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BOF: The Murder Mystery (Chapter Ten - The End!)

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Thanks. I've always loved mysteries, and I've written short mystery stories in the past, but never to this degree of length. This is actually my longest work yet, its almost 10000 words so far. Plus I'm having a blast writing it. The person behind the murder is meant to be someone you really don't expect (at least I hope you don't expect).

I'm honored to have been chosen to be a reoccurring character in this story
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Chapter Six – Claire Holt and the Temple Underneath The Mansion


As our chapter opens Claire Holt is carrying a shovel walking to the cemetery.


Claire Holt: It’s a good thing the gardener had a spare of these. Not that he was willing to give to them, I had to take them, course I’m just borrowing and it’s for a good cause, so no disturbed feelings.


As Claire Holt walks over to the cemetery, Snoopy watches from afar.


Snoopy: Rrr!! I don’t like what that girl’s doing. She’s clearly up to something funny, and super sloop Snoopy’s on the case. He’s gonna find out what she’s trying to do. Maybe she has something to do with MrPink’s death.


As Snoopy watches Claire Holt pulls the shovel up on the sky and places it on the ground. She starts digging at the ground. As soon as she does, the effects of the hard ground causes the shovel to fall out of her hands and land next to a tree, which it knocks down.


Claire Holt (has a look of worry on her): I didn’t do that. I swear. I’m innocent. I’m free. Don’t take me in (stops as soon as she realizes what she’s saying). Er! Nothing!

As she looks, she here’s a scream and then a loud voice.


Mulder (voice): OW! Who did that? If that was you Captain Jack, I’m going to your house and getting back at you, you jerk.


Claire Holt: Okay, let’s just forget that incident ever happened. Anyway, now what do I do now.


She looks over at Reddevil’s grave.


Claire Holt: Maybe there’s a way to open this grave. I mean it has to have an opening, it wouldn’t make sense otherwise.


Claire Holt tries to open the grave, but its too heavy and her hands start to get tired.


Claire Holt: (heavy breathing): Maybe I should stop. I mean it’s like the appearance of a zombie Reddevil has anything to do with the actual case at hand. (Slaps herself). Get ahold of yourself, the Claire Holt I know would never give up on any case, no matter how rigorous and hard it could possibly be, and this one isn’t going to be a first either.


Claire Holt sits down next to the fallen over tree, as soon as she does, Snoopy comes running over. Claire watches and jumps as Snoopy tries to get all over her.


Claire Holt: Hey dumb dog, what where you’re going.


Snoopy: I could say the same thing about you. You think you can get away from me, you’ve got another thing coming.


Claire Holt: Listen dog, I’m gonna sit around here and pretending to act like your tough or something. I’ve got a mystery to solve (turns his head and looks at the grave). Now if only I could open this grave without breaking my hands in the process.


Snoopy: Oh, you wanna go into that grave. I know a way.


Claire Holt: You do? Please, tell me.


Snoopy: Hmm! Maybe!


Claire Holt: Oh for the love of! Alright, what it is, what do you want, I’ve gotta get through that grave and if I don’t do it now, I might have to bash my head into limbo.


Snoopy: Alright, could you please make me….


Scene cuts to the kitchen where Claire Holt is watching the oven as a pizza is heating up.


Claire Holt: Pizza. He wanted pizza? Is pizza even good for dogs?


Claire Holt brings the plate of pizza to Snoopy who proceeds to eat it whole.


Claire Holt: Wow! You must have been hungry.


Snoopy: Hey! What can I say? When you’ve been sitting down as long as I have, you start to develop a taste for more free rights and food.


Claire Holt: I can see that. Alright dog. Time to open that grave.


Snoopy: Hmm! I’m not done. I think I’d like some root beer.


Claire Holt gives Snoopy one big frown and then proceeds to grab him.

Claire Holt: Alright, here’s the deal, you don’t open that grave and I’m gonna have some fun with you. I’m getting real tired of the constant delays.


Snoopy: No, no, no. I don’t think so. I think I’ll call PETA and they’ll be up in arms about what you’re doing.


Claire Holt: SCREW PETA!


Snoopy: Fine, if you’re gonna be that persistent about it, then I don’t think I’m gonna help you open that grave. Shame too. I was looking forward to it.


Claire Holt (gives out one big sigh!): Fine, fine, fine!


Goes over to the fridge and looks through it. Finds a bottle root beer and hands it over to Snoopy.

Snoopy: Hey could you please open this cap, it’s the least you can do for me, after I help you open the grave.

Claire Holt puts her hands against her face.


Claire Holt: Just a few more minutes, then we can go around and start solving the mystery again.


The scene changes to Claire Holt and Snoopy outside near the grave. Claire Holt looks.

