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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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Just got back from vacation and finished getting caught up on the story.  Great job as always Ayy, and I figured I was just hiding in plain site :)


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Great poster as well, I'm glad you chose an EOT one!

Edited by Punishment
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Part 17! This part includes something not done yet in the Games, hopefully you guys enjoy it. Thanks again for taking the time out to read.

The door to the control room opens and IJack comes flying in with K1stpierre. He throws her on the floor and hops off the glider. Baumer turns around and looks in shock.

Baumer: IJack! What is this!?

IJack: I found her in hallway K, along with 2 others.

Baumer: (to K1st) How'd you get in here!

K1stpierre: I don't know! Baumer walks up and grabs her.

Baumer: I said, how'd you get in here!

K1stpierre: (choking) I don't know! A portal opened up and I got sucked up in here! Baumer lets go and focuses on Neo.

Baumer: What is she talking about, Neo? Portals?

Neo: I don't know what she's talking about?

Baumer: I knew it! I knew members were missing! Get Mod security out now! Check all the halls, all the rooms, every realm, barren moon, and crevice! NOW! And when you find them, KILL THEM! Kill them ALL! Neo runs to the wall and presses an emergency alarm button. An alarm and red strobe go off in the hallways.

Mango: They know we're here!

Dragon: What do we do? We're weaponless!

Spaghetti: What else but find weapons! They run.

Back in the control room.

Baumer: Alright, Kelli. You're bold, showing up in the Admin Capital. I don't know how you did it, but I applaud you. And you know what? I'm going to give you a chance to live.

K1stpierre: No you're not, Baumer. Cut the bullshit.

Baumer: No bullshit. Real shit. You just have to play a game.

K1stpierre: I don't like Saw. I'm not playing a game.

Baumer: Not that kind of game. (to Neo) Tell him to come in. Neo presses a button and they wait. After a few seconds of tension, the control room door opens. A 6' 8'', African American figure steps in. LEBRON JAMES. K1stpierre nearly faints from the surprise. The door closes and Lebron stands, towering over them all. Glad you could make it, Lebron. Good to see you taking your talents back to the Rust Belt.

Lebron James: Thank you, Baumer.

K1stpierre: What is this! What's going on!

Baumer: Like I said, I'll let you live, but you have to play Lebron in a 1 on 1 game of basketball. You win, you live and will be declared a winner of the 1st annual Games. You lose, well Lebron takes you out back.

K1st and Lebron: What?

Lebron: Wait, Baumer, you didn't say anything about me having to kill. Baumer, I cant lose my endorsements, and I'm still praying for Space Jam 2.

Baumer: Fine, I'll have IJack take of it. (to K1st) So, Kelli, what do you say? Under 6 foot Kelli looks up at the towering Lebron. She's like the Statue of Liberty and he's the new World Trade Center.

K1stpierre: I'll do it. The room reacts shockingly.

Baumer: Well then...okay. Lebron, suit up. Vanilla, take Kelli to suit up. You play to 21. The match will be broadcast on FTV. May God, and the best referees be with you. Vanilla takes Kelli and Lebron James out. (to Neo) Don't forgot, any player that's running through my halls, I want dead on the floor.

In Gotham City, Tarzan, WileECoyote, Fancyarcher, and Punishment are in Gotham General. Punishment is armed with Batman's strobe gun thing, Fancyarcher has a silenced pistol, Tarzan carries a freeze ray, and Wile E Coyote is strapped with a gun of poison ivy.

Punishment: I can't be alone here. They all look down and notice their ticks are at 24 minutes. They better kill and fast. Fancyarcher is hiding behind a hospital bed.

Fancyarcher: (to himself) If I sit in here and hide, I'll run out of time. I need to fight. Either risk dying or absolute death. Fancyarcher loads his pistol and gets up and walks out. The hallways are dimly lit and deserted. Hospital equipment is scattered around. Fancy hops on a gurney and slides down the hallway. He crashes into the wall on purpose and hides in a room. Tarzan and Wile E Coyote hear the crash from different corridors and go to check it out. Tarzan holds his freeze ray closely. He turns the corner and nothings there. Tarzan hears a cocking noise and looks up. He ducks as Wile E Coyote sprays a hard mist of poison. The poison ivy corrodes into the wall and floor. Tarzan jumps out of the way as Wile E Coyote continues to spray.

