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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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Sounds biologically implausible.



Besides, sometimes you just need a friend to help kill things with you.

Us CAYOM buddies gotta stick together. :(


Besides, if someone has a relationship with a bottle of Corona, anything can happen.

Edited by Spaghetti
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Part 13. Also, Baumer appearing in 13 is total coincidence, but pretty kewl. Please, no spoilers. I'd also like to thank you guys for sticking with this this far. I studied the roster, and half has skipped town, like I figured, most are people that have died. But the ones who haven't and are active here, especially ones that have already died, but keep on reading, thanks. Sucks for the ditchers, because shit is getting too real. Thanks all for taking time to read at some point, each part. Enjoy!


In Arendelle, the group is outside having a snowball fight. K1stpierre heaves a snowball at Noctis. It smacks him behind the ear and he runs from the cold pain. Heretic dumps a pile of snow on K1stpierre and she shivers. Alfredstellar and Claire are also heaves snowballs back and forth. WileECoyote is also in it.

K1stpierre: (giddy) Heretic! She pushes him down, but he holds on to her arm and they go falling together, giggling and laughing.

Heretic: You ever make a snow angel before? Kelli nods. I bet I can make a better one.

K1stpierre: Try it then. They make snow angels. Sixteen16 heaves snowballs like his arm is a machine gun. He smacks Spidey Freak in the face with one. Spidey Freak ducks and takes a pile of snow and dumps it in Claire's pants.

Claire Holt: BITCH! She slaps him. Literally, with her fists, like in her signature gifs. Everyone is having a great time in the snow. Alfredstellar stops and focuses on a noise.

Alfredstellar: Do you guys hear that? You hear that whistling sound?

WileECoyote: Hear what? Everyone chills out for a second and focuses. Suddenly the quinjet appears from behind the trees, on fire. Everybody look out! They run from the crashing quinjet. Tarzan at the controls, tries to steer, but the systems are down.

Tarzan: Everyone prepare to crash! The quinjet slices off the head of Lady Evanstars...snowman, and crashes into the ground below, creating a huge BOOM. Everyone gets up and the other group gets out of the quinjet. They're all surprised to see each other.

Water Bottle: We don't mean any harm.

Heretic: Neither do we.

Noctis: Who are you?

Water Bottle: I'm Water Bottle. Noctis stares in confusion. 

Noctis: Who?

Water Bottle: Water Bottle, man? The legendary ex-Mod?...Ah forget it.

Stingray: Alfredstellar!

Alfredstellar: Stingray! Water Bottle! They give a greeting embrace. When did you guys become the Guardians of the Galaxy?

Stingray: Oh the ship? Nah, it's the quinjet from Avengers. But after what we just faced in SHIELD, I'm all for Justice League.

Films: Spidey! Sixteen16!

Sixteen16: Hey, Films! Good to see you're okay. What happened to you?
Films: Well I got sucked into the Baysphere and ended up in this big, explosive battle. It cost at least $250 million. Then I got sucked into SHIELD. And then we got sucked into here.

Spidey Freak: You're getting sucked quite a lot these days. 

Films: And I'm only 14.


In the Admin Capital. Jandrew peels off his face. He pulls out a hockey mask and puts it on. He turns around. Baumer.

Jandrew: BAUMER!? I thought we were tight!? Yeah, there was the Amazing Spiderman 2 thread, but other than that we go back to Mojo!

Bcf26: I never liked you as a Mod.

Baumer: I don't give a shit. I'm a Mod. You're not. 

Bcf26: You're going to die for this, Baumer.
Baumer: Whoa whoa, let's not start sucking dicks just yet.

Jandrew: You say that too much. Kinda nasty.

ShawnMR: So you're working with Ijack? IJack? He's your mortal enemy!

IJack: That's what we lead you all to believe. I sent him mail, but it wasn't owed money, it was a plan to take over BOF.

Baumer: Our 2 year scuff was just a facade. IJack knows me better than all of you ever will. (to IJack) Jack?

IJack shoots a volt of lighting and they duck and fall. Jandrew and Bcf26 run out and IJack hops on his glider and chases.

ShawnMR: You're not going to get away with this, Baumer. These poster have done nothing to you. I can't believe you'd betray me, or them.

Baumer: I'm sorry, but Ijack pays better.

Jandrew and Bcf26 hide in a utilty closet. They hear Ijack zoom by. 

Jandrew: Wait...another fucking closet? Man, fuck this shit. Jayson, stop putting me in closets! In the control room, Baumer is watching the interaction in Arendelle. ShawnMR is still tied to the chair. A knife slides under his feet. He looks back, but all the Mods are back at their stations. He doesn't question. He picks the knife up with his feet, does some tricky maneuvering, and cuts himself loose.

Baumer: (looking at the monitor): You have to understand all the good the Games does, Shawn. I'm not some evil, heartless, Mod that you think I am. I have reasoning for everything. I knew you were gonna leave a long time ago. I knew the forum would soon turn to chaos. The Games was the only way to ensure order. Ensure peace. 

ShawnMR: Or you could've set guidelines! You could've set policies! You could've banned people! But a deathmatch?

Baumer: (looking at Shawn) Introduce a little anarchy, Shawn. You tell someone to stop posting Pokemon gifs and borderline hentai, but do they listen? You tell people not to spoil sports in the main thread, but do they listen? You tell them to stop personally attacking, but do they listen? Utter chaos. Have you seen the BOF Faces thread? Naked asses in there. NAKED ASSES, SHAWN. The Forum Games is the only way to expel all this bullshitery. And if I'm not in charge, then who? (Baumer gets in Shawn's face) WHO? It's madness. And it's like gravity, all it needs is a little push. I'm the anti-gravity. If there will be choas, it will caused by me. I'm, an agent of chaos.