Claire Holt: So what exactly am I doing wrong?


Snoopy: Oh, let’s just say… everything!


Claire Holt (eyes looking up): Upstaged by a talking dog. I wonder how my biography will try to skip past this fact.


As Claire Holt watches, Snoopy runs over to the grave and looks around. He sees a red button. 


Snoopy: Ah! There it is! (looks at the audience). Old age in dog years, must be catching up to me.


Snoopy presses the red button. Claire Holt watches in amazement as a part of the grave opens.


Claire Holt: Where did you find that? Why couldn’t I find it?


Snoopy: You were probably thinking too unstraightforward to actually consider that this particular grave may be easier to open when activated. In other words you were just be an airheaded teenager, hey!


Claire Holt: I think I’ll just forget that I heard that.


Claire Holt opens the rest of the grave. She jumps in and waves her hand singling to Snoopy.


Claire Holt: Come on Snoopy, are you coming in?


Snoopy: I don’t know. It’s it safe down there?

Claire: Well. I don’t know if you wanna solve the mystery or something, but c’mon if you do.

Snoopy: Fine. I know I’ll regret it later.


Snoopy jumps down of the grave and looks up as the top of the grave closes.


Claire Holt: Please don’t tell me, we’re locked in here permanently.


Snoopy: Oh, don’t worry. There’s another red switch right next to me, in case we wanna get out of here, but I only advise it to use in the worst of situations, specifically when the black monsters come out.

Claire Holt: That’s nice to know. Now if only we could find a flashlight or something, maybe we’d be able to get somewhere around here.


As Snoopy and Claire Holt walk across the dark area. Holt beings to ponder.


Claire Holt: You know for being a simple grave, this is a pretty long area. Kinda interesting and cool actually.


Snoopy: I guess that’s how Reddevil just liked it. Long and short.


The two walk around the dark area, as they go Claire Holt accidentally bumps into a piece of cement. She shrugs it off and acts like its nothing.


The two continue to walk.


Snoopy: You know, I must say. This is a pretty scary area when you think about it.


Claire Holt: Not as scary as what will look like, when we eventually get out of here.


The two continue walking further until they reach an area which appears to top to it.


Claire Holt: Let’s see if we can find a switch around here. Looks like we might be the near top of another area.


Claire searches around. Snoopy just watches.


Snoopy: She’s not gonna find it. I’m sure of it. She’s gonna run back to me and ask for my help. That’s where the fun comes in.


As Snoopy watches, Claire looks around, eventually she notices a blue button. Claire pushes the button and a door on the top, opens. It leaves Snoopy in shock.


Snoopy: How did she do that?


Claire looks over at Snoopy.


Claire Holt: Guess I’m not as unstraightforward as you think.


Snoopy just turns his head in shame.

Claire Holt and Snoopy walk near the top.


Claire Holt: How are we gonna get up there?

Snoopy (looks around): I know. Let’s use this ladder. I’m sure it’ll come in handy. (Thinks to himself). Now’s my chance to get back at her.


Snoopy hands the ladder over to Claire who takes it and puts it down. She then walks up, Snoopy following after her, as the two go through the top of the door. As Claire reaches the top, she sees a room with a TV with a PS4 on it, a bookcase and notices that there are three black hooded suits next to three chairs.


Snoopy: See anything Claire.


Claire Holt: Yeah, seems that are some people living here.


Snoopy: Are they there right now? Should we worry?


Claire Holt: I don’t know. Cept apparently three of them left their black hooded suits.


Snoopy: Well don’t just stand there, actually go up.


Claire Holt: Fine, fine!

Claire Holt walks up to the main center, as she does Snoopy follows after her. The two proceed to look around the room.


Claire Holt: If you see anything suspicious let me know.


Snoopy: Personally, I think your already acting suspicious enough as it is.


Snoopy looks around the room. He looks directly at the bookcase, but doesn’t find anything of note, so he walks elsewhere. As Snoopy looks, he sees a door. He goes over to the door and opens it, revealing that the door is a frontdoor leading to outside.


Snoopy: Hey, miss, Claire, come over here!

Claire Holt is looking around, when she hears Snoopy voice. She runs immediately over.


Claire Holt: What? What it is? Did you find any important clues?


Snoopy: No, I didn’t, but I found a front door.


Claire Holt: Oh thanks! A front door is gonna do us wonder.


Snoopy: Well I’m just suggested that maybe the people who live here left to do something else, hence why they’re not here.


Claire Holt: This place is pretty small and crappy. I don’t see how anyone can live here. Especially when there doesn’t seem to be any place to sleep. Okay Snoopy lets go.