WileECoyote: Isn't this myst-ifying? Tarzan shoots a shard of ice and smacks Wile E Coyote on the shoulder. WileE accidently shoots the ceiling, corroding it and making part of it collapse. Tarzan jumps through the glass into the adjacent room and WileECoyote runs over. WileECoyote feels a tap on the back and turns around.

Voice: Hiiiii. PEW PEW, two holes form in WileECoyote's face and he falls. It's Fancyarcher disguised. He takes off the scrub and looks down at his tick, and an extra hour is added. He celebrates and drops to the floor and slides over to the entrance to the room, knowing Tarzan is inside. He takes the poison ivy gun and begins to spray the wall away.

Blankments and AndyLL are hiding.

Blankments: So we got an extra hour, now what? Wait?

AndyLL: No. The sooner we kill again, the more time we get. We'll just have another issue if we wait it out again. Let's find transportation. They leave.

Ed and E are hiding in a room, keeping their distance from each other.

Punishment slowly walks out of Gotham General. He finds an ambulance and gets in and drives off.

A fancy light show is going on. Suddenly the arena lights flick on. K1stpierre and Lebron James are standing on a court. A crowd of un-purged members and Box Office Forum citizens fill the stands, cheering. DAME ANGELINA JOLIE comes walking out on the court and everyone goes wild. She holds a microphone and the lights focus on her. Payback by Dimitri Vangelis is playing in the background.

Angelina Jolie: Ladies and gentleman, welcome to tonight's game between King James and Girl on Fire! Cheers! Announcing 2 time NBA champion, 4 time MVP, 10x NBA All-Star, 2003 McDonalds All-American, and 3x Mr. Basketball of Ohio...LEBRONNNNN JAMMMEESSSSS! Everyone cheers and swoons. Lebron waves and does a signature pose. Versus...Massachusetts native and Hunger Games lover and 0x NBA anything....K1stpierreeeeeee!! Everyone gives her a round of cheers. Tonight's game will go to 21. If Kelli wins, she's free of the Games. If she loses, well...I'd also like to thank our sponsors FTV, Target, Tampax Pearl, Golden Corral, the city of Fresno, and Walt Disney Pictures. Catch Maleficent in theaters now! Though I know you all already have! Everyone cheers. Angie walks off the court and the lights come back on. A Mod referee walks up with the ball.

Empire is running through Gotham and runs into Gotham First Bank. He looks inside and sees a school bus parked inside. He grows surprised but walks over. Sure enough, the keys are in the ignition.

Mango, Dragon, and Spaghetti are running through the halls, trying to find a hiding spot. The alarms are now off. They stop for a second and notice something.

Spahgetti: Wait...what's that? Yall hear that?

Mango: Sounds like...cheering? The hear coming from the north.

Dragon: It's coming from that way! Two Mods are sneaking up on them. They cock their guns. PEW PEW PEW. Spaghetti, Dragon, and Mango fall to the ground. They look up and see the two Mods laying dead. They look in shock and survey the hall, trying to figure out where they came from. They immediately get up and run. BK007, hiding in the vents, took out the Mods. He crawls on through the vents.

Heretic leaves Jandrew and runs. He turns the corner and runs into a Mod. The Mod is wearing all grey, like the guys in SHIELD in Cap 2.

Mod: Fugitive! The Mod shoots and Heretic ducks. He shoots and a bullet hits Heretic in the hand. The Mod grabs Heretic and Heretic runs backwards, slamming the Mod into a wall. The Mod begins to choke Heretic. He pulls a piece of his Potter wand out of pocket and jams it into the Mods ear.

Mod: AHHH! AHH!The Mod let's go. Heretic takes the wand out and jams it into the other ear. The Mod screams in jarring pain and drops to the ground. Heretic takes his gun. He starts to hear the cheer and runs.

Numbers stands in alley and tests his ammo. Damien Roc pulls out his bag and finds a high powered rifle. He checks the ammo and it's full. He looks out on the street and sees nothing going on. He squints and sees Stingray. Stingray is running down a Gotham street. He runs into an alley and checks his bag. It's Joker's grenade launcher from the tunnel chase. He climbs a fire escape up the building.

IJack is going from socket to socket, looking for members. He flies into the room with Jandrew.

Jandrew: What do you want?

IJack: Where did they go?

Jandrew: Why should I help you? Look at me! Look at me! You think you're the captain now!? IJack walks up to Jandrew and grabs his throat.

