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Everything posted by CDK

  1. Lawrence with ease, K-Stew can stay under that rock.
  2. If they are going to complete the Gwen story correctly (which would be epic) they will have to use Green Goblin or Hobgoblin at some point, so they will have to save them or use them in part 2 or 3, but I would love to see Mysterio or some version of the Sinister 6, deep down a true version of VENOM would be nice as well, Spidey has too many great villains
  3. YES! HELL YES! I love the first two films with WS but it's time for this character to get another shot on the big screen.
  4. I say it is time to let The Batman rest, give him 5 years or so, focus on Superman right now, get some links to a future JL film set, and then when the time is right, bring him back and do it in a less grounded way, more stylized, more comicbook, don't go all cheeze-tastic or over-the-top way but less reality bound, less Nolan type, but it won't be easy for anybody attached to the next version of Batman, big shoes to fill.
  5. Exactly, I think 15min more to do exactly what you said would make this film even better, I just get the feeling he left some scenes on the cutting room floor and the main reason would be the IMAX runtime, I really hope he makes a longer cut but I am not expecting him to ever do that. I am glad you two guys agree with me lol.
  6. Fuck You! You are still upset that it made over $125M DOM without PR
  7. Yes it did Spider-boy! Good to see you AA, redfirebird, baumer and all you other BOM fuckers!
  8. I watched this again and I did like it more the 2nd time, the silly thing's that some of these smart people do still bug me but overall what I liked the 1st time I liked more, I would raise my grade from a 7/10 to 8/10, I really can't wait to see what they do next time.
  9. I have watched this movie once per week since it opened, I am going to say up-front that I love what Nolan did with the Batman world in BB and TDK so I am very biased, and I have waited this long to review it because I wanted to really let it all soak in as this is the end of this version for Batman, so with that out of the way, here we go.....I had very high hopes for this movie, as I said before I love what Nolan and company have done with this character and the world they set him in, the dark and serious tone, the complex way they actually show Bruce Wayne to be from BB to TDKR, it has all been right what I have wanted and that stayed true for this final film, the end of this trilogy, it totally worked for me and finally the superhero/comicbook area has 1 excellent trilogy.The action, the score, the story, the connections to Batman Begins were all just great, Bale was excellent again, Caine, Oldman and Freeman the same, the new members were all solid as well, JGL as the 'next one', Hardy who did an amazing job as BANE, and the standout is Hathaway as Catwoman, she just nailed it. Leading up to this flim I really had no idea what would happen, I made sure to stay away from any and all spoilers on the net and the trailers never really gave anything away, so my guess going in was that Bruce Wayne/Batman would either die saving the city or be injured so badly that he could not go on and a new 'Knight' would take his place, as the main goal from day 1 for Bruce was that The Batman would be a symbol, something everlasting, incorruptible, and they did a great job ending it.I loved how we see the toll that years of kicking the shit out of Gotham's scum took on his body, the pain and weight on Bruce with not being able to go out and be The Batman because he took the fall for what Harvey Dent did, Batman is who Bruce really is and how he found a way to deal with his parents death, his anger with what happend to them drove him to become Batman, it was his way to make sure nobody else would go through what he did and without being able to be him the result on Bruce was brutal.BANE, wow, Nolan made the right choice and more so once we learn who he is connected with (LOS), he was big, brutal, a real threat, over confident, cocky, even funny at times with his one-liners, and very smart, the perfect end villain to go against Batman. Their first fight was amazing, no score, just two men fighting, to see Batman get beat down like that was nuts, the constant talking BANE did was perfect, mocking Bruce and his training, and finally the breaking of his back, the image right from the comics, was a nerd-gasam for me. I love Hardy's take on him, the fact that he was the protector of that bitch Talia was even better, he took all the focus off her so she could destroy Bruce & his company from the inside while BANE broke his body & spirit, masterful plan.Gotham being isolated from the rest of the US, chaos on the streets, the public in fear, the Police trapped underground but given food so they don't die was great, BANE was all about pain & punishment, he broke Batman's body, leaving him in that prison while allowing him to watch Gotham fall apart and giving Bruce the faint hope that he could escape that prison by climbing out one day, classic. The Batman Rises, saves Gordon & Blake, Catwoman & Batman team up, war on the streets, the final fight with Bane, fly's off with the bomb, dies saving Gotham, and then everything that followed, it was a great ending and I am totally shocked that Nolan gave Bruce such a happy send off, I really thought he would be dead at the end of the film, not fake dead lol.Anyway, I could go on and on about it but I really loved this movie, I actually wish it was longer as I feel that his actual rebuilding of his mind and body in the prision and his RISE were rushed a bit, hopefully Nolan will do what he never does and makes a director's cut of this movie, but after watching it 5 times so far and counting, I could not be happier, an excellent ending of the Nolan/Bale trilogy.I have my own little issues with it, but I will keep them to myself, lol.