As Snoopy and Claire walk out of the door. Claire spots a card on the ground that reads “meet me at the St. Evers around 1 o clock signed your best pal”. Claire has a strange look on her face as she grabs the card and leaves.

Edited by Pokearcher
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Chapter Seven – There’s Mystery Clues Somewhere around Here, Right?

As the chapter opens, we cut to a car that is driving up to the store Cleaners and Services. Inside the car are our fellow detectives Empire, Blanks, Jack Nevada, Tele and Ethan Hunt. Tele’s driving the vehicle.

Jack Nevada: Hey Tele next time could you please drive the car a little less bumpy?

Tele: Well how was I supposed to know that there would be a lot of traffic around 2 o clock in the morning?

Blanks: Besides why the heck do you get to be the one who drives the car?

Tele: Because it was my car, that I happened to leave very close to where we previously meet, plus nobody was willing to walk down since Cleaners and Services is at such a far a distance.

Blanks: Touché!

The three detectives, along with the detective in training and the one cop get out of the car and approach the store.

Empire: Okay guys we need to make sure that we approach the place with caution, we want to make sure that nobody’s hanging out in the store.

Jack Nevada: Why would anybody be hanging out in the store at 2 o clock at night anyway?

Ethan Hunt: I don’t know, perhaps they suddenly got a hanking for dryclearing.

Jack Nevada looks at Ethan Hunt and then continues to walk, acting like he doesn’t even notice him.

Ethan Hunt: I can’t help it, if I wanna make my own perfect pun.

The five are at the door, looking through the window.

Empire: Hmm! Everything seems to be fine. Nothing odd going on this store. I think will be fine.

Tele: Just be careful guys, there may be somebody in here much further on.

Jack Nevada: Further on! For the record sure, I just don’t like that word.

Tele: Alright (pulls some keys out of his pocket).

Empire: Say how did you get a hold of those keys? I’m it’s not everyday that somebody has keys to a store that they own or work at.

Tele: When you’ve been solving mysterious as long as I have, you start to meet friends and gain advantages.

Empire: The only advantage I can seem to gain is on the ball field.

Tele opens the door to the place and the five enter. They look around, they spot a chair with a desk next to it. Blanks and Empire walk up to it.

Blanks: Wonder if will be able to find any clues in here?

Empire: I don’t know. Start looking.

Blanks: Those who rush, meet a terrible, terrible fate.

Empire: And those who don’t get to looking for clues now, later regret it immensely.

We cut to Tele and Ethan Hunt who are walking. The two approach the watching machines themselves. There appear to be no clothes in them, or that’s just the way it looks.

Tele: You know the time I went to this place, I was living in a crappy apartment with no cable. Oh! That time was really bad. Couldn’t watch my afternoon law shows. I almost lost it.

Ethan Hunt: I’m sure. Now let’s see (looking around).

As Ethan is looking around, he sees it but it doesn’t pay attention to the green hat in one of the machines as he continues to look, until…

Ethan Hunt: Wait! (Turns his head). WHAT?? What’s a green hat doing in one of these washing machines?

Tele: Looks like somebody left it behind?

Ethan Hunt (scratching his head): Do we know anybody who has a green hat?

Tele (thinks): Hmm!

Tele has a flashback to Captain Jack Sparrow where we see that he’s walking around when he spots a green hat hanging near one of the doors.

Tele: Wait, I don’t remember that… ah forget it. No, not exactly. But we just found another clue that’ll help us solve this mystery. Hooray!

Ethan Hunt: Hooray! Wait, what? Why are we celebrating?

Tele: We found a clue, just be happy young-in.

Ethan Hunt (shakes his hands): Eh! I don’t think I wanna face Tele’s cranky side, so I’ll just go along with what he said. HOORAY! WE FOUND A CLUE!!

Tele goes over to the washing machine.

Tele: The only problem is, how are we gonna get the green hat out?

Ethan Hunt: Might I suggest that I use my kicking skills?

Tele: Nah! I remember one time I went here, and some guy was having some problems getting his clothes out of the washing machine. Out of frustration he tried to kick it, but instead of the clothes coming out, the machine sent him flying to kingdom ass.

Ethan Hunt: That sounds like it was positively… fun!

Tele and Ethan look at the washing machine.

Tele: So you got any cash? Are you willing to spend some of your money?

Ethan: Are we even sure the machine’s working right now.

Tele: It’s automatic. It runs 24 hours a day, it doesn’t matter if the store is closed or not.

Ethan: I see. The people running this store, clearly have little regard for their own machines. Also how come I have to pay for it?

Tele: Oh! (Whistling) I just, uh, felt like we needed a change of pace, besides it only costs 3 quarters.

Ethan (grumbling and walking up to the coin machine right next to the washing machine): Fine!

Ethan despots the three quarters and then looks at Tele who smiles back.

