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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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Not 1 person asked for an AVATAR Sequel Neo and it's true, not 1 outside this forum.. A movie that made all this $$$$ and is never mentioned, not even on the fucking Big Bang Theory is it mentioned..

You have to get of this no mention it thing. Its still 2.5+ years out. Early hype can be a bad thing especially 2.5+ years out. If no one mentions it say by October 2016 then there should be panic. Again, you say no one, so the 2.7B just magically appeared, right? Now a movie has to have silly sitcom antics to be considered to be popular for a sequel?

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And it's still a sequel to a movie no one outside this forum asked for and still incredibly odd for a movie like AVATAR that made all the $$$ it did and not barely 1 mention of it to this day...


Everything about this post is laughable.


I am really looking forward to updating my Broken Records thread.


AVATAR ll - biggest sequel no one outside this forum asked for lolololololol

Edited by kayumanggi
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Couple of points on Avatar 2's potential run. First off, let's apply logic here. It is a sequel to the biggest movie of all time. Logic says this has nowhere to go but down. Logic also says that this movie will open pretty damn big and it's multiplier will be drastically different than the original (lower). Also, we would have to assume that even though this film will likely go down, people saying this is going to see massive drops are likely in for a surprise. When I say this is in for a drop, I'm talking like... minimum of 550 million. Which is still absolutely effing incredible. It likely wins the year any way. As for its overseas prospects, come on.... this thing is going to beat every movie's world wide total with just its overseas gross, not even including its domestic haul. 


But my point is this... all that logic doesn't mean shit. Because James Cameron doesn't give a damn about following history. He makes history. He makes movies that somehow transcend the rules of cinema and box office and ends up setting new heights. So honestly, this movie's potential is seriously off the maps because of the genius behind the camera.


Wouldn't be surprised if he sets even more records, but for now, I'm sticking with a "conservative" slight drop to about 630-660 million domestic take with overseas grabbing around 2billion. End of the day, it's still king over anything including Avengers 2, Star Wars, Batman, whatever. (and I'm not even an Avatar or Cameron fanatic.. honestly. I thought Avatar was merely good, not great. I fall into the Nolan Dark Knight loonie bin, but you all know I'm right). :lol:


As for those saying this doesn't have any hype... when has Cameron's films ever had any real hype before release? He doesn't need it. He let's his films speak for themselves through WOM.

Edited by Letsuseournoggin
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And it's still a sequel to a movie no one outside this forum asked for and still incredibly odd for a movie like AVATAR that made all the $$$ it did and not barely 1 mention of it to this day...


Stop talking shit, I hear more people talk about Avatar than The avengers.

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Couple of points on Avatar 2's potential run. First off, let's apply logic here. It is a sequel to the biggest movie of all time. Logic says this has nowhere to go but down. Logic also says that this movie will open pretty damn big and it's multiplier will be drastically different than the original (lower). Also, we would have to assume that even though this film will likely go down, people saying this is going to see massive drops are likely in for a surprise. When I say this is in for a drop, I'm talking like... minimum of 550 million. Which is still absolutely effing incredible. It likely wins the year any way. As for its overseas prospects, come on.... this thing is going to beat every movie's world wide total with just its overseas gross, not even including its domestic haul. 


But my point is this... all that logic doesn't mean shit. Because James Cameron doesn't give a damn about following history. He makes history. He makes movies that somehow transcend the rules of cinema and box office and ends up setting new heights. So honestly, this movie's potential is seriously off the maps because of the genius behind the camera.


Wouldn't be surprised if he sets even more records, but for now, I'm sticking with a "conservative" slight drop to about 630-660 million domestic take with overseas grabbing around 2billion. End of the day, it's still king over anything including Avengers 2, Star Wars, Batman, whatever. (and I'm not even an Avatar or Cameron fanatic.. honestly. I thought Avatar was merely good, not great. I fall into the Nolan Dark Knight loonie bin, but you all know I'm right). :lol:


As for those saying this doesn't have any hype... when has Cameron's films ever had any real hype before release? He doesn't need it. He let's his films speak for themselves through WOM.

Logic? You touched on this later in the post, all that logic doesn't mean shit. Because James Cameron doesn't give a damn about following history. So as much chance as this will decrease the odd of going up are just as good. BTW I meant the word logic the first time you used it. Those sequels a) weren't good enough, B) didn't open high enough or c) couldn't replicate/top magic of first movie. If AOU increases then throw out the book 800M+ is in play. Lower multi yes, but with a 133M+ OW a multi nearly cut in half from the original will beat Avatar's original run.

