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Everything posted by Noctis

  1. My third favorite in the series. Utterly magical. Truly the turning point of the series. One review summed it up perfectly:
  2. I think there's also separate for DVDs.The special features are RIDICULOUSLY INSANE. Unbelievable. They have a documentary during the process of filming DH1/DH2 and what it took. It's 48 minutes long. Pretty spectacular.
  4. That's not fair at all. They had Voldemort/Harry battling throughout the castle using so many spells. And they changed the style of the effects.
  5. Books:1. Deathly Hallows2. Order of the Phoenix3. Half-Blood Prince4. Goblet of Fire5. Prisoner of Azkaban6. Sorcerer's Stone7. Chamber of SecretsFilms1. Deathly Hallows Part 22. Deathly Hallows Part 13. Prisoner of Azkaban4. Half-Blood Prince5. Sorcerer's Stone6. Order of the Phoenix7. Chamber of Secrets8. Goblet of FireHBP would have been above PoA if someone like Desplat had scored it.
  6. GoF. Ridiculously choppy in too many parts, some of the acting was really bad, they butchered how some of the characters should act (Dumbledore shrieking DID YOU PUT YER NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIYA?!), and simplifying the maze. OoTP is way better than GoF. It had substance.
  7. C- Shat on so many of the characters, and cut out way too many emotional and touching scenes for incredibly lame and weird humor.
  8. Possibly the most divisive Potter film in the series.I loved it. Yates' direction improved considerably. The script was engaging, the cinematography was utterly breathtaking, performances were great (Broadbent, Felton, and Rickman), and the atmosphere oozed off the screen. This is really quite a good film and I can understand why they didn't show the Horcruxes considering they wanted to leave it as a surprise for the next two films. My biggest qualm is definitely the score. It does compliment the film well, but it could have been so much better. Glad Hooper left. A
  9. I've read the book countless times, and while I always thought the battle was grand, it was never as much as Helm's Deep. I agree with you regarding the deaths. I was completely fine with Tonks/Lupin as the last shot of their hands reaching out for each other was great...but I wish Fred was given more importance. I'm actually okay with not seeing Lupin/Tonks death because it would have been way too much to see all of them die. Overbearing.I would have changed some stuff in the film. But you're telling me the Voldemort/Harry in the film was smaller than the book? Yates made it ten times bigger.
  10. I agree that Yates' direction was much more suited for DH1.
  11. I thought Part 1 was boring and disappointing the first time I saw it. I have no idea why, but I did. I remember walking out the theater, ACTUALLY telling myself that Yates will never do the finale justice. I saw it a second time, and for whatever reason, scenes that didn't stick with me in the first viewing ended up being great for me. I didn't review DH2 after my first viewing, because there was too much to process and the ending was hectic.I do remember feeling slightly offended when you said that Yates/Kloves took everything from the book and made it smaller. That was so far from the truth, it was unbelievable.
  12. One of the most personal and touching films I've seen. The acting is absolutely spectacular in this movie. I'm so glad the trio stepped up their game because the movie would have collapsed had they not been up to the challenge. Emma was absolutely phenomenal; I was really impressed with her performance. Nuanced, poignant, and deeply affecting. She has come a very long way, and I'm grateful that she stepped up her game. Rupert was great. You could always tell in the past movies that he had potential, and it was certainly shown in this one. We get to see a very different side of Ron. Daniel gave a good performance, but he was the weakest of the three. Sure enough, we get to the middle, which has been criticized by some. To me, a lot of the past movies in the series failed to capture a lot of the emotional resonance that were in the books. With Deathly Hallows 1, during the middle sequence, we are rewarded with some of the most beautiful, touching, and poignant moments in the series that define our heroes. Deathly Hallows 1, above all else, is a coming-of-age tale, as our heroes that we have come to know and love change and develop into adults. A magnificent and highly moving evolution that was, unfortunately, sometimes sorely missing in the previous outings. Deathly Hallows 1 proves why we fell in love with witches and wizards, and it's because they're just like us, dealing with the same internal conflicts we all have gone or are going through. It really struck a chord with me (and millions, I'm sure) because it painted a bleak portrait of how responsibility and adulthood is not what it's cracked up to be. The cinematography (filmed by Eduardo Serra) is absolutely gorgeous and stunning to look at. I was in awe at the breathtaking beauty of England's countryside. Some shots were utterly inventive and were dazzling. The production design is absolutely staggering, and Alexandre Desplat's haunting score blends in with the movie perfectly ('Obliviate' is one of the best tracks in the series). Yates and Kloves captured the essence of Rowling's very dark story with grace and potency, creating a movie that is extremely faithful to the source material both thematically and in content. This is by far the most satisfying movie in the series, and easily the most mature. I personally cannot see how any fan could be disappointed in it. A+
  13. I can't understand what's so amazing about Andy Serkis' performance. It was good, definitely, but one of the best of the year? Not in the slightest, in my opinion.
  14. I never understood why people were fawning over his performance when it first came out, but watching it a few more times, he was spectacular. My favorite part with him has to be the part when there are tears in his eyes when Nagini gets slaughtered. He knew that it was over and could hardly believe it.
  15. Decent film. A few moments of greatness, but otherwise, it's constantly in the range of decent/good. Unfortunately, it occasionally dips into mediocrity more than it should.
  16. Very good film, but I find it pretty overrated. It has a soft spot because it's one of the films I saw in my childhood, but watching it now, it doesn't hold up as well as the others. There are some truly remarkable scenes in the film. There is no doubting that, but some parts are overly cheesy and rather dull. All in all, though, still a strong and very well made film.B+
  17. I adore this film. I have absolutely no problem with the fact that the monster wasn't the main factor. Actually, the reason why I love this film so much is because it isn't. That allowed the film to focus more on the characters and their journeys - which I think was one of the highlights of the entire year. I can't remember feeling so much for a group of characters since Potter the way I did for these in the film. It radiates as a coming of age story. Very touching film. Second best of the year.
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