Ethan: Hope your happy, those three quarters could have potentially saved my life if I didn’t have waste them.

Tele: Kids these days I tell yah!

The machine opens up, and Tele grabs the green hat in it.

Ethan: Say why do you get to hold the green hat? Why can’t I touch the green hat?

Tele: Because young Ethan, I am the advanced and more knowledgeable older detective while you are the young and naïve wannabe detective? Does that make sense?

Ethan: Say what? I guess!

Tele: Also you talk too much.

Tele and Ethan walk away from the area. We cut to Jack Nevada who is looking next to a door.

Jack Nevada: I wonder what’s over here.

Jack Nevada furious pushes the door, causing it to ripoff.

Jack Nevada: My bad! Guess I don’t know my strength sometimes. Anyway!

Jack Nevada moves closer through the door and looks around.

Jack Nevada: Fuck being cautious. If we actually got through the building faster, then maybe we’d be closer to finishing this mystery. Heck we might even be done with the mystery.

Jack Nevada looks around and sees empty shelves.

Jack Nevada: Nothing in here!

Jack Nevada looks around the shelves, when he spots a card in the middle of one of the shelves. He goes over to it, picks it up and reads ““meet me at the St. Evers around 1 o clock signed your best pal”.

Jack Nevada: I don’t know who the heck this card belongs to, though I’m going find out very soon, but it’s a very important clue and I’m sure it has something to do with this mystery, so I’m gonna take this. It’ll come in handy.

Jack Nevada grabs the card and puts in his pocket, as he continues on through the room. He stops when he gets to a mirror.

Jack Nevada: Huh! I remember I always used to have a blast using the mirror at funhouses, making faces. Those were great times.

Jack Nevada starts to make funny faces with his face, including having them closed and moving them around, pushing his face up, as he continues to play with his face, he begins to notice that a figure is right next to him, as he looks he sees one of the ninja with an ax about to attack him.

Edited by Pokearcher
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Chapter Eight – The Get-Together

As our chapter opens Claire and Snoopy are walking down the street. Snoopy is fast running while Claire is trying to catch up to him. The two stop when they reach the other side of the town.

Claire (breathing heavily): Hey now Snoops, could you bother to keep the speed down.

Snoopy: I can’t help it. I’m a fast walker.

Claire (still breathing heavily): Well if there’s anything I should be ashamed, it’s that I was outrun by a dog.

Snoopy: Hey now I’m a skilled pup.

Claire: Well, now that we’re here in the middle of the town what do we?

As Claire says that Jandrew comes running from out of nowhere and hits Claire, causing her to fall. Snoopy watches.

Jandrew: Whoops! I was running so fast, I didn’t even notice you were there.

Claire: How you’d get back here, and where are you off to?

Jandrew (he points): My house is over there.

Claire: Oh! Carry along.

Jandrew runs off. As Claire gets back up on her feet.

Snoopy: I guess we could say that was a speedy exit.

Claire: (gives Snoopy an unpleased look) Oh you!

Snoopy turns his head.

Snoopy: Hey I can’t help it, if I’m a smart-ass dog. I was only born that way.

As the two talk, a large “OW!” sound comes from out of nowhere.

Snoopy: Say where’d that sound come from. Sounds like someone’s in a struggle of sorts.

Claire Holt (pointing her fingers): Looks like it came from that place next to us (looks further) Cleaners N Sausages (slaps herself), no Cleaners and Saucers (slaps herself again). No, no, no. Dumb, dumb, dumb!

Snoopy: Oh, you mean Cleaners N Services. I’ve been to that place before.

Claire slaps her head.

Claire Holt: Get a hold of yourself! You get outwitted by a dog on the simplest of things, the name of some random store down the street.

As Claire Holt says that, she and Snoopy come running near Cleaners and Services. Snoopy opens the door.

Snoopy: Dogs first!

Snoopy walks in.

Claire Holt: He says that, but he might regret it later.

Claire opens the door and walks in. As they do a spot a chair on the floor and see that Blanks and Empire are next to it, looking around.
Blanks: I know put the clue somewhere over here (looks around). Ah-ha! Found it. Meet your maker clue.

Empire: Blanks, that’s a piece of lint.

Blanks (has a realization on his face): Oh! I knew that.

As the two talk, they spot Claire and Snoopy next to them.

Empire: What are you doing here Nolt? And more importantly why did you bring that canine with you?

Snoopy: Hey now, you’re gonna be regretting that later when I save you butt from total danger.

Claire Holt: I didn’t have a choice. He forced himself to come along.

Snoopy: Hey now I saved your butt from misreading store titles.

Claire Holt: Don’t remind me. Anyway your probably wondering why we’re here.

Blanks: No!

