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Whos gearing up for Superbowl today...None of my teams, but excited to see the commericals and half time shows






You will give the people  of earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you. They will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun.In time, you will help them accomplish wonders!!

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Avatar 2 vs the world Prize Game Bump.. Predict and win! :)

Introducing--The Avatar II  vs  the Risers in the Box office Game..(MOS2, AVengers II, SW VII, Transformers IV)


Game ends 3mths before the first of the Contenders Debuts. So get your entries in and adjust

them accordingly .We are rocking!!


Grandprize winner  who predicts Avatar and Avengers 2 the most accurately gets a Sony PSP Vista or Cash eqivalent where available.


Top 5 get $20 Paypal and Bragging Rights  and

can lord it over the pretenders- I will also try to include AvatarPosted Image 2 items for winners.


Grandprize winner gets a Sony PSP or Cash eqivalent where available.


You must come very close to AvatarPosted Image 2's domestic and  WW gross, and that of Avengers 2, SW7, MOS 2,

finally Tally.. Enjoy the Game!!


 Kal---840 Mil (Cameron aim to give us more tho lol)  161M OW,


OS an astounding 2.7B.     3.6B WW


Avengers 2 for oblivion level loss to Avatar 2 predict --- $230M OW, 540M Domestic, 1.02B OS-1.53B WW


SW7 --580M, 1.1B OS(1.6 B),  MOS II 650M Domestic, 1.1( 1.8B  WW)


Transformers IV 360M, 1.1B OS, 1.4B WW



Neo: Avatar 2:  OW 133M  790M/3.29B WW


35/86/52/37/175/18/17/18/11/22/27/22/71/17/16/16/14/ 26/25/15/66/645/1B/1.645B


OW: 175M 4-day: 193M (-51.5%)  5-day: 210M 6-day: 228M 7-day: 239M  2nd wknd: 71M (-59.5%) 10-day: 310M  3rd wknd: 66M (-7%) 17-day: 376M  











Bballman 2.7B WW


Tarzan 800M domestic, OW 150M,  2.7B OS--3.5B WW


Dash R (Need your predict)


Walt Disney, on 18 Jan 2014



AvatarPosted Image 2: OW 145M , Dom 495M, WW 2.8B


Avengers 2: OW 215M, Dom 530M, WW 2.2B







Predictions for the game (I'll consider they're all good movies)

Avengers 2 : OW 215M - DOM 540M - WW 1.8B$


Star Wars Episode VII : OW 160M - DOM 570M- WW 1.65B$


Batman/Superman : OW 205M - DOM 540M - WW 1.45B$


Avatar 2 : OW 130M - DOM 560M - WW 3B$




Kayom ...


0575 M - 0675 M domestic


2000 M - 2500 M overseas


2575 M - 3175 M worldwide






0550 M - 0625 M domestic


1000 M - 1350 M overseas


1550 M - 1975 M worldwide




SW Vll


0550 M - 0650 M domestic


0900 M - 1000 M overseas


1450 M - 1650 M worldwide




MOS ll


0450 M - 0550 M domestic


0650 M - 0800 M overseas


1100 M - 1350 M worldwide






0300 M - 0400 M domestic


0800 M - 0950 M overseas


1100 M - 1350 M worldwide




The Stingray, on 27 Jan 2014 - 04:15 AM, said:Posted Image


FINAL PREDICTIONS (because real box office predictors can predict the numbers from the title alone)
Domestic: 335-360m
Worldwide: 1.25b
Domestic: 535-560m
Worldwide: 1.4-1.7b
Domestic: 475-500m
Worldwide: 0.9-1.2b
Domestic: 385-410m
Worldwide: 1-1.3b
Domestic: 550-575m
Worldwide: 1.8-2.1b


Game ends  4-5 mths before the first 2015 Behemoth  Film is Launched

 The Avatar 2 for Glory Prize Game>....


Updated  02/03/2014  9:06 pm


I thought over it and you know what, lets add Transformers 4 back since you know  it could it could get to 400M and over a billion  OS . :)


Its a contender with these guys.

Avatar 2 vs the world Prize Game Bump.. Predict and win the prizes! :)

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Where is everyone going to watch their first 1-2 showings of Juggernaut 2016.. I'm going to preorder my Lincolns  Square Super Imax tickets at least 2-3 months before the release.


Share where you plan to experience the phenom, the worldbreaker and are you dressing up or anything for the Return to Pandora.

Think imgoing to go in some sort of Avatar garb or costume..I will be sure to post pics and vids :D

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Avatar News Updates.

Everyone confirmed by Fox to be back... :)


Zoe Saldana & Sam Worthington Confirmed for Three ‘Avatar’ Sequels’(So our stars are official on board for one hell of  a shoot Cameron ins shooting all 3 Avatar sequels as one mega shoot--Holy moly!!)


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So they are filming two movies back to back or three?