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Logic? You touched on this later in the post, all that logic doesn't mean shit. Because James Cameron doesn't give a damn about following history. So as much chance as this will decrease the odd of going up are just as good. BTW I meant the word logic the first time you used it. Those sequels a) weren't good enough, B) didn't open high enough or c) couldn't replicate/top magic of first movie. If AOU increases then throw out the book 800M+ is in play. Lower multi yes, but with a 133M+ OW a multi nearly cut in half from the original will beat Avatar's original run.


Right. And that's my point. Logic says this should decrease, but logic doesn't apply to James Cameron. So anything is in play for this movie. For now, I see it hitting about 650m (don't fault me for that.. it's still an incredible total) and matching its overseas run. End of the day, I see this hitting around 2.6 billion. That's illogical, but somehow not crazy because of Cameron's genius. 

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Right. And that's my point. Logic says this should decrease, but logic doesn't apply to James Cameron. So anything is in play for this movie. For now, I see it hitting about 650m (don't fault me for that.. it's still an incredible total) and matching its overseas run. End of the day, I see this hitting around 2.6 billion. That's illogical, but somehow not crazy because of Cameron's genius. 

As for your last point in your last post, when has Cameron movies ever been in the 'positive' lime light? Titanic was blasted before release by critics and audience members, how can a 200M+ movie make bank and look at what it did. Avatar same situation how can a Pocahontas remake with blue cat people in space make a profit and 2.7B later. Look at T2 one of the biggest, if not biggest sequels increases ever. Nearly 600M WW in 1991 with no 3D, Cameron knows no bounds.

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And I'll reiterate my point to everyone - I am no Cameron fanboy or Avatar fanboy. I am an admitted Nolan fanboy and a Batman fanboy. So you better believe when I saw Avatar on its way to destroying my beloved Dark Knight, I was pissy, but you also better believe I paid my ticket to see Avatar three times in 3D. I never even thought it was a masterpiece or even great for that matter, but the 3D was so innovative, that I had to catch it a second time. The third time I went because my freaking dad, of all people, asked me to take him to catch it (he hadn't set foot in a theatre in years). Again, the guy has the ability to reach an audience somehow. Not sure what his secret sauce is, but I wouldn't count it out anytime soon. 

Edited by Letsuseournoggin
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Who says AVATAR 2 is making 140M OW in December when the HOBBIT 2 couldn't even achieve anything over 100M OW????

LOl, almost every major predictor in forums BKB... How about people on ET saying that the sequel

could make  over 3billion!!!  Seems your alone yet again... Hobbit 2 was anticipated??? I Think you need

to come off the fruity pebbles my friend.



" Your the answer  son!" " Your the answer to are we alone in the universe." ---Man of Steel 2 comes for Avengers in 2015.


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And I'll reiterate my point to everyone - I am no Cameron fanboy or Avatar fanboy. I am an admitted Nolan fanboy and a Batman fanboy. So you better believe when I saw Avatar on its way to destroying my beloved Dark Knight, I was pissy, but you also better believe I paid my ticket to see Avatar three times in 3D. I never even thought it was a masterpiece or even great for that matter, but the 3D was so innovative, that I had to catch it a second time. The third time I went because my freaking dad, of all people, asked me to take him to catch it (he hadn't set foot in a theatre in years). Again, the guy has the ability to reach an audience somehow. Not sure what his secret sauce is, but I wouldn't count it out anytime soon. 

Its the years of never letting audience down Letsuseournoggin...It has created something not seen

since early Speilberg.. .A director has become a brand bigger than  any box office movie potential.


James cameron when he does epic films, people listen and he delivers an earth shatter movie experience like no other

has before and since.. This is why they are saying the skys the limit.  Can you imagine the same audience

from epics, Avatar, Titanic, Aliens, Comic films going to see this film at 10-20.00 3-20+ times.. It could be one

crazy situation for pretenders like Avengers 2 and yes even MOS 2 an Justice League.


I think no film may challenge Avatar or titanic until James does something big..lol Perhaps Battle angel I of III(You know fox

will lock him to do that one under their helm lol)

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As for your last point in your last post, when has Cameron movies ever been in the 'positive' lime light? Titanic was blasted before release by critics and audience members, how can a 200M+ movie make bank and look at what it did. Avatar same situation how can a Pocahontas remake with blue cat people in space make a profit and 2.7B later. Look at T2 one of the biggest, if not biggest sequels increases ever. Nearly 600M WW in 1991 with no 3D, Cameron knows no bounds.

Wow Amen.....BKB and Cameron naysayers again face oblivion Neo and we will once again stand triumphant.


Its going to be funny if the film blows away the 4billion  WW mark destroying all of our predicts by quite a bit.