Claire Holt: Well I tell you anyway. We heard a particularly loud “Ow!” coming from this place, and we figured that somebody must be being attacked or something, so me and Snoopy.

Snoopy: Ahem! Snoopy and I.

Claire Holt: Yes! Snoopy and I (says that with some anger) decided to come here and check out whatever the sound was coming from.

Empire: What sound? We didn’t hear any sound?

Blanks: Actually I think I heard some sound coming from the other side, but I shrugged it off thinking it was the wind or something. Looks like I was wrong.

Empire: Well if there’s a sound coming from over there, come on let’s go Blanks.

The two run and then Empire and points at Snoopy and Claire.

Empire: You two, come on!

Claire Holt: I don’t like to take orders from other people, but in these kinds of situation, especially ones that I set myself up for, I don’t have much of a choice.

Claire and Snoopy follow after Empire and Blanks, as the four run near the washing machines, where Tele and Ethan are walking back to.

Tele: The only clue we’ve found so far was that green hat, and we still have no idea who that belongs to anyway.

Ethan: I knew we shouldn’t have taken that right turn, it led us down an endless loop. That was agonizing.

Tele: The next time I hear a Taylor Swift song I think I wanna punch somebody.

As the two walk, Empire, Blanks, Claire and Snoopy who are all running, end up colliding with Ethan and Tele, causing the six to be on each other on the floor, with Blanks on top, Snoopy under him, Snoopy under Tele, Tele Under Claire, and Claire under Ethan.

Ethan: Why do I always gotta be last?

Blanks gets up, and everybody follows after him.

Tele: Well that was violent.

Blanks: In the words of Nicolas Cage, you don’t say.

Tele is pushing the dust off his feet, while Ethan is randomly walking around and Blanks and everyone is just looking.

Claire Holt: Wait? What were we doing again? I think I forget!

As Claire says that a loud scream comes from the room on the other side.

Claire Holt: Oh that’s right! Everyone let’s go.

The six of them run including Tele and Ethan.

Tele: I don’t know what the heck that scream was, but I sure don’t wanna get lost in the run.

Ethan Hunt: You can say that again, I’ve only been running for five seconds and already I’m tired.

As the six run near the door they all try to open it with their hands together, but instead of opening the door, they end up ramming into it by accident. As the six of them run straight into the room they see that Jack Nevada is dodging an ax attack from one of the ninjas.

Jack Nevada (noticing him): Where were you guys? I’ve been screaming for 30 minutes.

Claire Holt: Hey now we can’t all be as efficient as Snoopy is.

Snoopy smiles, as Jack Nevada dodges another ax attack from the ninja.

Jack Nevada: I don’t know how much longer I can hold on this guy. His ax is dangerously hard to get to, and I can’t make it to the door.

Blanks: Well we just destroyed it, so it shouldn’t be that hard to get out now.

Ninja 2 (speaking in his usual very low unrecognizable voice): Nobody’s getting out tonight. I’ll take down this ignorant cop and then you six are next.

The ninja puts his ax down and then pulls it up.

Ninja 2: Time to get serious.

The ninja comes charging at Jack, as he does Blanks and Empire appear from his back and grab him.

Blanks: You were saying?

Ninja 2: You two really are more efficient than I give you guys’ credit for.

Empire: Thank you. Still won’t be a good enough of an apology, after we kick your butt.

Ninja 2: I think I spoke too soon.

Blanks and Empire grab the ax from The Ninja’s hand and put it on the ground. The Ninja watches in fear, as Blanks knocks him out with a vase.

Empire: Not so hard Blanks.

Blanks: Well he was gonna kill us, if we didn’t knock him out really hard.

As Blanks and Empire look down at The Ninja’s body, Blanks attempts to unmask his, only he’s stopped by Jack Nevada’s voice.

Jack Nevada: Well I suppose I outta thank you two, I mean you guys did an okay job, I guess. I was just about to take the ninja out, when you guys showed up, so really you just saved me a lot of energy.

Snoopy: Sure ya did, and I really a space hero from planet Z95.

Ethan Hunt: You are?

Snoopy: Don’t kill the routine man.

Ethan Hunt: What did I say?

Tele: Well I guess that settles that.

Claire Holt: Wait? What settles what?

Tele: We’re gonna back to Captain Jack Sparrow’s mansion and we’re gonna one final trip. We’ve got enough clues and everything. I think I have an idea of who the murderer is as well.

Blanks: I do too, I mean it’s pretty obvious.

Snoopy: Just watch out for flying rocks and tricksters that might get ya.

Ethan looks at Snoopy.

Snoopy: And they say I’m unusual.

Tele: Alright everyone into the car.

Jack Nevada: And don’t forget when we share the profit, I think I deserve half of it.

