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Everything posted by Noctis

  1. DH2 is getting the biggest push from WB by far.
  2. We can effectively say that BD1 has lost all chances for $295m, let alone $300m. I'm really happy for The Descendants, though, it's an incredible film on every level. How is that number for My Week With Marilyn? I think it's decent enough...besides, my Emma is in it!
  3. Critics have a vendetta against Twilight? That's why Eclipse has a 67% with Top Critics?
  4. Easily of the most touching, heartfelt, and hilarious films of the past few years. George Clooney is mesmerizing throughout the entire film, managing to hit subtle nuances with perfection. But the film soars not just because of him, but moreso because of the rest of the cast, which is amazing. Payne takes a very simple and widely known matter into a surprisingly unique and poignant film. Whether you're married or a teenager faced with the realities of becoming an adult, I'll be damned if there is not at least one scene you won't deeply relate to. A+ P.S: The "twat" scene had me in tears. Actually, the little girl stole every scene she's in.
  5. Fisnets, start using your head, please. I don't know why you're thinking the way you do.
  6. Eclipse is easily the best in the franchise. I went with three friends to BD1 and we all thought it was the worst in the series. Fishnets, I don't know what the hell you were smoking by thinking this would do 380m because of the sex scene and wedding? It never made any sense.
  7. Surprisingly, I enjoyed this very much. So many of the jokes were fucking HILARIOUS.B+
  8. Saw Marilyn yesterday, and Michelle was absolutely extraordinary. Michelle > Viola
  9. I remember DH1's Tuesday number being released and everyone saying it would have a good drop. Calm down. People always go on a high when the first initial numbers come in (DH2's Monday, Star Trek's Monday, etc).
  10. It's one of those movies people go to just to waste two hours but hardly find anything memorable about it, therefore they don't care much about buying the DVD.
  11. An enormous drop in quality from Casino Royale. I found this incredibly disappointing. Boring, unmemorable performances, and a very thin storyline plague the film. I understand it tried to be depressing and brooding, but the extent to which they went was terrible. I couldn't feel for Bond, not for one single bit, and the only memorable thing from it was Gemma Artetron found dead on the bed, covered in oil. C-
  12. Haylee Atwell was stunning. I have a huge weakness for dimples.
  13. I'll wait for Monday's number, but it will take a lot for it to surpass DH1.
  14. So a $12m drop from New Moon's adjusted opening.$150m vs $138m
  15. This was the midnight showing I went to for DH2. 1,700 diehard fanatics - doesn't get any better than that! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VF0atcWyRYk
  16. Why the fuck is HP: SS there? That's not fair at all. It's better reviewed than a lot of the $300m grossers and audiences liked it more. Remove it. Don't be a dick simply for the sake of being a dick. How can you have SS but not DOTM? :S
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