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Everything posted by DMan7

  1. Just seen it, it was pretty similar to the previous one in terms of story structure and action outside of a few surprises. It was good enough and the main villain played by Chalize Theron was pretty cliche as well but the acting from her was as good as it would get for this type of movie. 7/10
  2. You should've never said that from now onwards this shall be the gifs I reply to all your posts on Pratt and GoTG.
  3. Watching that trailer in 4K with a 4K monitor is GLORIOUS! Bay you have done it again!
  4. I don't like where this thread is going...
  5. The problem isn't Snyder its the studios interfering in the final product. Heck most of Snyder's movies the studio interfered resulting in his generally critically panned movies.
  6. Haven't seen you chatting in awhile, welcome back as an active member again.
  7. I would say Depp and POTC might also be in trouble among critics given his recent domestic abuse case.
  8. I wouldn't say critics go into reviewing a movie prepared to give it a bad/good review but what I would say however is that critics are fully aware beforehand the type of movie they are critiquing whether it be from a certain director, studio or actor and the reputations that those guys have in film and that certainly guides and influences their behavior towards the movie they are going to review. Most critics definitely uses a predetermined mindset going into reviewing movies.
  9. Most of them already know that Snyder movies don't do that well critically, so by now they should be willing to accept that.
  10. Ehhhh, I'm not gonna lose sleep over whether this gets a franchise or not tbh.
  11. He's referring to where the server is located for boxofficetheory.com which is in america therefore it makes his user account american.
  12. At this point the franchise can afford a few rotten movies and still do pretty well box office wise similar to the always rotten Transformers movies.
  13. Kids will always be kids. Leave him let him be a kid.
  14. Just think that Deadpool made more than BvS and Civil War combined, more profit that a movie with these characters: Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man I think congratulations are in order.
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