Empire: Jack, I don’t think there’s a reward for this.

Jack Nevada: Snooglebobbles.

As the seven of them walk out, Blanks talks.

Blanks: Say aren’t we forgetting something important.

Empire: Nah Blanks, we’re fine.

Blanks: Yeah, I guess you’re right (The two laugh).

As the seven of them of them get into the car and it drives off, we cut back to the previous room, where we see a hand emerge from the floor.

Edited by Pokearcher
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Another great chapter.


So they didn't unmask him? If they knocked him out, they should know and interrogate him? Am I missing some parts?


Blanks was going to unmask The Ninja, but forget when Jack asked him a question and he got caught up in the moment.

By the time they left they had forgotten all about him. 


It was a simple case of forgetfulness and being careless.

Edited by Pokearcher
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Chapter Nine – Count Three to Suspect


Our chapter opens in the front of Captain Jack Sparrow’s mansion. Spidey Freak is watering the plants.

Spidey Freak: Doo, doo, doo (he whistles). Life is just a mystery! Yoh, ho, ho, ho!

As Spidey Freak says that, he sees a car drive next to the house.

Spidey Freak: Now who in the world could that be? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that car around these parts. Well I just hope they don’t mind if it I hit with them my rake, for trying to sneak too far into their own business.

As Spidey-Freak looks, the car stops near Captain Jack Sparrow mansion.

Spidey Freak: Oh look. I’m about to find out who it is anyway. Silly me, I should have seen that coming.

As Spidey Freak continues to water the plants in the back, the car opens and Tele gets out of it.

Spidey Freak: Well, look who it is, old man sloops and his sneaky sneak team.

Spidey Freak picks up his shovel and walks.

Spidey Freak: As long as they don’t get in the way of what I’m going, I won’t care much what they do.

Tele gets out of the car, as he does, Ethan, Blanks, Empire, Claire and Snoopy all follow after him.

Tele: Come on Jack let’s get out.

Jack Nevada: Do I have to? My feet are killing me, especially after that awful encounter with that crazy ninja.

Tele: You wanna solve the mystery and get all the fame and fortune that goes along with it, don’t yah?

Hearing that makes a light appear on Jack Nevada face and he rushes out of the car.

Jack Nevada: Yes, yes I do!

Tele: Good cop.

The six detective and one cap (Jack Nevada) walk next to the mansion of Captain Jack Sparrow’s door. They notice that the door is locked.

Blanks: Someone wanna ask me to smash the door, good old Blanks style?

Tele: No Blanks, I think it would much safer if we simple checked to see if the door was close or not.

Empire goes over to the door and tries to open, but to no luck.

Empire: All this hand building and exercise and for what? A door that won’t even open.

Ethan Hunt walks up to the door.

Ethan Hunt: Guess its good old Ethan Hunt’s term to right a wrong.

Ethan Hunt attempts to open the door but to no avail.

Ethan Hunt: I feel even worse than when my girlfriend dumped me.

Claire Holt and Snoopy watch as Ethan pounces his feet out of frustration.

Claire Holt: I hope you don’t get this angry when you lose something that bad.

Snoopy: Don’t worry, I personally like to keep things cool.

Claire Holt: And to think I’m talking to a talking dog. What will they think of next?

Snoopy (with a big smile on his face): Hey you never know. I heard that Justin Bieber powered song cars will be a popular thing in a few years.

Claire Holt: Well past it’s time.

As Claire Holt and Snoopy talk, Tele goes up to the door.
Tele: Guess will just have to knock guys.

Tele knocks on the door. Nobody responds.

Tele: Guess will just have to knock again.

Tele knocks on the door again. He still gets no response.

Tele: One more knock wouldn’t hurt.

Tele furiously knocks on the door again.


Tele bangs on the door. Blanks and Empire.

Blanks: You know for a geezer, he’s pretty strong I gotta say.

Empire: That’s cause he has his strength pills every morning. Always does the charm.

Blanks: How do you know what he has in the morning?

Empire (has an embarrassed look on his face): Oh just making a guess. Nothing else to see.

Blanks: Fine!

Jack Nevada: Well now what are we gonna do? I need my glory NOW!!

Claire Holt: Don’t worry guys, I’m the sure great and powerful Tele can think of something.

Tele: I’m working on it.

As Tele says that, they hear a clinking sound. The seven of them turn their heads and see the door slowly slide open.

Tele: Heh! Guess all that knocking paid off.
Ethan Hunt: I just wanna see if anyone opened the door. For all we know spirits could be at work. Maybe Pink Spirits.

Snoopy: Oh calm down Ethan! Ghosts did exist and I doubt MrPink would be one either. If anything he’d be in limbo playing checkers with the grim reaper.