ShawnMR takes the knife and jabs it in Baumer's shoulder. AH, God! Baumer stumbles back, over a chair. ShawnMR gets up. Mods! The Mods grab Shawn, but he fights them off. Bcf26 and Jandrew hear the commotion. 

Bcf26: Time to go mobile! They run out and back into the control room. They fight the Mods, knocking them out. It's 1 against 3. (to Jandrew) Take the controls! Press control R, function 5, print screen! Jandrew takes to the controls. IJack comes flying in and grabs Bcf26 by the collar. He throws Bcf26 into a screen. BUZZZZ, the screen smokes and sparks, and Bcf26 falls out.

Jandrew: No, don't! IJack lets off a blast of power at Jandrew. He dives and the electricity hit the keyboard, scrambling the controls. ShawnMR jumps on top of him and Ijack does a spin move, throwing ShawnMR off. The keyboard smokes.

Baumer: Kill him now, Ijack! NOW! IJack takes his glider and presses a button. Two blades jet out the side. Bcf26, confused, notices. Ijack lunges at ShawnMR on the ground with the glider. RIPPPP. The glider goes through Bcf26's chest. He dove himself in the path. 

Bcf26: (weak) You will win, Shawn... IJack throws Bcf26 and the glider to the side. He takes ShawnMR by the throat...

Baumer: Wait! Not yet. Not anymore. Controls bursts into flames. What tha? Extinguish it! IJack runs out, the Mods and Jandrew are still unconscious. The screens get fuzzy and Baumer can't see a thing. He kicks the Mods one-by-one to wake up. Get up! And get the screens back online! And get the Games back how I had them!


Everyone is socializing in Arendelle. Kelli and Heretic are casually conversating, Spidey Freak is making advances to Claire, and she's not letting him get in, Lady Evanstar and Sixteen16 are building a new head for the snowman, etc...The sky begins to grow dark. Dramatic music begins.

K1stpierre: What's happening? A portal, biggest one yet, opens up high in the sky. They all run, but start to get sucked in. Ironically, Films first. K1stpierre begins to get sucked in, but Heretic holds on. Don't let me go! Please, don't let me go! Noctis falls onto him and he lets go and she gets sucked in. Nooo! Heretic, not knowing where the portal leads, allows himself to be sucked in. Everyone else avoids getting sucked in.


In Westeros, NWA is trying to figure out what next. The sky darkens and the portal opens.

Numbers: Whoa! Whoa! Everybody look out! They run from the portal in fear. Spaghetti falls and gets reeled in. Ecstacy and Snoopy and Dar run, but Ecstacy is sucked in. Snoopy of Suburbia follows. Dar holds on to a pole. 

Ecstacy/Dar/Snoopy of Suburbia: Nooo!!! 


In Skull Island, the same thing happens. Dragon and Mango are ripped from the ground. Ed starts to hover. 

Ed: Help, Pink! Mr. Pink pulls Ed down, but the gravitational force is too strong and pulls them in, leaving Fancy alone. I was gonna make an Iggy Azalea joke here, but never mind. Sam, Reddevil, and Blankments are taking shelter, but Sam and Reddevil get sucked in. Blankments nearly falls out of the tree.


The control room door is open to let the smoke file out. The Mods are now conscious and put the out the small blaze. The monitors, screens, and keyboards are still not online. Neo picks up Jandrew and hauls him off. ShawnMR is carried out as well.

Baumer: I can't see anything! I can't see anything! Get the picture back!

Vanilla: Relax, don't burst a jugular. They were snowball fighting before. They're snowball fighting now. I'm sure. I.T. is working on it.


A small portal opens on Heretic, Films, Kelli, Ecstacy, Snoopy, and Spaghetti spill out in an open grey room, resembling the training area in Edge of Tomorrow. Ed, Pink, Sam, Reddevil, Dragon, and Mango plop into an open green place. They collect themselves.

Sam: What...what...what happened? Ed? Pink?

Ed and Pink: Sam?

Mango: I know this place. Wait...


Spaghetti: Ecstacy! Snoop! What? Where's Westeros? Where's Numbers and Damien and Teletubbs? 

Snoopy of Suburbia: I don't know what happened!

Ecstacy: Isn't this where we trained?

Heretic: I think it is...


Mango: I know what this place is...

Dragon: It's the square. Where this all began.

Ed: That means...we're back inside...


Films: We're...in the Admin Capital. They look in utter surprise. Cut to black. 

Edited by Jandrew
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The iJack and Baumer stuff is gold.

Otherwise...I'd have loved a bit more killing and, of course, romance.  :P Fingers crossed for a doomed one between Kelli and Heretic. Hoping for the Titanic treatment there.

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Jandrew, you need to tie the TF4 fudging into the next chapter, if you want to generate interest. Maybe get Paramount to write a press release for you, where they estimate 300 users were killed in the latest chapter.

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I said a while ago that the story would get a little more story based. The mass killing will be back, but you need reasons go kill each other now, but the reasons will be back as well. Its all a slow-burn. I listen to you guys, but I dont want to just shoehorn and cram a bunch of things in and end up 1. confusing everyone and 2. messing up the flow of the story. You will get your romance and gory deaths and cheesecake and stuff, but just let it come. This is still Hunger Games after all. CF wasnt all killing and I honestly drew this concept more from CF than from THG. But itll happen. No orgy or sex scene tho...

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