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Man of Steel (2013)

Man of Steel (2013)  

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The opening stuff on Krypton is so, so bad. Really awful. Zod and his cronies punishment was that they got to live? Ok. Supes' mum (Lara?) was an atrocious actress, her cleavage made me laugh though.


Cavill was ok. It's amazing though that it's a Superman movie with him in the movie almost all the time and he's given nothing to do. He did his best but there was only so much he could do. I loved Crowe and Costner.


The action was fun but relentless. Once Supes and Zod started fighting the second time I had to groan.

They were sent to PZ, which probably is worse than death. And maybe there are no such thing as teath penalty on Krypton. Plus the Council didnt belive the planet is dooming.

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I thought it was pretty good overall, didn't understand why they felt the need to rush so quickly through the Krypton prologue. The first act was also a bit choppy with Clark popping up in random spots for a scene and then disappearing.


The film should have gone bold and expanded the Krypton prologue and Zod's story in general. His reasons for the attempted coup are glazed over (same with why Krypton is about to go boom and no one seems to care). I thought it would have been much better if Zod had figured out what was causing the problem but the only way to save Krypton required his coup attempt, making it a situation where he really is doing the wrong thing for the right reasons and he's foiled by Jor-El whose narrow and strict view of morality and the future essentially dooms everyone because he's absolutely convinced things can ONLY be done HIS way. Jor-El's plan essentially did to the Kryptonian race what Zod was planning to do to Earth and I think the movie would have been better for showing that hypocrisy.


One thing that bugged me is that if Krypton could arrange for a giant space contraption to send people into the Phantom Zone, how could they not even build normal spaceships to evacuate at least some of the population?

Because Zod is designed to protect Krypton. He was born to be a warrior, a general. And he lived his life in that way. Every one's fate/career is designed at the gene step and one cant challenge his fate. You see how stubborn Zod and the Council are, you know the reason why Jor EI chose to give his son a natural birth, which was illegal on Krypton. 


Krypton is about to doom because they used too much Core heat as energy.

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All this, really. Why the hell was Jor-El reluctant to pay heed to Zod's plans of saving selected bloodlines and only wanted HIS son to be the sole survivor? It reeks of selfishness, hypocrisy and a bit of downright evil on Jor-El's part. 


And yeah, I don't get why they couldn't at least evacuate 1% of Kryptonian population (or the one percent equivalent of Krypton :P ).

Because the Council, the people who have a say on that, didnt ever belive the dooming of the planet. And neither they cared to try to evacuate some people.

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Do you mean that in fact the military could have killed Zod the moment he walked the earth because he is not indestructible like Kal-El due to the fact that he didn't spend 33 years on earth to become strong like Superman?


I thought a Kryptonian body was defacto indestructible under earth atmosphere. So the kryptonian body gotta to learn to become super-powered so that means you can harm them to death before so.


Moreover, why Zod would want to create a new Krypton on earth being a mere mortal when he could rule the world being a super-powered God (and all his people) after few days of adaptation while killing earthlings or making them his slaves?! That makes no sense.

That is the point. Again, because Zod is designed to do that. He is a genetically modified Kryptonian, born to be a warrior that does whatever needs to be done to save Krypton. Ruling the Earth as a King is not what he was supposed to do. Zod failed at last because he is part of the failed Krypton social system, as Jor EI implied they both already died. No real freewill. All are programed/fated.

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Because the Council, the people who have a say on that, didnt ever belive the dooming of the planet. And neither they cared to try to evacuate some people.


Still find it hard to swallow that not even 50-100 of the privileged got the opportunity to evacuate the planet in time.  

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I didn't mind the neck-snapping thing, though it's strange that they didn't really address the fact that Metropolis was flattened and millions of people probably died as a result. Very similar to what happened in the Avengers and TDKR. All three of those films showed cities getting trashed and all three of them seemed to gloss over the seriousness of that destruction, especially as it relates to superheroes who are supposedly trying to protect those cities.


Your answer : PG-13 rating.


YOu can't show hundreds of mutilated corpses laying on the ground.


Plus, it is pretty obvious what is gonna happen in MOS2.


We know who is gonna rebuild Metropolis and what hate campaign  he is gonna promote.

Edited by The Futurist
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I just wanted to inform all of you that Superman is english and all the special FX  that allowed this insane amount of epic destruction and fights were done by non US companies :


Weta Digital :New Zealand

Double Negative : England

MPC : England

Scanline VFX : has offices in Germany and America. Don't know who did what on this show.

What is happening America ?



Oh, And Amy Adams is DA SHIT !!! I wanted more of her but she was in this movie more than what early reviews suggested.


She is an integral part of the movie and I loved her final moment with Superman after he kills Zod.


Not surprised  old critics didn't like it, it is basically a sci-fi movie with a lot of geeky elements ( everything about Krypton) and the third act is basically Bayhem cranked to 11 !


Loved the movie, I thought it was pretty unique tone wise, seeing a giant spaceship landing next to Ma kent farm is very unusual and I love it this mix of classic, fordian filmmaking with geek-sci fi shit all over the board., the terraforming device of the Kryptonians !

