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Ted being huge again, according to Nikki its just over $4 for thursday-friday.. So easily going to hit $8m!

yeah i know.... i'm thinking 8.5m at least at the moment with 9m a good chance also ..... 10m is probably a stretch unless it jumps massively on sat (which isn't out of the question but the holiday factor might be in play :P )
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Theatres seem to have 1or 2 more TASM sessions then Ted sessions. If it was the other way around Ted could have had a shot at $10m. Still, over $8m is fantastic.Consider this if you will. Bridemaids had a similar style opening last year with a preview weekend and then the main release although both figures were half of Ted's totals.From its total after the first proper weekend of $6.4m it had a muliplier of 4.25 to finish at $27.2m.$13m x 4.25 for Ted gives us $55.25m. Somehow I don't think so.Still,$13m x 3 gives us $39m. Does Ted have a shot at $40m. I'm saying YES. Ted over $40m.

Edited by DeeCee
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yeah i know.... i'm thinking 8.5m at least at the moment with 9m a good chance also ..... 10m is probably a stretch unless it jumps massively on sat (which isn't out of the question but the holiday factor might be in play :P )

8.2-8.5m to hit 9 Sunday would almost have to be same as Sat(not that it hasn't happened before but not often) it'll be the biggest opening ever for Uni studios
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Thanks. Again, WOW. It'll be interesting to see what the legs will be like. Comedies like this tend to have pretty good legs in Australia. Will TASM be around $5m and take 2nd or 3rd?

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Even The Hangover 2, a SEQUEL got almost a 3x multi.Using PR + actual opening, that would be around $40m :SNow coming back down to earth, a 3X multi from this OW + PR would be around $30m.So it seems $30-40m is the range, with a likelihood of it ending closer to $40m as it ain't a sequel and it's getting crazy WOM!!Wtf are we witnessing.

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Ok so based on that. We gotThurs - 1.9mFri - 2mSat - 2.6mSun - ???Even with a big Sunday dip (and I'm hearing it's still nearly selling out in places today so it could be closer to sat ) 8.5m should happen. From here. Hangover 2 (average sequel legs) legs we get to 29.8m. Don't even look at bridesmaids and hangover legs (good WOM which this is getting plus given its not a kids film the holiday shouldn't impact it as much. ). 40m well and truly in play. I'm going with 36m for now but if legs do show. Well.....

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Man how man wtf moments are we witnessing this year. The avengers and now this. ( u do realize this is like an 85m in the US.

Just like $40m would be a $400m comedy in NA!!The Hobbit .... we shall see if we get another "wtf moment"
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Just like $40m would be a $400m comedy in NA!!The Hobbit .... we shall see if we get another "wtf moment"

10m OD (on boxing day possible ??) :D;) - not sure if the market could handle that size Opening day yet..... Now that would be a WTF moment.......(real shame boxing day is on a wednesday as otherwise i would say the hobbit has a good chance of knocking off the opening weekend record held down by Harry :P though harry beat the record with a wednesday opening :) )next year is the killer though.. boxing day on a thursday, the final hobbit and possibly final in ever in middle earth.... mark my words, lots of records will tumble then assuming the first hobbit film lives up to the hype!
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Sony will learn a valuable lesson about how much damage a poor release date can do to a film. They should have released TASM nationwide on Thursday June 28. The following would have been highly likely with that date-28/6-1/7: $6-7m2/7-4/7: $3-3.5m5/7-8/7: $4-5mCould have been at about $13-15.5m rather then it's current $7.2m. Also consider that it would have been unlikely for Ted to have had the preview weekend.

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Yep - great to hear.I was at Parramatta on Friday and it was absolutely PACKED!Cinemas will be happy to cash in on school holidays.And as Ted isn't a film that would overly thrive on school holidays, it (hopefully) shouldn't drop like a rock in two weekends time!!

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