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Everything posted by Noctis

  1. DH2, Thor, Super 8, Water for Elephants, and Contagion are my favorites this year.Sick, if you're going to listen to tracks from DH2, these are the ones you should listen to. They're the best. The first is my favorite, the second is incredibly sad in the last minute, the third is thrilling, and the fourth is the main theme of the film. Make sure to use a headphone while listening to them.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOdhEcOASuYhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSpYLlzD7fs
  2. When I went to see BD1, they played ten trailers. And not one of them was Hunger Games. I was PISSED.
  3. Excuse me? I predicted a 65% drop, and it'll end up having a 60% drop. YOU predicted a sub-50% drop. YOU'RE still smoking a lot of batshit stuff. I've always been a Pothead, but that doesn't mean I let it get in the way of my predictions. I mean, I've already said there is a small chance for it to beat DH1.I called you out on the sub-50% drop, which was insane and still is.
  4. Although I would like to see a new (yet still very faithful) take on the series, what do you think will be the biggest hurdle for them?I think the casting will be incredibly hard to top. Casting Harry, obviously, will be immensely hard. Hermione, too, since Emma was perfect for her and strikingly similar even in person. Rupert is very easily replaceable to me. Looks ugly. But the adult cast will be so hard to top. Alan Rickman as Snape, Maggie Smith as McGonagall, etc.But there are also scenes that are so perfect and not in the books that it will be tough to live up to them. For instance, scenes like Harry/Hermione dancing, Slughorn's story, Malfoy in the RoR, the force field + statues protection, Buckbeak's flight, In Noctem, etc will be impossible to top.
  5. You WISH I was obsessed with you.Who would want to be obsessed with YOU? That's fucking hilarious.
  6. I loved Fiennes in the film, but Rickman's performance was my favorite. Hello...boathouse scene was amazing.
  7. OMFG, I said there's a 1% chance of it beating DH1, but you are batshit crazy if you think it'll have a sub-50% drop. You're insane. Rickman > Fiennes
  8. I'm with ecstasy, that wasn't funny at all.
  9. Good God, fishnets, just stop!
  10. What makes you say they aren't? I'm not accusing you or anything, but I would like to see the info that's making you say that.
  11. Is there any chance whatsoever of Rickman being nominated?
  12. Did Elle Fanning seriously get nominated for Best Supporting Actress? Unbelievable.
  13. Where's the DH2 nomination for Art Direction? WTF.I do love their list for Best Original Score. Really really happy to see Water for Elephants get a mention there - the score is severely under-appreciated.
  14. There was no love triangle in Potter. The only love triangle was in Ron's head.
  15. I really wouldn't mind seeing that happen!
  16. Rowling HERSELF said that there were charged moments between Harry and Hermione when they were alone and that they shared something very intense with each other. She acknowledged that it definitely could have happened.
  17. Oh, please, stop acting shocked. It's Russia, for God's sake, the market is expanding exponentially.
  18. OMFG! DH2 was in the top ten?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! OMG!
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