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A Marvel Fanboy

Dredd (September 21, 2012)

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Our personal opinions aside, has anyone seen the Rolling Stone video where Peter Travers talks about his 10 worst films for September? He has Dredd as his number 3 worst film with his only reason being that it's a 3D movie. And he considers it a 'remake' of Stallone's Judge Dredd seemingly without knowing that it's based off an older comic that's inspired films like RoboCop. I usually like Travers and those video reviews he does, but his assessment of Dredd seemed really unfair.

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Well, I haven't seen the video, but I can't imagine anyone doesn't know the source of Judge Dredd.

Last I checked it was a British comic that's not very well known in the States. However, a critic should have done his research and at least given off the vibe that he knows the source. Edited by Jay Beezy
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Judge Dredd is actually an American comic, made by Eagle Comics. Judge Dredd, the character, was featured in 2000AD for years, a British comic. But when he had his own comic, it was American.But that's besides the point. Surely being that there are 2 movies, I thought he would have known that it was based on a comicbook, especially since it looks very much like a comicbook movie, and it says at the start "based on ..." and shows loads of comics (1995).

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Judge Dredd is actually an American comic, made by Eagle Comics. Judge Dredd, the character, was featured in 2000AD for years, a British comic. But when he had his own comic, it was American.But that's besides the point. Surely being that there are 2 movies, I thought he would have known that it was based on a comicbook, especially since it looks very much like a comicbook movie, and it says at the start "based on ..." and shows loads of comics (1995).


Judge Dredd is amongst the UK's best known home-grown comic characters. So great is the character's name recognition that his name is sometimes invoked over similar issues to those explored by the comic series, such as the police state, authoritarianism, and the rule of law.

And like I said, he should have acted like he did which he did not act like. Edited by Jay Beezy
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And here's the section from his fall movie preview that features Dredd in his five least anticipated:http://www.rollingst...edd-3d-19691231He refers to Dredd as a 'vile concept'. This 'vile' concept was created in the 70s and inspired RoboCop.I don't understand why you're defending Travers. He bashed your precious Stallone version as well.

Edited by Jay Beezy
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And here's the section from his fall movie preview that features Dredd in his five least anticipated:http://www.rollingst...edd-3d-19691231He refers to Dredd as a 'vile concept'. This 'vile' concept was created in the 70s and inspired RoboCop.I don't understand why you're defending Travers. He bashed your precious Stallone version as well.

I love clowns that completely miss the entire point of films.
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I was hoping to see this over the weekend but the theater only had 2 showtimes available and they were not convenient for my schedule. I really do want to see this on the big screen but fear if I don't rush out to make a 4:30pm show. Since I don't get off till 4 that makes it tough in going home rush hour traffic, I'd have to slip out early or arrive early to allow for that. I'm worried they may not have it all this weekend.I hope when international numbers are updated this gets over $30m for a current total.

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I did slip out early and caught the 4:30 of this in 2-D yesterday. Me and two other people in a 300 seater. It was like watching it home. I was able to stretch out, get comfy, the only thing missing were my dogs curled by beside me.

This film really is a fun time! It doesn't rewrite the comic action shoot 'em up, what it does is do it well though. It also surprised me by how much it made you care about and empathize with Judge Anderson's character imo. Also, despite Urban being nearly fully covered under the mask he conveyed with his available facial tone and body posture his shift in attitude towards her.

Getting into review territory,sorry.


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I did slip out early and caught the 4:30 of this in 2-D yesterday. Me and two other people in a 300 seater. It was like watching it home. I was able to stretch out, get comfy, the only thing missing were my dogs curled by beside me.

This film really is a fun time! It doesn't rewrite the comic action shoot 'em up, what it does is do it well though. It also surprised me by how much it made you care about and empathize with Judge Anderson's character imo. Also, despite Urban being nearly fully covered under the mask he conveyed with his available facial tone and body posture his shift in attitude towards her.

Getting into review territory,sorry.


It was easily the best popcorn movie of the year. Definitely buying this when it comes out.
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Me and two other people in a 300 seater.

lolBut that is the best time to see movies...when they're near the end of ther run. You get no annoying kids and wankers coughing or eating popcorn like a pig, no big head in the way, and it's generally a pleasant experience. The only thing that can ruin it is the movie. But you have to judge it correcty because you may wait too long and the film disappears before you've had time to go and watch it.In the UK, I tried to do this a lot because I loathe people talking and chatting and not watching the damn movie.
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^^^The sad thing is that one of them still managed to not put his phone on vibrate. Granted he answered it quick but it rang once and in an empty theater it of course echoed a bit. Luckily they sat near the door and he ducked out for the call.But seriously it's me and two people and yet STILL a freaking phone call. I was able to get right back into the movie thankfully!

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