Hey  Heat buddy 3 films :) my friend.  James Cameron really wasnt kidding  around when he said hes in

just the Avatar business period.Wow has turned hundreds of millions to do films for others or produce them.



Did you enter in the  Avatar 2  Vs the world Prize Game I started ?:)

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Gravity's great performance makes me believe people will flock for Avatar 2 for the 3D alone. People aren't sick of 3D, they are just sick of unnecessarily used 3d. This will do well and I'd say it's pretty likely it will have the best 3D we've had so far.

Edited by Jessie
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I believe in 150m OW but I don't believe in a 6 multiplier I'm afraid.

Hey Jessie... Rem Lowest Multiplier for any mega epic by James was 6.8(Terminator 2).. Avatar had a whopping 9.8x.. The sequel has sold more than 3 times

what Avengers did at the HV BO... Why would you think it cant manage a 6-8x.. James Cameron

has no limits when it comes to BO rules. :)

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Gravity's great performance makes me believe people will flock for Avatar 2 for the 3D alone. People aren't sick of 3D, they are just sick of unnecessarily used 3d. This will do well and I'd say it's pretty likely it will have the best 3D we've had so far.

Well the brand that is our boy James Cameron, makes me feel 850M  may not be that

hard to reach if Cameron pushes 3D tech to even more boundaries and uses it to wow us in ways

never thought possible. Can you imagine making us feel like we are in the  waters of Pandora.

Twirling our minds around in some unspeakable battle or moments of Jake and NEfreteryi hanging on

for dear life!! :-o!!

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Hey Jessie... Rem Lowest Multiplier for any mega epic by James was 6.8(Terminator 2).. Avatar had a whopping 9.8x.. The sequel has sold more than 3 timeswhat Avengers did at the HV BO... Why would you think it cant manage a 6-8x.. James Cameronhas no limits when it comes to BO rules. :)

I'd rather not believe in a multiplier that high and be pleasantly surprised. If I expected it and it happened there would be far less fun tracking it. Also Terminator 2 was the last sequel he's made and it came out so long ago that it can't be compared to films released today. People rush to see sequels far more now.
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Well the brand that is our boy James Cameron, makes me feel 850M  may not be thathard to reach if Cameron pushes 3D tech to even more boundaries and uses it to wow us in waysnever thought possible. Can you imagine making us feel like we are in the  waters of Pandora.Twirling our minds around in some unspeakable battle or moments of Jake and NEfreteryi hanging onfor dear life!! :-o!!

Do you think there's any chance of exploring other planets? One thing that worries me is Sam Worthington was always that human character to relate to, now he's visually no longer human, do you think that will change things?
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I do think it's very likely Avatar will stomp Star Wars in the international box office.

Lol KO some folks have been waiting and hounding Fox for years OS onwhen Avatar 2

is coming out...Likely you say? First Avatar made nearly 2.1B OS lol in  a far far far smaller

OS market.....Im not sure even if you combine SW and Avengers 2 that the gross will be out muscle

the mayhem of the mega fans of the James Cameron and his Avatar brand.



Can SW7 and TA2 combin for 3.6B WW or better.. (Maybe not!)

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Do you think there's any chance of exploring other planets? One thing that worries me is Sam Worthington was always that human character to relate to, now he's visually no longer human, do you think that will change things?

Yeah I was thinking about that too with friends Jesse.. Perhaps he will find he can jump

in and out of his body at will or another Human character will be very relatable.

I think James said in the latest posts that he may deal with thati n part 3.. I thin kthis one

the all new parts of the moon of Pandora will feel like another world.. But you know James is know

for lying his ass off.. So I'd say 50% chance this battle has jake going off somewhere to rescue

nefertaryi.. Im wondering how Siguourney's Grace comes into play too? And will our girl

be back, the Michelle Rodriguez.. I hope so :D

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I think both will do around 550m domestically. Avatar 2 will destroy everything worldwide tho.

I think Avatar did too well over Avengers I on the HV and after box office for Avatar2 to

get anything less than 650-700M Domestic... When a modern film not from the peak era of the 90s

does numbers on DVD and BLueray that start to approach TLK, Titanic  level worth of sales

And Avengers I dont think cleared even 14-15m copies in comparison.... Its doesnt take a bo genius S

tingray friend to see domestically Avatar 2 is likely to blow away even the original  and yep OS

I expect 2.5-3B alone!!---LEAPING LIZARDS!!

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Walt, you DO realize just how much 3 Billion dollars is and how hard that is to achieve, even when the 1st movie made as much as what it did and came up short WW??? That's ALOT of $$$$ folks and you don't have to be a box office expert to realize this..

Lol alot of us also know what James Cameron is capable of too..  And we will dealy your Avengers 2

a fast death as you cry and bow to your knees as Avatar 2 surpasses everything domestically, then

shows it true capabilties OS, by possibly making beyond the entire gross of Avatar I from the OS market alone.Wo


w Wow Juggernaut 2016 OS Box office where major markets have increased up to 200-400%..

Oh my!!!!!!