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I really liked the movie in general.  Enough I've seen it more than once.  And I have zero issues with the Zod stuff, I felt like Superman was given no choice.  I understand why other people do have an issue with that, but personally I don't.  And, I can only hope if there is some sort of sequel that Superman's reaction to that moment and how it influences his future actions is more closely examined.


What did disappointment me were the plot holes and the lack of character development.  The first time I saw the film, I didn't really care, but upon a repeat viewing it bothered me.  For example, I don't understand what Clark was doing on the road.  It was convenient he found about the military looking into the scout ship, but was he just wandering the continent until he ran across some information?  If he was seeking out some leads, then I wish they would have mentioned that on screen. 


I did have some issues with Clark & Lois's relationship development, however, I always have issues with that.  I always thought it was ridiculous in the orginal Reeves film that Clark/Superman was in love with a woman he'd known all of about 10 minutes.  My biggest issues were, why did Zod want Lois to accompany Superman?  How did Superman know that the military had Lois?  Those things just didn't make a lot of sense to me, even though I find I can over look a lot of the other plot holes.


And finally, I thought the action while fantastic was too much.  I would rather that they cut out the entire Superman/Zod fight at the end and dedicate that time to more character development.  I get that they wanted some sort of really personal fight, but to me it just came across as a lot of destruction and wasted time. 


I do really hope there is a sequel.  I think that MOS set-up a sequel far better than SR.  I just hope that a sequel will be more character driven rather than endless action sequences.

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Worst scene in the film is probably the tornado scene. Pa Kent's death was retarded compared to the 1978 film. He chooses to run into a tornado to save a freaking dog, and then Clark lets him die because of Pa Kent's stupid logic about Clark hiding his powers from the world. I liked the heart attack in the 1978 film because there wasn't a damn thing Clark could do about it.


Definitely, that was a major facepalm.  Both the writing and the way it was shot was a total flop.  It had nothing to do with Pa Kent not having a lot of prior screen time, it could've been a very dramatic scene if done right.

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Hiding Clark's identity is the cornerstone of Superman mythology.


You guys are clueless.


Smallville spent 10 years covering this very subject.


Superman will always be about the duality between Clark=being human & Kal-El=Superman=Kryptonian.


Separating the two from the public eye has always been key.

Edited by The Futurist
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From Io9:


(on Krypton)

Jor-El: Our planet is dying. Clearly, the only solution is to shoot a baby into space.

Lara-El: It’s the only thing that makes sense anymore!

(Zod storms in)

Zod: Jor-El! You have stolen the Codex! Give it back!

Jor-El: Sorry. I stuck it in my baby and I’m shooting him into space.

Zod: Baby?

Jor-El: Oh, yeah. We had a baby. The old-fashioned way.

Zod: What? Not from our Kryptonian Underwater Baby Tree Pods?

Jor-El: Yes.

Zod: That’s disgusting.

Jor-El: You have no idea. Do you know where babies come out of?

Lara-El: I’m right here, dicks.

Zod: Hey, wait.

Jor-El: Yes?

Zod: The Codex contains all the programmed genetic information of all the Kryptonian tree babies, right?

Jor-El: Yeah.

Zod: Didn’t you do the whole childbirth thing to restart the Kryptonian race? To get it awayfrom its programming? What the hell is your baby going to do with the Codex?

Jor-El: Uh...

Zod: And why are you only sending one baby? Wouldn't you need at least two babies to restart the Kryptonian race without the pod babies?

(Jor-El thinks for minute, then runs into Zod’s spiky thing)

Jor-El: Oh, sorry, you killed me, but I totally had a good answer.

Zod: Wait a second. If we already have babies on pods, don’t they already have the genetic code in them? Are they empty babies? Do we really need both? This doesn’t make any fucking sense.

(guards walk in)

Guard #1: General Zod, you are under arrest for treason and for asking too many questions about our ridiculous society. You will be put in prison with your minions, which means you will be the only people who will survive Krypton blowing up. Also when Krypton blows up it’ll set you all free.

Zod: Whatever.

Clark Kent: I am a hobo.

(saves a bunch of people)

Clark: This reminds me of some of the great advice my father Pa Kent gave me growing up.


Full script retold: http://io9.com/the-most-important-scenes-from-man-of-steel-as-i-remem-516405346


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Hiding Clark's identity is the cornerstone of Superman mythology.


You guys are clueless.


Smallville spent 10 years covering this very subject.


Superman will always be about the duality between Clark=being human & Kal-El=Superman=Kryptonian.


Separating the two from the public eye has always been key.


Lol, I always enjoy your random manifestos.


The scene was just terribly executed.

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How can you confirm that? I think all the white light just blurs everything.


I don't think I mentioned it before, but I really like the ending, especially Lois' comment:  "Welcome to the Planet" :)My

My friend showed us the scene on his tv.. You see not only the face change , but the eyes and hair..  Not to mention I looked for it specifically on my 2nd viewing. Once you get the scene on a big Tv or computer screen, you clearly see they did a nod to Reeves with a few seconds of CGI rendering. Trust me its true.  :)


I also liked the ending  H# :). Could have been more spectacular with a big love scene., but good way to  wrap it up none the less. Ending felt a tad rushed.. :)

Edited by Superman001
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