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Top 100 Movie Characters VOTE

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Thanks sofar to everyone who has voted / is in the process of making a list.


At this early stage there are some interesting front runners sandwiched between some more expected contenders.


But all it takes is for the next three voters to place Chucky the Doll at number one and things will change very quickly.

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My list:


1.Darth Vader- James Earl Jones/David Prowse- Star Wars

2.Rocky Balboa- Sylvester Stallone- Rocky

3.Indiana Jones- Harrison Ford- Indiana Jones

4.Michael Corleone- Al Pacino- The Godfather

5.Maximus- Russell Crowe- Gladiator

6.Hannibal Lecter- Anthony Hopkins- The Silence of the Lambs

7.Captain Jack Sparoow- Johnny Depp- Pirates of the Caribbean

8.Han Solo- Harrison Ford- Star Wars

9.The Joker- Heath Ledger- The Dark Knight

10.John McClaine- Bruce Willis- Die Hard

11.Dr. Ian Malcom- Jeff Goldblum- Jurassic Park

12.Superman- Christopher Reeves- Superman

13.Lloyd Christmas- Jim Carrey- Dumb & Dumber

14.Obi Wan Kenobi- Sir Alec Guiness- Star Wars

15.Roy McAvoy- Kevin Costner- Tin Cup

16.The Joker- Jack Nicholson- Batman

17.Lex Luthor- Gene Hackman- Superman

18.Quint- Robert Shaw- Jaws

19.Vito Corleone- Marlon Brando- The Godfather

20.ET-???- ET

21.Chunk- Jeff Cohen- The Goonies

22.Vincent Hanna- Al Pacino- Heat

23.Tony Montana- Al Pacino- Scarface

24.Billy Chapel- Kevin Costner- For Love of the Game

25.Darth Maul- Ray Park- Star Wars

26.Col Hans Landa- Christoph Waltz- Inglorious Basterds

27.Ace Ventura- Jim Carrey- Ace Ventura

28.Emporer Palpatine- Ian McDiarmid- Star Wars

29.Hans Gruber- Alan Rickman- Die Hard

30.Dr. Emmit Brown- Christopher Lloyd- Back to the Future

31.Jack Torrence- Jack Nicholson- The Shining

32.Yoda- Frank Oz- Star Wars

33.Harry Callahan- Clint Eastwood- Dirty Harry

34.Mickey Goldmill- Burgess Meredith- Rocky

35.Harry Doyle- Bob Uecker- Major League

36.Henry Gondor- Paul Newman- The Sting

37.Anton Chigurh- Javier Bardem- No Country For Old Men

38.Fletcher Reed- Jim Carrey- Liar Liar

39.Batman/Bruce Wayne- Christian Bale- Batman

40.David Levinson- Jeff Goldblum- Independence Day

41.Severus Snape- Alan Rickman- Harry Potter

42.Toothless- ???- How to Train Your Dragon

43.Andy Defresne- Tim Robbins- The Shawshank Redemption

44.Ellis Redding- Morgan Freeman- The Shawshank Redemption

45.Norman Bates- Anthony Perkins- Psycho

46.Obi Wan Kenobi- Ewan McGregor-Star Wars

47.Tom Hagen- Robert Duvall- The Godfather

48.Dr. Alan Grant- Sam Neil- Jurassic Park

49.HAL 9000- Douglas Rain- 2001: A Space Odyssey

50.Bane- Tom Hardy- The Dark Knight Rises

51.Dug- Bob Peterson- Up

52.Gollum- Andy Serkis- The Lord of the Rings

53.The Hulk- Mark Ruffalo- The Avengers

54.Lt. Col. Frank Slade- Al Pacino- Scent of a Woman

55.Jame Bond- Sean Connery- 007

56.Rick Blaine- Humphrey Bogart- Casablanca

57.Blondie- Clint Eastwood- The Good the Bad and the Ugly

58.Commodus- Joaquin Phoenix- Gladiator

59.President James Marshall- Harrison Ford- Air Force One

60.Gordon Gekko- Michael Douglas- Wall Street

61.Harry Burns- Billy Crystal- When Harry Met Sally

62.Melvin Udall- Jack Nicholson- As Good as it Gets

63.Captain Frank Ramsey- Gene Hackman- Crimson Tide

64.Vito Corleone- Robert DeNiro- The Godfather Part II

65.Bruce Wayne/Batman- Michael Keaton- Batman

66.The Genie- Robin Williams- Aladdin

67.Dr. Evil- Mike Myers- Austin Powers

68.Truman Burbank- Jim Carrey- The Truman Show

69.Crash Davis- Kevin Costner- Bull Durham

70.Sonny Wortzik- Al Pacino- Dog Day Afternoon

71.Marty McFly- Michael J. Fox- Back to the Future

72.Henry Jones- Sean Connery- Indiana Jones

73.Coach Norman Dale- Gene Hackman- Hoosiers

74.Brett Maverick- Mel Gibson- Maverick

75.Clark Griswald- Chevy Chase- Vacation

76.John Rambo- Sylvester Stallone- Rambo

77.General Zod- Terrence Stamp- Superman

78.Dr. King Schultz- Christoph Waltz- Django Unchained

79.Gandalf- Ian McKellen- The Lord of the Rings

80.Robin Hood- Kevin Costner- Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