  10. An ok movie overall, it's not awful but while watching it I just felt that I had seen it all before, the best part for me was watching Kate, she is sooooo hot, way better than Jessica Timberlake, Farrell was fine but I expected a better movie from LW.
  11. Total crap from start to finish, -10/10.
  12. LOVED IT! Better than the first, lot's of laughs, big action, and JCVD was very good as the villain. The only thing I really wanted to see and didn't this time was for Dolph to get his 'moment' like the other big boys did, Arnold, Sly, Bruce, Li and JS all did, hell even big Chuck Norris did, so for #3 let Dolph get his.
  13. I like the film overall, I want to see more films in this trilogy, but the lack of 1 real great fight scene and the totally abrupt ending bug me.I did enjoy the same timeline idea as TBU, that totally worked for me, the fact that during his training he came across places that Bourne went also worked, and I found Cross to be a very interesting character, the idea that he has been 'fixed' by science and that there are other agents out there like him really makes me wonder where this could go and how they could bring a Bourne/Cross team together down the line, plus Norton was great in his 'villain' role.Overall solid but I hope for a much better sequel.
  14. Totally agree with this, I loved it.
  15. Pretty good, the main reason to watch is Josh Brolin as he is perfect as the younger K. Will Smith does his usual thing, some of it worked and some of it didn't, Tommy Lee isn't really in it this round. Emma Thompson was wasted and had the biggest WTF moment in the film, Jemaine Clement seemed to think he was in a much darker film than he was, he totally felt out of place to me, but overall it was pretty good, had some laughs and gave Will Smith another $600M plus WW B.O. hit.6.5/10
  16. I really enjoyed this one overall, I liked the darker tone, The Huntsmen was the star of the show IMO, Charlize was great as the evil queen, I even was fine with Bella...I mean K-Stew, until she gave that painful 'let's go get'em' speech near the end, her face looked like she had a turtle head poking out, she couldn't get her words out at all, that was the one moment in the film that kicked me out of it and reminded me how awful she can act at times.Still, overall I did really enjoy it, 8/10.
  17. The best movie I have watched this year and as many people have said before, this is MARVEL's answer to The Dark Knight.For me everything in this movie worked, the action, the comedy, the interaction between the main group, there were a million ways this could have gone wrong and it didn't. They finally nailed HULK, his look, his power, the rage, and the laughs he could bring, all the actors in this film fit their role's perfectly, RDJ - there will never be another actor who will play TS/IM better, Loki the great villain, Evans is Cap, and CH really fits Thor, and I can't lie, when they did the big circle shot with the AVENGERS theme I did have a tear in my eye lol.Loved the final after credits scene! 10/10 - I have watched it 5 times.
  18. Totally agree! I loved this movie, everything about it, I have watched it twice and it just kills me.9/10
  19. Sadly a mixed bag for me, wanted it to be good but it was just ok, the basketball scene was awful, just awful, Flash was mean & then suddenly his best buddy, some things were never explained at all, it was just frustrating. I love this character and in some ways they nailed it, his attitude, his look, the way he moved, the action was great and so were the SFX, I enjoyed the lizard, and the actors were all very good in their roles.But and this is a big BUT, once again, for some reason that I will never understand, his mask was off over and over again, hey kid - take mask off / hey Gwen - take mask off / hey Capt. Stacey - let him take the mask off / hey everybody - throw mask away...Now the point of the secret identity is that nobody knows who you really are, so your loved ones are safe, so why would he keep taking it off? That drove me nuts.It's making big $$$ so the sequel will be here in May 2014, hopefully by then they will fix the things I didn't like.6/10
  20. Good film that could have been great.I had very high hopes for this one, I didn't expect ALIEN(1979) class, but I did expect an excellent film and this one didn't do it, it missed the mark.Maybe it was the editing, maybe it was just plain bad story telling, but this one had some serious cracks in it, if I am to believe that this group has some of the top people on earth, smart, honest, the cream of the crop so-to-speak, then how the hell does a man who is scared to death suddenly see an alien creature, walk over to it, find it to be acting aggressive, and then reach out to pet it? Idiot! How does a woman running from a giant falling ship continue to run in a straight line instead of turning left or right? Moron! Another get's infected yet says nothing, on and on, I can go with a lot of stuff but those 3 were just too much.On the plus side, I like some of the ideas in this film, I like the different Xeno's, Fassbender was perfect as David, and the SFX were top notch, I didn't mind some of the open questions left for another film, but when u make a teaser trailer that is an exact knock-off of the classic ALIEN film (the trailers were great for this), you better make a great film, good won't cut it, maybe the extended Blu-ray cut will be.7/10
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