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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Eh, I thought apart from China, where an early May/late April release would probably have been better (even so, it still broke OW record with the date it got, and with light competitions ahead, the release date ain’t all that bad); the release dates worldwide for IW were pretty great. Essentially empty markets for 3 weekends, with the advantageous Labor Day holiday and additional national holidays in many countries. Christmas could have gotten it longer legs, but no guarantee it would get to that huge WW opening or broke so many OW records IMO.
  2. Thanks guys. Base on the chart, Pee Mak made $18.16M, Infinity War is at $17.2M, so still a good chance of taking the record it seems. @fabiopazzo2 Current $18.6M total in Hong Kong corresponds to around HK$146M, so indeed #2 all-time, besting Ultron HK$133M. Avatar has the record with 176M, so IW will have to be content with second place there, but HK$150-155M looking good. I’m hoping for 160M for $20M Total, but that could be hard with more competitions coming up.
  3. In both local currency and admissions, Avatar is still the record holder. Infinity should settle in (or already did) at #2 on both accounts.
  4. Record holder in almost all biggest Southeast Asian countries, except for Thailand. I wonder what movie is holding the record there?
  5. IW will suffer next weekend due to losing IMAX and other premium screens. But depends on how big Deadpool 2 open, it could benefit from spillover business.
  6. @fabiopazzo2 is like a walking definition of “conservative” lol.
  7. There was? Lol, see, this is why OS reporting always confuse me. Still a great numbers regardless, and would put 1B OS-China completely within reach, so that’s great. Thanks for the correction.
  8. But the last two weekends, there wasn’t any discrepancy when adding the reported weekend number to total up to the corresponding Thu. Yet it’s a big difference this weekend. Edit: never mind lol.
  9. If OS-China total was at 789.3M after Thur, and now 859M, then that’s a 70M weekend. Where the missing 10M go? I know there are territories that Thu got rolled into the weekend, but that’s still quite a difference.
  10. Weird that Disney not being conservative on the Sunday drop for once. In fact, -20% is quite bullishly optimistic I would say.
  11. Just count in the BO money from mainland folks who traveled to Hong Kong to see IW early. It’s only fair.
  12. Worst Mother’s Day drop for MCU was -36.9% of IM2, and that would still get IW over 60M weekend (albeit barely). Though I don’t see a reason for it to drop that hard, considering how the last two Sundays played out. Sub-30% drop for ~62M weekend IMO.
  13. Great result. Gonna be interesting to see how IW hold against Deadpool 2 next week. Still seeing 11M admissions regardless though.
  14. This weekend seems like a pretty wild ride for @Thrylos 7 I’d imagine Him over at China BO And him here in this domestic weekend thread, especially after this Sat jump for IW
  15. Hell, ask me about the plot, and the first thing I tell you will be that iconic Thor gratuitous shirtless scene where it got better everytime I watched it.
  16. Wow, great Sat number for IW. Assuming it holds, that would lock the weekend over 60M even with harsher Sunday drop the likes of Ultron and Civil War.
  17. 16M would be great. -49% from last week. I think it should pull bit ahead of that weekly drop with a better Sat increase than last week. No idea about Sunday since last week Sun drop was terrific yet possibly an outlier. Mother’s Day gonna be a wildcard, could go either way.
  18. @That One Guy What are you doing, hacking into this account?
  19. Well, as arbitrary as it is, a record of “4th worst multi in Top 25 movies” surely isn’t anywhere as glamorous as “the worst multi for a 150M+ opener” But I think Marvel will have to be content with that all things considered.
  20. Geez, this thread. Concerned trollings aren’t new, but it’s always interesting to see it coming from total opposite side of a fandom in the same thread.
  21. I do admire the courage of some people who are willfully and proudly display their stupidity on social media for everyone to see. That takes some gut. Not brains (none of it obviously) but definitely guts.
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