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Box Office Forums Official "36 WORST Films of All Time" Deadline TONIGHT!

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you lucky bastard


I know, it makes me feel a little left out in threads like this, but I don't watch movies as often as I'd like and I don't intend to waste a potential movie watching slot on finding out if Film X is as awful as people think or not.


For all I know Paris Hilton is actually the most misunderstood and criminally underrated actress in Hollywood history.

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My opinion1. Epic movie (I loved this movie, A+)2. Meet the Spartans (not seen all of, C)3. Disaster movie (awful unfunny film, D-4. superhero Movie (thanks for reminding me about this, 2 hours of torture, need to add this to my list and probably top 10, F)Not seen vampires or date

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To me, there is no difference between a least favourite movies list and a worst movies ever made list. I can only choose from the movies I have seen, therefore the worst movies ever made (in my opinion) are also the least favourite movies I have seen.


No, I do not think it was well-made, hence putting Citizen Kane on to my list. Some films are made to entertain, some are made to educate, some are made to challenge you as a viewer, but I do not believe any movie is made to bore the living hell out of me, but Citizen Kane did that, so to me it is a terrible movie. Even a movie that I hate, like Stephen King's I.T., can evoke fear, which is what it was designed to do (as it's a horror production), so even though I hate the movie (because it scares me shitless) I would never [again] put it on a worst movies ever list. But the 36 movies I listed above have no redeemable qualities whatsoever. They equate to the worst in film-making that I have ever witnessed. If you're not ok with that, then make your own list.


There is no point in doing the thread if you believe there is a select pool of titles that we should choose from because that does not open up the thread to the myriad of film tastes and cultures out there that enjoy film. I haven't seen the universally hated Pluto Nash, but if I did and it kept me entertained for more than a few minutes, then I would have no problem in labelling it a better film than Citizen Kane. Maybe you're guided by legacy and/or IMDB, but I am not. Just accept it, buddy, we all have different tastes. I personally disagree with Goffe  that Escape Plan is on his list (I think it's thebest film of the year), but that's his taste, not mine, and it doesn't insult me in any way.


Calling Citizen Kane a bad movie doesn't equate to taste at all though, it just equates to poor objective viewing.  I can read Shakespeare and hate it, but me hating it doesn't change the fact that he was one of the most influential writers to exist and that his writing is masterwork, same with Citizen Kane.  


I understand taste, but worst means a more objective look (even if it's your worse) and is different from least favorite.  Calling Escape Plan one of the best of the year and then labeling Citizen Kane as one of the worst ever made because it bored you is equivalent of Armond White honestly.  


You can't watch Citizen Kane and honestly (and objectively) admit that it is on-par quality wise (Best and worst are judgement of quality not entertainment) with films like Jack and Jill or Twilight.


I firmly believe anyone putting a film like Citizen Kane on one of these lists is just trying to be a contrarian because it's nonsense to label one of (if not the) most positively influential movies in film history as one of the worst ever made.  (Especially given how ahead of its time it was in film making quality, which again quality is what a Best and Worst list is judged on, not how entertaining it was)

Edited by The Panda
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You have an awful list. :P



Yes I know, they are probably all in your top 100 films of all time ever :)



How many of that list have you actually ever seen anyway?


(Please be aware that when it comes to anybody thinking that AIW or CATCF was anything other than awful, I am fully in support of carrying out abortions in the 54th trimester :P )

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Calling Citizen Kane a bad movie doesn't equate to taste at all though, it just equates to poor objective viewing. I can read Shakespeare and hate it, but me hating it doesn't change the fact that he was one of the most influential writers to exist and that his writing is masterwork, same with Citizen Kane. I understand taste, but worst means a more objective look (even if it's your worse) and is different from least favorite. Calling Escape Plan one of the best of the year and then labeling Citizen Kane as one of the worst ever made because it bored you is equivalent of Armond White honestly. You can't watch Citizen Kane and honestly (and objectively) admit that it is on-par quality wise (Best and worst are judgement of quality not entertainment) with films like Jack and Jill or Twilight.I firmly believe anyone putting a film like Citizen Kane on one of these lists is just trying to be a contrarian because it's nonsense to label one of (if not the) most positively influential movies in film history as one of the worst ever made. (Especially given how ahead of its time it was in film making quality, which again quality is what a Best and Worst list is judged on, not how entertaining it was)

I hate the "it was ahead of it's time" and "it is the most influencial of all-time" or even the hateful "just to be a contrarian" bs card. I hate how people go easy on films purely because they are old and have high standards for newer films
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I hate the "it was ahead of it's time" and "it is the most influencial of all-time" or even the hateful "just to be a contrarian" bs card. I hate how people go easy on films purely because they are old and have high standards for newer films

Even if you put Citizen Kane on par with new films it's still better, and no it is fair to judge then at a slightly different standard due to the fact technology in the 40s is not what it is now, just because a movie wasn't capable of being digital or there were no cinematographic basics set during the period (which Citizen Kane set) doesn't mean they're bad. It's like criticizing the Roman Empire and calling it a failure because they didn't have guns and airplanes.
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no it is not, movies that doesn't age well are called outdated

Even if that were true, a film like Citizen Kane ages perfectly fine, it's people's attention span and expectation for moving colors and action at all moments that's changed,Besides, outdated is an often misused term, even then a movie's quality doesn't change, Citizen Kane has always been the same quality throughout time, sure a lot of the feats it accomplished don't appear as impressive today because other films have built from its successes (and their successes rely on its successes). It'd be like calling Newton a bad physicist because he didn't know about string theory. Edited by The Panda
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Calling Citizen Kane a bad movie doesn't equate to taste at all though, it just equates to poor objective viewing.  I can read Shakespeare and hate it, but me hating it doesn't change the fact that he was one of the most influential writers to exist and that his writing is masterwork, same with Citizen Kane.  