The scene cuts to a black place where MrPink is seen playing checkers with the grim reaper.

MrPink: Your turn.

The scene cuts back to the mansion where the six detectives and one cap (Jack Nevada) are walking into the door. As the seven detectives walk, they don’t know it but Spaghetti is watching them from behind.

Spaghetti: Got yah just where I want yah.

Spaghetti vanishes suddenly.

As the seven detectives slowly creep the dark house, Blanks and Empire start to talk each other.

Blanks: Kind of a creepy place to be for the big finale.

Empire: A creepy place is just the right place to be for a big finale.

Blanks: I don’t know if I can agree. I can say that it’s not a place I’d wanna be every early Sunday morning.

As the seven of them continue to walk into the darkness, Ethan feels a cold shoulder on his face.

Ethan: Hey Snoopy could you not touch me please.

Snoopy: I’m not touching you. Don’t think of accusing me of doing that. I may break people’s head if they attack me, but I’m not one to just randomly touch some human head. That’s disgusting.

Ethan: Huh! Don’t lie.

Tele: Come on guys, we need some light, Blanks go over there and switch there.

Blanks: Fine bossy mystery guy!

Blanks watch over to the switch and turns it on. As the seven of them look, they don’t realize it for a second, but a ninja is in the middle. They all then realize it.

The seven of them: Waah!

Ninja: Heh, heh, heh!

As the ninja says that, the other two ninjas appear from out of nowhere next to him.

Empire: Everyone run!
Tele: Well I’m not given the orders, but just do as Empire says.

The seven of them run off, with the groups being split into Ethan and Snoopy, Blanks, Claire, and Jack Nevada, and Tele and Empire.

The first group shown running is Ethan and Snoopy who are being chased by Ninja #2.

Ethan: Would you be okay if I decided to call my girlfriend?

Snoopy: Now is not the time to be complaining about your girlfriend.

Ethan looks back and sees that the ninja is still on their trail.

Ethan: I guess you’re right.

The two keep running until they run next to a shelf of books. The two stop as The Ninja comes next to them.

Ninja#2: Ha! That was easy.

As The Ninja says that, the pile of books right next to him starts to shake. The Ninja looks directly at the camera.

Ninja #2: Not again!

Before The Ninja can do anything, the pile of books falls on him. Snoopy and Ethan shake again.

Snoopy: Good play Ethan.

Ethan: You too Ethan.

Snoopy: Now let’s get the others.

Ethan: Agreed!

The two run off.  

The next scene that occurs, sees Blanks, Claire and Jack running into the kitchen. As the three run into the kitchen, Blanks looks behind.

Blanks: Okay got any foods we can hit him with?

Jack Nevada (looking through the fridge): No! (Searching through the fridge) Oh! Pina colada bottle! Dare I drink?
Blanks: Jack, not now.

Jack Nevada (has a look of resentment on his face): Oh fine!

Claire Holt is looking behind the two.

Claire Holt: Quick the ninja’s coming. Do something.

Blanks: Jack see any food in there that might be able to stop our black hooded friend.

Jack Nevada keeps looking, until he stops.

Jack Nevada: Ah! (Pulls chicken out from the fridge). Here it is! Spicy chicken!
Blanks: Good! Hand it to me.

As Jack throws the chicken at Blanks, Ninja #1 comes running in.

Ninja #1: Ah ha! There are you. I got you where I want you.

As The Ninja says that Blanks throws the cold spicy chicken near The Ninja and it falls in his mouth, as he starts chewing it. His eyes start to get watery, and a puff of smoke appears over him, as he lets his mouth out.

Ninja #1: Water! Water! WATER!

The Ninja runs around screaming, eventually Claire Holt knocks him out on the head with a vase and he falls to the ground.

Blanks: (looking at Claire) I hope I don’t have to pay for that vase.
Claire just stares at Blanks.
The scene changes to Jack Nevada, Tele and Empire. All three of them are hiding in the closet.

Jack Nevada: See him coming?

Empire: Not sure, just let me look more clearly.

Jack Nevada: I said, do you see him coming?
Empire: I told you, I need to look more clearly. Besides he’s clearly not coming here anytime soon. I can’t see anything out there, aside from free coupons floating in the sky.

Tele: You two are like the odd couple of Second Street.

Empire: No, that would be me and Blanks.

Tele: Well the amount of complaining I’ve heard in the last five minutes is unbearable.

Jack Nevada: Hey, not my fault, Empire started it.

Empire: Started it? I’m the one doing the work here.

Jack Nevada: Not my fault!

As Jack Nevada says that the three hear footsteps.
Jack Nevada: Empire who is it?

Empire looks and sees that Ninja #3 is walking around in the same room where the closet.

