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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. It has only been downhill since BB, unless there was some severe Nolan bros. intervention like in TDK.
  2. Yes, Paul Dini would be the best thing to happen to the DC Movie Universe! Like a hundred steps up from Goyer, for sure!
  3. Or so he thinks and has successfully fooled in making WB believe so. Reality is, even a "non-comic book" guy like Nolan has a better grasp on these characters because while he may not be a super geek, he gets what each character represents and what really drives them. Goyer only has blurry ideas and cannot write anything other than overwrought sentimentality to save his life.
  4. OMG YES! Tatum/Foxx + Bullock/McCarthy plz finish off MoS with help from WWZ and MU holdovers!!
  5. MU ensured that MoS wouldn't even work like a family movie similar to IM3! Also, script made sure there is zero rewatchability value except for a few diehards.
  6. Just wanted to ask a question to people who have already watched MU. Is it necessary to have watched MI prior to enjoy/understand the movie?
  7. You are better off saving a couple of bucks and just waiting for it to come on the tele.
  8. ^Lol @ butthurt over MoS miserable drop. I hope WB gets the hint and "parts ways" with Goyer after the hackjob he just did.
  9. OMG this summer keeps giving. First epic IM3 breakout, then Gatsby surprise, followed by STiD and TH3 bombs, and now WWZ smash and well deserved MoS freefall. So much awesome!
  10. Lol Nikki. And why is it surprising that Bay started out in porn? He is the perfect definition of a stereotypical porno director!
  11. Here's a solid article which perfectly sums up the numerous problems with this movie --> http://www.getashirtlikemine.com/kennyz/blog/comicbooks/2013/06/18/she-has-no-head-the-problems-with-man-of-steel/
  12. Still find it hard to swallow that not even 50-100 of the privileged got the opportunity to evacuate the planet in time.
  13. Wait, that's just five. Who's the sixth member? As they don't have the rights to Silver Samurai and Sunfire, hopefully it's GoGo Tomago. But they may not use her if they feel her powers are too similar to Quicksilver in TA2. Which would be sad.
  14. People are catching on that it's not all that after all? Good for them.
  15. ^Scott Pilgrim is AWESOMENESS and an EPIC OF EPIC EPICNESS dude!! Oh and this list is solid except for POS TDKR making it all the way to #4.
  16. It definitely could. Greek Gods meet Game of Thrones-esque power struggles and war scenarios set in the modern day? Would leave MoS in the dust. But yeah, they wouldn't be expecting MoS level of success. But the chance to break out like crazy is really there. If Katniss and the Hunger Games can break out, so can WW. Especially since she has the "Most famous woman in comics and first superheroine ever!!" shtick going for her. As we were discussing in the MoS thread, a WW movie could make back half of its budget through tie-ins with female targeted products and services alone! Taking that into consideration, it could be one of the most profitable superhero movies ever made!
  17. I don't mind parallel and separate universes for the DC universe. MoS in his own universe, gritty Batman and Gotham in his own world, WW with Greek Gods playing Game of Thrones-esque power politics in their own universe, GL and the Rainbow corps, Flash and so on. And JL could be a Crisis on Infinite Earths kind of multiverse story where a rift in space and time causes all these parallel universes to collide and merge into one. Causing all these varying characters to come face to face with each other. The heroes form JL to help make sense of all the chaos and bring order back!
  18. Krissykins found this link of an article posted a few hours ago. It claims that next up on WB's schedule for DC movies is MoS2 and WW movies for the same year (2015), MoS2 first in the summer, and I guess WW may be in winter- http://comicbook.com/blog/2013/06/14/rumor-man-of-steel-2-wonder-woman-justice-league-movies-next-for-warner-bros/
  19. Avatar 2 is 2015 too right? And according to latest rumors, Wonder Woman will finally debut in that year as well!
  20. They make up for it by paying all of their cast and crew not named Robert Downey Jr. like a tiny independent studio on the brink of closure.
  21. You can't really compare because TASM had 5-day opening. And then there's the WalMart factor!
  22. Coincidentally, I had my very first shwarma just a couple of weeks before TA release last year, after a screening of Titanic 3D, no less! Damn, all this shwarma talk has gotten me craving for one now!
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