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Some men just want to watch.... TDKR (The Amazing Baumer Transformation Thread)

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TDKR is like how Ferris Bueller says licking his palms are so that his parents think he's sick.  "It's a little bit childish and stupid, but then again, so are a lot of comic book films."  Or something like that.


For some reason this time, all the stupidity and plot holes don't bother me as much.  I'm enjoying it much more than I thought I could.  The fire Bat symbol on the building is still incredibly dumb but dammit it's kind of cool.  


Oh GOD!  what's wrong with me?


You like a masterpiece. Nothing wrong with that?

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Oh God, does this mean in six months I'm suddenly going to love CAP 2????

"For some reason this time, all the plot devices and inconsistencies don't bother me as much.  I'm enjoying it much more than I thought I could.  Cap's invincibility is incredibly dumb but dammit it's kind of cool. "

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"For some reason this time, all the plot devices and inconsistencies don't bother me as much.  I'm enjoying it much more than I thought I could.  Cap's invincibility is incredibly dumb but dammit it's kind of cool. "


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Btw, I love how the Spidey thread first got derailed by Indiana Jones, and now the Nolanverse.


And the saddest thing is I'm the one saying good things about TDKR.  Ugggg.

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"For some reason this time, all the plot devices and inconsistencies don't bother me as much.  I'm enjoying it much more than I thought I could.  Cap's invincibility is incredibly dumb but dammit it's kind of cool. "

That's disturbingly close to how I already feel.
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Generalizations like this won't do anyone any favors.


There's a lot of truth in that generalization. The problem as I see it is people put TDK on way too high of a pedestal, as if it wasn't already a silly comic book movie in the first place. Can someone please explain the "realism" of the Joker being able to rig a hospital to blow up, especially in post-9/11 America?

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I think there's a temporary disturbance in the equilibrium distribution in the brain here in London Ontario.  That would explain why it snowed two days ago, went up to 16 degrees today ( 60F) and now is raining like we're in TDAT.  This must be why I am enjoying TDKR tonight.  

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I just realized something.  Since not all of us have cute kids that we are willing to whore out for likes, just say something good about Nolan or TDKR and the likes come Fast and Furious (see what I did there?).

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