81.R.P. McMurphy- Jack Nicholson- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

82.Tony Stark/Iron Man- Robert Downey Jr.- Iron Man

83.Atticus Finch- Gregory Peck- To Kill a Mockingbird

84.Forrest Gump- Tom Hanks- Forrest Gump

85.John Hammond- Sir Richard Attenborough- Jurassic Park

86.Mufasa- James Earl Jones- The Lion King

87.Fredo Corleone- John Cazale- The Godfather

88.R2D2- Kenny Baker- Star Wars

89.Jame Bond- Daniel Craig- 007

90.Sonny Corleone- James Caan- The Godfather

91.Harry Dunn- Jeff Daniels- Dumb & Dumber

92.Luke Skywalker- Mark Hamill- Star Wars

93.Martin Brody- Roy Scheider- Jaws

94.Matt Hooper- Richard Dreyfuss- Jaws

95.The Terminator- Arnold Schwarzenegger- T2: Judgement Day

96.Apollo Creed- Carl Weather- Rocky

97.Clubber Lang- Mr. T- Rocky III

98.Jack Dawson- Leonardo DiCaprio- Titanic

99.Rose DeWitt Bukater-Kate Winslet- Titanic

100.Caesar- Andy Serkis- Rise of the Planet of the Apes




#1-Mary Poppins- Julie Andrews- Mary Poppins

#2-Willy Wonka- Gene Wilder- Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

#3-Doyle Lonnegan- Robert Shaw- The Sting

#4-Will Munny- Clint Eastwood- Unforgiven

#5-Scar- Jeremy Irons- Die Hard

#6-William Wallace- Mel Gibson- Braveheart

Edited by 33Legend
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No offense, but I sure hope that the final results won't be a sausage fest :)I'll try to finish my list tomorrow.


I voted for Cinderella, Snow White, and Tinkerbell. All great female characters. So I did my part.


Edit: I voted for a few live action female characters too. Dorothy and The Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz, Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind, Mary Poppins, The Black Widow from The Avengers, and Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.

Edited by Walt Disney
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There is no neccesity to post ones list in thread as well as PMing me.


(A few extra secret ballots can help build up the suspense of who is finishing where ;) )


Partly for that reason I will not be revealing my own list until after the results are posted.

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1. Vito Corleone - Marlon Brando, The Godfather

2. Han Solo - Harrison Ford - Star Wars

3. The Joker - Heath Ledger - The Dark Knight

4. Morpheus - Lawrence Fishburn - The Matrix

5. Michael Corleone - Al Pacino - The Godfather, part II

6. John Rambo - Sylvester Stallone - Rambo: First Blood, part II

7. Moses - Charleston Heston - The Ten Commandments

8. Neo - Keanu Reeves - The Matrix

9. Jesus Christ - Jim Caviezel - The Passion of the Christ

10. Luke Skywalker - Mark Hamil - Return of the Jedi

11. Tyler Durgen - Brad Pitt - Fight Club

12. Rocky Balboa - Sylvester Stallone - Rocky

13. Satan - Gabriel Byrne - End of Days

14. Jules Winfield - Samuel L. Jackson - Pulp Fiction

15. Darth Vader - David Prowse/James Earl Jones - The Empire Strikes Back

16. The Shark - Studio Prop - Jaws

17. Yoda - Frank Oz - The Empire Strikes Back

18. Cyberdyne Systems Model 101 - Arnold Schwarznegger - The Terminator

19. Aragon - Viggo Mortensen - Return of the King

20. Roy Hobbs - Robert Redford - The Natural

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1. Vito Corleone - Marlon Brando, The Godfather

2. Han Solo - Harrison Ford - Star Wars

3. The Joker - Heath Ledger - The Dark Knight

4. Morpheus - Lawrence Fishburn - The Matrix

5. Michael Corleone - Al Pacino - The Godfather, part II

6. John Rambo - Sylvester Stallone - Rambo: First Blood, part II

7. Moses - Charleston Heston - The Ten Commandments

8. Neo - Keanu Reeves - The Matrix

9. Jesus Christ - Jim Caviezel - The Passion of the Christ

10. Luke Skywalker - Mark Hamil - Return of the Jedi

11. Tyler Durgen - Brad Pitt - Fight Club

12. Rocky Balboa - Sylvester Stallone - Rocky

13. Satan - Gabriel Byrne - End of Days

14. Jules Winfield - Samuel L. Jackson - Pulp Fiction

15. Darth Vader - David Prowse/James Earl Jones - The Empire Strikes Back

16. The Shark - Studio Prop - Jaws

17. Yoda - Frank Oz - The Empire Strikes Back

18. Cyberdyne Systems Model 101 - Arnold Schwarznegger - The Terminator

19. Aragon - Viggo Mortensen - Return of the King

20. Roy Hobbs - Robert Redford - The Natural


If that's a finished list please PM it to me.


If its a work in progress then carry on :)

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There's a week left til the original deadline.


Do people need more time or have most finished making lists who are going to?

For me, it is harder to rank characters than movies, but I will PM you my list along the week (Monday or Tuesday) :)

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