IJack: I can make this easy for you, or painful for you. Which would you prefer?

Jandrew: (choking) I'd prefer to be unchained. Do I look like fucking Django?

IJack: Last chance.

Jandrew: Go ahead, IJackass. I'm done with this. And I'm not going to allow Baumer to cause anymore destruction. If you want to electrocute me, go ahead. IJack grows a serious face. BK007 is in the vents, watching the entire thing. He slowly unscrews the grate.

The game begins. They jump ball. Lebron doesn't even need to jump. He takes the ball and runs down the court and does a bicycle dunk. He checks the ball to Kelli and she tries to dribble. She doesn't take her eyes off the ball and Lebron snatches it and goes it for another dunk. He checks it again and shes immediately shoots. Without having to jump, Lebron blocks the shot, takes it out, and shoots a 2 pointer. Immediately the score is 4-0, Lebron. The crowd cheers on and K1stpierre looks distraught.

Sam and Pink are hiding in a utility closet.

Pink: That alarm...do you think they know we're here?

Sam: They have to know. We should chill out here for a little while. They relax. Hey, are you okay?

Pink: Why, because of Ed?

Sam: Yeah.

Pink: I'm fine. It took a while to accept it, but I now understand he's the bane to my life. He's Gary Oldman and I'm the pro-PC liberal crowd. I had a broken back with him, but now, I feel like I can climb out of that pit. I can smell the fresh air.

Sam: That's good. You need a Rachel in your life...Pink looks surprised. He and Sam stare. Suddenly the door flies open. Two Mods come walking in, inspecting.

Mod #1: Check thoroughly. We gotta catch 'em all.

Mod #2: Like Pokemon.

Mod #1: Don't bring up Pokemon. We already had to deal with 40 pages of that. Pink and Sam, hiding, look at each other and nod. They take on the Mods. Sam jumps on Mod #1's back. Mod #2 accidentally shoots #1, trying to aim for Sam. Pink dives at #1, knocking him over onto #2. #2 pries himself out and aims, but Sam widow kicks the gun out of hand and delivers one good blow to the face. They take their guns and run out. Mod #1 grabs Sam's ankle and she trips. She hits the ground and is knocked out cold. Pink shoots the Mod and tries to wake up Sam.

Pink: Sam? Sam? Sam!? He notices her pulse. He grabs her gun and picks her up and throws her over his shoulders and runs down the hall.

Punishment is speeding in the ambulance down the Gotham street. Stingray notices the ambulance and shoots. The rocket misses the ambulance, but Punishment swerves out of control. Stingray shoots again and the rocket hits the tail of the ambulance. It catches fires and Punishment crashes into a decorative tree. Stingray looks down at his tick, but no time is added. He looks up and sees Punishment running away. The crashes catches the attention of Numbers, Blankments, and AndyLL. Fancyarcher is still waiting for Tarzan to come out. Damien Roc is on the adjacent building, watching Stingray through a scope, with his finger firmly on the trigger. Walt Disney is standing on the ledge of a building, putting on gear.

Snoopy of Suburbia and Reddevil are running through hall N.

Snoopy of Suburbia: The alarms are off, but we still need to hide! They see a conference room and run in. They hide under the table.

Reddevil: What are we gonna do about my leg? It hurts!

Snoopy of Suburbia: Someone is going to have to fix it, but don't worry, I won't leave you. They hear footsteps and silence themselves. Mods walk into the conference room and inspect. They grow tense as the Mods walk around, getting closer to the table.

Back at the basketball game, the score is now 14-0, Lebron. Kelli is beginning to break down. Lebron, being a good sport, consoles her, but then just dunks again when she's not looking. 15-0. The people in stands chant "Lebron! Lebron! Lebron! Lebron!" Kelli drops on her knees, feeling defeated. Spaghetti, Mango, and Dragon run up to the glass and see the arena. They see Lebron doing a dougie while Kelli is laying on her knees. They see the scoreboard.

Dragon: Holy shit. 15-0? They're playing 21!

Mango: If they're playing 21, that means something must happen to the loser. We have to save Kelli!

Spaghetti: But how!?

Heretic: (V.O.) Let me help. They turn back and see Heretic, mad as hell and armed.

Im sorry WileECoyote! Hope I didnt ruin your vacation


Edited by Ayy Lmao
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