What was your again for WW Neo..You want to start bumping predicts



Kal---850Mil(Cameron aim to give us more tho lol)  155MOW, OS an astounding 2.8B  3.7B WW

Neo-- , (Need your OW and Domestic predicts Neo buddy!)   3.6B WW

Bballman 2.7B WW


Tarzan 800M domestic, 2.7B OS--3.5B WW


Dash (Need your predict)


Its the end of the Road for the Box office pretenders aka. .MOS2, Avengers 2, JLA1, Transformers 4, Hobbit 3


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Couple of points on Avatar 2's potential run. First off, let's apply logic here. It is a sequel to the biggest movie of all time. Logic says this has nowhere to go but down. Logic also says that this movie will open pretty damn big and it's multiplier will be drastically different than the original (lower). Also, we would have to assume that even though this film will likely go down, people saying this is going to see massive drops are likely in for a surprise. When I say this is in for a drop, I'm talking like... minimum of 550 million. Which is still absolutely effing incredible. It likely wins the year any way. As for its overseas prospects, come on.... this thing is going to beat every movie's world wide total with just its overseas gross, not even including its domestic haul. 


But my point is this... all that logic doesn't mean shit. Because James Cameron doesn't give a damn about following history. He makes history. He makes movies that somehow transcend the rules of cinema and box office and ends up setting new heights. So honestly, this movie's potential is seriously off the maps because of the genius behind the camera.


Wouldn't be surprised if he sets even more records, but for now, I'm sticking with a "conservative" slight drop to about 630-660 million domestic take with overseas grabbing around 2billion. End of the day, it's still king over anything including Avengers 2, Star Wars, Batman, whatever. (and I'm not even an Avatar or Cameron fanatic.. honestly. I thought Avatar was merely good, not great. I fall into the Nolan Dark Knight loonie bin, but you all know I'm right). :lol:


As for those saying this doesn't have any hype... when has Cameron's films ever had any real hype before release? He doesn't need it. He let's his films speak for themselves through WOM.

Amen though his T2, Avatar had hype but Cameron and Fox flexed their muscles in August lol. They dont need

to do a yrs ahead of prepping like Avengers 2.. Which is more embarrassing lol

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Not 1 person asked for an AVATAR Sequel Neo and it's true, not 1 outside this forum.. A movie that made all this $$$$ and is never mentioned, not even on the fucking Big Bang Theory is it mentioned..





:worthy: ^^^ The epic fail of one of the worst marvel loonie tunes I have ever debated with. ---Watch when Juggernaut 2016

2 beats Avatar 2 by 1.5-2.3B or more lol


You will give the people  of earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you. They will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun.In time, you will help them accomplish wonders!! And so will James Cameron when he beats any pretender to throne

by at least 1.5-2billion + LMAO

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Introducing--The Avatar vs Avengers 2 Game.. Top 3 get $20 Paypal and Bragging Rights  and

can lord it over the pretenders- I will also try to include Avatar 2 items for winners.



You must come very close to Avatar 2's domestic and Finally WW gross, and that of Avengers 2

finally Tally.. Enjoy the Game!!




Kal---850Mil(Cameron aim to give us more tho lol)  155MOW, OS an astounding 2.8B  3.7B WW


Kals Avengers 2 for oblivion predic --- $225M OW, 560M Domestic, 1.02B OS-1.56B WW


Neo-- ,  790M, OW 133M 3.29B WW


Bballman 2.7B WW


Tarzan 800M domestic, OW 150M,  2.7B OS--3.5B WW


Dash R (Need your predict)


Its the end of the Road for the Box office pretenders aka. .MOS2, Avengers 2, JLA1, Transformers 4, Hobbit 3




Predict the Juggernaut 2016(James Cameron's Avatar II)  vs The Avengers II and win one of 3 prizes..Woohoo!!

How massive will be the destruction??!


Game updated Jan 17th 2014 2:18am

Edited by Superman001
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Introducing--The Avatar vs Avengers 2 Game.. Top 3 get $20 Paypal and Bragging Rights  and

can lord it over the pretenders- I will also try to include Avatar 2 items for winners.



You must come very close to Avatar 2's domestic and Finally WW gross, and that of Avengers 2

finally Tally.. Enjoy the Game!!




Kal---850Mil(Cameron aim to give us more tho lol)  155MOW, OS an astounding 2.8B  3.7B WW


Kals Avengers 2 for oblivion predic --- $225M OW, 560M Domestic, 1.02B OS-1.56B WW


Neo-- ,  790M, OW 133M 3.29B WW


Bballman 2.7B WW


Tarzan 800M domestic, OW 150M,  2.7B OS--3.5B WW


Dash R (Need your predict)


Its the end of the Road for the Box office pretenders aka. .MOS2, Avengers 2, JLA1, Transformers 4, Hobbit 3




Predict the Juggernaut 2016(James Cameron's Avatar II)  vs The Avengers II and win one of 3 prizes..Woohoo!!

How massive will be the destruction??!


Game updated Jan 17th 2014 2:18am

Game Bump

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