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Ist sequel he's made and it came out so long ago that it can't be compared to films released today. People rush to see sequels far more now.

I'd rather not believe in a multiplier that high and be pleasantly surprised. If I expected it and it happened there would be far less fun tracking it. Also Terminator 2 was the last sequel he's made and it came out so long ago that it can't be compared to films released today. People rush to see sequels far more now.

Heh heh true, but look  at his next mega epics Jessie... Titanic 1997-1998(20X), Avatar 12+ yrs

later 9.8X.. Hows that for jaw dropping solidarity of what Cameron is able to do. :D

I do agree it is better not to focus on the higher end of the spectrum for the worlds biggest sequel..

Still in Cameron I trust so Im going ape sh%$t lol.  And I have a feeling he could surpass even the highest

predict in the game Jessee. As long as the film makes 2billion and beats titanic again, I'll be happy :D.B

Still why not put my focus on 3B or more WW:)..

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Introducing--The Avatar II  vs  the Risers in the Box office Game..(MOS2, AVengers II, SW VII, Transformers IV)


Game ends 3mths before the first of the Contenders Debuts. So get your entries in and adjust

them accordingly .We are rocking!!


Grandprize winner  who predicts Avatar and Avengers 2 the most accurately gets a Sony PSP Vista or Cash eqivalent where available.


Top 5 get $20 Paypal and Bragging Rights  and

can lord it over the pretenders- I will also try to include AvatarPosted Image 2 items for winners.


Grandprize winner gets a Sony PSP or Cash eqivalent where available.


You must come very close to AvatarPosted Image 2's domestic and  WW gross, and that of Avengers 2, SW7, MOS 2,

finally Tally.. Enjoy the Game!!


 Kal---840 Mil (Cameron aim to give us more tho lol)  161M OW,


OS an astounding 2.7B.     3.6B WW


Avengers 2 for oblivion level loss to Avatar 2 predict --- $230M OW, 540M Domestic, 1.02B OS-1.53B WW


SW7 --580M, 1.1B OS(1.6 B),  MOS II 650M Domestic, 1.1( 1.8B  WW)


Transformers IV 360M, 1.1B OS, 1.4B WW



Neo: Avatar 2:  OW 133M  790M/3.29B WW


35/86/52/37/175/18/17/18/11/22/27/22/71/17/16/16/14/ 26/25/15/66/645/1B/1.645B


OW: 175M 4-day: 193M (-51.5%)  5-day: 210M 6-day: 228M 7-day: 239M  2nd wknd: 71M (-59.5%) 10-day: 310M  3rd wknd: 66M (-7%) 17-day: 376M  











Bballman 2.7B WW


Tarzan 800M domestic, OW 150M,  2.7B OS--3.5B WW


Dash R (Need your predict)


Walt Disney, on 18 Jan 2014



AvatarPosted Image 2: OW 145M , Dom 495M, WW 2.8B


Avengers 2: OW 215M, Dom 530M, WW 2.2B







Predictions for the game (I'll consider they're all good movies)

Avengers 2 : OW 215M - DOM 540M - WW 1.8B$


Star Wars Episode VII : OW 160M - DOM 570M- WW 1.65B$


Batman/Superman : OW 205M - DOM 540M - WW 1.45B$


Avatar 2 : OW 130M - DOM 560M - WW 3B$




Kayom ...


0575 M - 0675 M domestic


2000 M - 2500 M overseas


2575 M - 3175 M worldwide






0550 M - 0625 M domestic


1000 M - 1350 M overseas


1550 M - 1975 M worldwide




SW Vll


0550 M - 0650 M domestic


0900 M - 1000 M overseas


1450 M - 1650 M worldwide




MOS ll


0450 M - 0550 M domestic


0650 M - 0800 M overseas


1100 M - 1350 M worldwide






0300 M - 0400 M domestic


0800 M - 0950 M overseas


1100 M - 1350 M worldwide




The Stingray, on 27 Jan 2014 - 04:15 AM, said:Posted Image


FINAL PREDICTIONS (because real box office predictors can predict the numbers from the title alone)
Domestic: 335-360m
Worldwide: 1.25b
Domestic: 535-560m
Worldwide: 1.4-1.7b
Domestic: 475-500m
Worldwide: 0.9-1.2b
Domestic: 385-410m
Worldwide: 1-1.3b
Domestic: 550-575m
Worldwide: 1.8-2.1b


Game ends  4-5 mths before the first 2015 Behemoth  Film is Launched

 The Avatar 2 for Glory Prize Game>....


Updated  02/03/2014  9:06 pm


I thought over it and you know what, lets add Transformers 4 back since you know  it could it could get to 400M and over a billion  OS . :)


Its a contender with these guys.

Avatar 2 vs the world Prize Game Bump.. Predict and win the prizes! :)


Prize game Bump ...You gotta love that this time around there alot of James Cameron believers for another mega 2b+ to 3b+ WW at the box office !! :)

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