I understand taste, but worst means a more objective look (even if it's your worse) and is different from least favorite.  Calling Escape Plan one of the best of the year and then labeling Citizen Kane as one of the worst ever made because it bored you is equivalent of Armond White honestly.  


You can't watch Citizen Kane and honestly (and objectively) admit that it is on-par quality wise (Best and worst are judgement of quality not entertainment) with films like Jack and Jill or Twilight.


I firmly believe anyone putting a film like Citizen Kane on one of these lists is just trying to be a contrarian because it's nonsense to label one of (if not the) most positively influential movies in film history as one of the worst ever made.  (Especially given how ahead of its time it was in film making quality, which again quality is what a Best and Worst list is judged on, not how entertaining it was)



This is the most enormous pile of crap I have ever read.  Citizen Kane is one of the worst films ever made imo.  The reason?  It's boring, poorly acted and poorly written.  I could care less about the wipe and other shots it invented.  As film it bored the hell out of me and that makes it a bad, bad film.  


And guess what?  Films are made to entertain, not be dissected in film class.

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This is the most enormous pile of crap I have ever read. Citizen Kane is one of the worst films ever made imo. The reason? It's boring, poorly acted and poorly written. I could care less about the wipe and other shots it invented. As film it bored the hell out of me and that makes it a bad, bad film. And guess what? Films are made to entertain, not be dissected in film class.

Correction: Some films are meant to entertain, some are meant to make a statement, some are meant to be art, some are meant to invoke emotion, films don't just have one purpose.Boring? I can see how a black and white film would be boring to somebody born in the age of cgi robots and explosions, but that doesn't detract anything from the film, just from you.Poorly acted? Do you know anything about acting? Citizen Kane was one of the first films to even attempt a realistic acting portrayal instead of treating a film like a stage play. The performances in Citizen Kane were phenomenal and anyone who has been through any form of acting education would know that it's fact.Poor writing? Ok, now that's just plain trolling, even through the controversy it received (for its exposure of the poor press at the time) it won the Oscar when the film had been getting hate for exposing truth (which just makes the script even better). The script is unique, layered non-linearly (one of first early films to do so), and has one of the most inventive plot twists that very few films can even match. There's a reason Rosebud is still a classic line.I'm just the one exposing your pile of crap (that is toting Citizen Kane as trash)
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I don't have words for this paragraph :sigh:

It's funny the people sighing as if the other person is an idiot are the people responding with one or two sentences defending a statement that Citizen Kane is one of the worst films of all time and just saying it's boring.You have to be extremely ignorant to objectively believe it's one of the worst.
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Correction: Some films are meant to entertain, some are meant to make a statement, some are meant to be art, some are meant to invoke emotion, films don't just have one purpose.Boring? I can see how a black and white film would be boring to somebody born in the age of cgi robots and explosions, but that doesn't detract anything from the film, just from you.Poorly acted? Do you know anything about acting? Citizen Kane was one of the first films to even attempt a realistic acting portrayal instead of treating a film like a stage play. The performances in Citizen Kane were phenomenal and anyone who has been through any form of acting education would know that it's fact.Poor writing? Ok, now that's just plain trolling, even through the controversy it received (for its exposure of the poor press at the time) it won the Oscar when the film had been getting hate for exposing truth (which just makes the script even better). The script is unique, layered non-linearly (one of first early films to do so), and has one of the most inventive plot twists that very few films can even match. There's a reason Rosebud is still a classic line.I'm just the one exposing your pile of crap (that is toting Citizen Kane as trash)


Here's a news flash for you bud.  Movies are a business.  There's a reason Citizen Kane was ignored when it first came out and there's a reason it didn't win best picture.  And that's because it's crap.  It's only over the years that everyone has become brainwashed with its so called brilliance.  


And you know nothing about me.  I wasn't born in the 90's, I was born in the 70s and I know plenty about acting and what is good acting and what isn't.  Some of the worst performances today are better than the wooden acting that came from Citizen Kane.


If you love it, that's your opinion but it is not shared by everyone else.  So spare me your pretentious posts about its brilliance.  Film is subjective and there is nothing apodictic about opinions of it.  IMO CK is a horrible film.

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It's funny the people sighing as if the other person is an idiot are the people responding with one or two sentences defending a statement that Citizen Kane is one of the worst films of all time and just saying it's boring.You have to be extremely ignorant to objectively believe it's one of the worst.

I never watched CK, I'm just mad that people have higher standards for newer films. I don't care about a film being B&W, slow paced with no action, if the film is well made(with interesting stuff to show) for my standards (doesn't matter if it's new or old), I will enjoy it. One of the "classics" that I hated was 2001, it's the slowest films I'ver seen:

what could possibly explain this? (not the meaning, the length)


For your information, I hated the last two TF (not enough to put in my list though) and didn't like Pacific Rim. And I'm from "the age of cgi robots and explosions".

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If you love it, that's your opinion but it is not shared by everyone else.  So spare me your pretentious posts about its brilliance.  Film is subjective and there is nothing apodictic about opinions of it


Edited by Goffe
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