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Weekend Actuals 7/12-7/14

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Bay is a studio hack, plain and simple. Del Toro makes movies because he wants to, not because he wants money.


The only movie that Michael Bay ever made that didn’t seem to specifically be made just for money was Pain and Gain.


I'm sorry but when you are responsible for $$$$$$$$ that isn't yours, making movies only you and your red-headed twin want to see is not the best idea.


Also, his best work is in small movies. Anyone claiming that Hellboys, Blade 2 and PR are anywhere near his most aclcaimed movies (Pans and DB) is lying through his teeth.

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I'm sorry but when you are responsible for $$$$$$$$ that isn't yours, making movies only you and your red-headed twin want to see is not the best idea.


Also, his best work is in small movies. Anyone claiming that Hellboys, Blade 2 and PR are anywhere near his most aclcaimed movies (Pans and DB) is lying through his teeth.


Who cares about money? I don’t. Only studios should.  


Hellboy 1 and 2 were very critically acclaimed (72 and 78 on metacritic), and their extremely good movies as well.


Michael Bay is the definition of a studio hack. Live with it.

Edited by Boxofficefanatic
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Bay is a studio hack, plain and simple. Del Toro makes movies because he wants to, not because he wants money.


The only movie that Michael Bay ever made that didn’t seem to specifically be made just for money was Pain and Gain.



Here's the funny thing, GDT was supposed to direct the Hobbit trilogy.  Jackson took it back from him, probably in fear that GDT would screw it up somehow.  :)

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Here's the funny thing, GDT was supposed to direct the Hobbit trilogy.  Jackson took it back from him, probably in fear that GDT would screw it up somehow.   :)


Del Toro left the project for different reasons, and An Unexpected Journey was good but not spectacular.


Nice try though.

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Who cares about money? I don’t. Only studios should.  


Hellboy 1 and 2 were very critically acclaimed (72 and 78 on metacritic), and their extremely good movies as well.


Michael Bay is the definition of a studio hack. Live with it.



So director's should make movies for the critics?


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Del Toro left the project for different reasons, and An Unexpected Journey was good but not spectacular.


Nice try though.


Actually he didn't.  One of my friends worked on The Hobbit and Jackson didn't want him directing TH.  Fact.  

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Del Toro left the project for different reasons, and An Unexpected Journey was good but not spectacular.


Nice try though.


I thought the Hobbit sucked.  But all the LOTR loonies loved it.

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So director's should make movies for the critics?


Posted Image


Filmmaking is about trying new things, it’s not about the doing same thing over and over again.


And I didn’t say that specifically. I mentioned the studio, but some movies are made just because a filmmaker wants to test new grounds and try out things.


Sometimes a movie fails at the box office. In case of the Pacific Rim though, it has to do more with Warner Brothers simply not caring enough for them to even and try and sell the film to the general audiences.

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Who cares about money? I don’t. Only studios should.  



My point was that geeks should stop whining when movies made for the director and his niche of friends with blogs only flop. But if you go on any big geek sit,e they write block of text essays on how movie industry is doomed because ________ flopped so Hollywood will now make only Twilight knock-offs instead of 50000000+ movies base don geek properties and geek demands expressed on AICN Talk Back.

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Actually he didn't.  One of my friends worked on The Hobbit and Jackson didn't want him directing TH.  Fact.  


The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey wasn’t that entirely well received by critics, and it didn’t make as much as people expected it to at the box office.


Two for two I guess.

Edited by Boxofficefanatic
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Filmmaking is about trying new things, it’s not about the doing same thing over and over again.



I'm sorry but what is so new that PR tried? It's actually one of those movies that you can break down to scenes and concepts already existing in many other movies. It was very entertaining but groundbreaking oriignality it ain't. Though to add to B's Hobbit debate, GdT did direct PR with much more flare than PJ who was clearly on autopilot when he stitched together scenes that didn't forward the plot in any way.

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It's a cycle. Well recieved movie fails at the box office, and vice versa. Both kinds of films keep getting made, and roles are sometimes reversed. Pacific Rim and Grown Ups 2 are just examples of things we've seen in the past.

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Bay is one of the best film makers in the world. GDT is a decent film maker who occasionally reaches greatness and occasionally sinks to the gutter.

I think the reason people attack you for your opinions a lot is because you present them as absolute fact. Never an 'IMO' stuck in there for good measure.
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Baumer's logic: Dennis Dungan makes movies people see. Every director who has made a movie that didn't make as much money has pretty much failed.


Even you have to admit that Bay is a brand unto himself.  He sells movies.  Dugan has a career because he is friends with Sandler.

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Michael Bay does what he does.


Del Toro does what he does.


The two aren't comparable. One makes movies for general audiences and one makes films for genre audiences.


Of course Bay films make more money... he's got a wider audience.


Bay will make more money, Del Toro will win more acclaim. That's all there is to it.

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Filmmaking is about trying new things, it’s not about the doing same thing over and over again.


And I didn’t say that specifically. I mentioned the studio, but some movies are made just because a filmmaker wants to test new grounds and try out things.


Sometimes a movie fails at the box office. In case of the Pacific Rim though, it has to do more with Warner Brothers simply not caring enough for them to even and try and sell the film to the general audiences.



PR tried new things?


Giant robots:  Transformers

Giant monsters: Godzilla

Rag tag bunch of rebel humans ban together to fight aliens:  ID4

Speech given by Elba:  ID4

Young hot shot pilot saves the day:  Star Wars, Top Gun


And this film is basically a rip off of old anime:



Brother dies heroically at the beginning of the story---CHECK

Has to be talked back into the war----CHECK

Meets a cute Japanese girl----CHECK

Girl has unrequited feelings for him----CHECK

Dark skinned commander who takes no guff----CHECK

Crazy/goofy scientist characters----CHECK

Aliens are giants so we need giant manned robots to fight them----CHECK


So, it didn't try something new in the slightest.


Nice try.

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Pain & Gain made less than 50m despite two of the biggest stars in Hollywood right now anchoring it. The Bay name can maybe be a draw, but outside of TF it's never been a guaranteed brand. It's always come down to the movies. Then you say del Toro works for fanboys exclusively when he's produced plenty of hits (including Mama this year) over the last decade.

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Michael Bay does what he does.


Del Toro does what he does.


The two aren't comparable. One makes movies for general audiences and one makes films for genre audiences.


Of course Bay films make more money... he's got a wider audience.


Bay will make more money, Del Toro will win more acclaim. That's all there is to it.


Yes but GdT's annoying fandom won't rest until GdT flick makes more money than the highets grossing Bay flick. Cause, for all the chest-thumping that boxoffice =/= quality they want huge boxoffice to prove that their fave's better than _______ whose movies make more. hence why we hear a completely idiotic boistering that "PR is thinking man's TF" whereas there's not a single smart thing in PR nor the movie thinks it's smart. Where does thinking man's shit comes from is one of world's 8 biggest mysteries that won't be resolved anytime soon.

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