get them into so much trouble, there was no telling how ill-advised an allegiance to Jon/Sansa may prove, especially considering Jon and Sansa's own incredibly spotty records.
  3. I think the overwhelming critical reception of SA and TI were kind of hard to ignore. TI was nominated for Best Original Screenplay as well. If it had lost BAF to Shrek 2 then that would have been an upset. I suspect SA also had an edge because it gave the Academy a perfect opportunity to finally honor Miyazaki and his entire career. OTOH the critical reception for Dory isn't that away from Zootopia's. And it comes from a more respected studio and a franchise that is beloved by many, starring a former Oscar host. I'll give you Rango though that was an actual surprise. Let's see, but I think voters will be very divided at the least.
  4. I'm okay with it. It makes sense as Cersei isn't as odious on the show as she is in the books. Also, it makes Jaime an even more tragic character.
  5. I think Dory may very well be the frontrunner still. Call me cynical but the Academy just does not take the BAF category all that seriously. As Damienroc had once observed, once the nominations are announced, it just becomes a Grammy style vote for the most popular/most $$ making nominee.
  6. I loved Bob Iger going "Oh, we aren't expecting a lot from TFA opening as people would be busy X-Mas shopping"
  7. Jungle Book's hopes of reaching 1B rest almost solely on Japan now. It will get achingly close if it unfortunately misses it. Poor Disney execs will just have to make do with the other 4 $1B 2016 movies and hope that Moana overperforms too.
  8. For a franchise that has been around for 16 years, to still pull in numbers higher than its average instalment is pretty impressive IMO, especially in this market where a lot of sequels are just killing their franchises outright. Add to the fact that it did not have its strongest players like Wolverine and the vet cast in major roles. The bad reviews affected the domestic performance, I think. It's not the ideal outcome obviously but also nowhere near the worst outcome, especially seeing how Fox had prioritised focusing on the spin-offs in the immediate future instead of the main series anyway.
  9. It will be the second highest earning X-Men film of all time (not counting Deadpool). Not bad at all considering close to 70% of the cast is brand new, the cast from the original trilogy is absent and Wolverine is just in a cameo.
  10. Yeah, I usually support and defend D&D and co. but apparently this seems a classic case of people overestimating them. That theory made too much sense to be likely anyway.
  11. LMAO Dany is the ultimate supervillain. I think it was someone on ASoIaF forums who put it thusly: Bloodthirsty conqueror coming from the East, with ferocious dragons, pillaging barbarians, and army of emotionless castrated men = one-dimensional Conan villain
  12. 69-minute (lol) 'roided finale for Season 6 titled "The Winds of Winter" And Episode 9 seems to be almost exclusively North-focused, titled "Battle of the Bastards". Both eps to be directed by last year's Hardhome-helmer Miguel Sapochnik.
  13. That's some time away. They have 5 spin-offs planned currently (Wolverine 3, Deadpool 2, X-Force, New Mutants and Gambit) which are more than enough movies from this cinematic universe for the next 2-3 years. Some shake ups would happen by then regardless.
  14. DoFP had positive reviews though. And as much as Alice choked, it still was a wide release opening during the same weekend.
  15. Wow, another insanely fun Shane Black caper. I'm starting to really dig Black's particularly unique combo of aesthetics and themes.
  16. X-Men: Apocalypse is performing according to how the X-Franchise has always performed. WW it will be the second highest grossing X-flick (not counting Deadpool). And domestically, it will finish somewhere around First Class, the only other X-Men movie without Wolverine in a major role. It's on the lower side of expectations, but I don't see what the doom and gloom is all about. Domestically, it also had to battle negative reviews and no IMAX screens. It made no sense to me how/why so many people took it for granted that Apocalypse could beat DoFP.
  17. I'm gonna miss Rangers performing their fight sequences to Devo.
  18. Wheel of Time will at best muster Outlander ratings. It's an outdated relic of its time with incredibly niche appeal and the reason A Song of Ice and Fire/GoT clicks so well is because it is a deeper deconstruction of the fantasy genre of the 80's and early 90's, of works like WoT. ASoIaF/GoT is basically the Watchmen of its genre.
  19. The latter. She just played Tommen and HS to secure a release for herself and to work on Loras's release too without confessing. You could see her planning a way out since the start of the season. Now this also puts her in favor of the HS and she will be able to exert more influence over Tommen than Cersei. Judging by her expression on seeing the Tyrell/Lannister armies at the Sept though, I don't think she was expecting a rescue.
  20. Kind of sad that X-Men is crumbling. Despite its flaws, I enjoyed it more than DoFP because Singer finally embraced the more comic book-y aspects of the series. Hilariously, I found Alice 2 to be ever so slightly better than Alice 1 too. Even tho that's like saying a 5.5/10 movie is better than a 5.2/10 movie.
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