Empire: Be quiet!

Jack Nevada: Let me guess.

Empire: Yup!

Empire and Jack Nevada sit down, as Tele takes a big breath.

Tele: This is gonna be interesting.

As the three sit down, The Ninja looks around. Empire’s teeth start to chatter a little bit.

Jack Nevada (says a little louder): Stop that! (Realizes he’s spoken up a little bit). Whoops!  

As Jack Nevada says that The Ninja turns his head.

Ninja #3: Hmm!

Tele: Be quiet guys, or it might be too late.

As Tele says that Ninja #3 walks over to the closet. He looks at it, when he notices an arm move out.

Inside the closet.

Empire: Nice going oldie!

Tele: Hey I couldn’t help it, I needed to stretch my arm a little, and when I need to stretch, I need to stretch.

As Tele says that The Ninja stares at the closet.

Ninja (whispers) #3: Nice try!

The Ninja opens the door, and Tele, Empire and Jack all fall out.

Ninja #3: Gotcha!

Tele, Empire and Jack get on up.

Tele: Okay everyone attack strategy

Jack: But we don’t have an attack strategy.

Tele: Okay, then let’s just hit him with all we got.

Tele, Jack and Empire all jump over Ninja #3 who is helpless to their attack.

Ninja #3: This is like being dragged down by high on sugar children.

The three grab Ninja #3.
Empire: That’s it, you’re coming with us.

Tele looks as Empire.

Empire: Hey now, I get to give the orders once and a while.

Tele just gives a look of okay, and then the three drag Ninja #3.

Ninja #3: Just wait till the boss hears about your. Your guys’ heads will be his dinner platter.

The scene changes to all of seven together. The three Ninjas are tied up on a chair.

Ethan Hunt: I think it’s time we unmasked these three ninjas once and for all. They’ve caused so much trouble in the past.

Tele: Okay! Snoopy you can have the opportunity of unmasking our three villains.

Snoopy: My pleasure.

Snoopy goes over to one of The Ninja’s who is shaking and trying to get out of the rope.

Snoopy: Fiesta fella aren’t yah?

Snoopy goes over to pull off The Ninja’s head, revealing him to be, none other than… (drumroll please). 21steverywhere.  

Claire Holt gives out a shocking sound.

Claire Holt: Explains everything. No wonder I saw the same card at him and at the ninja’s hideout. Obviously he was one of them.

21steverywhere: Oh aren’t you miss smartypants?

As 21steverywhere says that, Snoopy goes over to the next ninja, who tries to bite him on the finger.

Snoopy: Psst! Typical human! Always gotta be the savage.

Snoopy goes to pull the ninja head off, revealing him as none other than…. Grim22.

Blanks: Wait, didn’t he only show at the beginning of this mystery at the party or something.

Empire: Yes Blanks, but the whole time, he dressed up in that black n white ninja costume, trying to scare people away from this mansion.

Blanks: Makes sense!

Grim 22: You meddling kids, just wait till the people of India hear about this.

Jack Nevada: Hey we aren’t kids, well Ethan aside.

Ethan Hunt: Hey! I’m very mature for my age.

Jack Nevada: Right!!

Snoopy goes over to the third ninja who tries to ram his head into him, only to miss because he can’t move.

Snoopy: My, my, what a big head you’ve got there, all the more to unmask it with.

Snoopy pulls the ninja’s mask off, revealing it to be Reddevil22.

Claire Holt: So the whole time he was dead, he was really dressed up as a ninja.

Snoopy: Well no duh!

Claire Holt looks at Snoopy.
Claire Holt: Remind me to get a restraining order for you after this mystery is done.

Tele: So now that we’ve unmasked them, just who is this boss of theirs?

Voice: I’m glad you asked Telemachos.

The seven of them turn their heads as they see shadow appear in the darkness.

Voice: I’m glad you all could get this far in solving the murder of MrPink. They only problem is, that you’re going to have a hard time catching the murderer, especially in his own mansion.

As the seven of them look, the mysterious figure walks out of the shadow, revealing himself to be….. CaptainJackSparrow!!! 



Edited by Pokearcher
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Well here it is, the grand finale. Just in time for Interstellar's premiere.



Chapter 10: A Victory to Re-member  

Tele, Empire, Blanks, Ethan, Claire, Jack and Snoopy are all in shock as Captain Jack Sparrow reveals his face and himself as the murderer.

Tele: But how? Why?

Captain Jack Sparrow: Simple meet and destroy. The whole party, that whole thing, it was just set up for my real plans.

Suddenly a thought appears over Empire’s head.

Empire: Wait? So you owned Cleaners and Services?

Captain Jack Sparrow: Right you are Empire. Smart one aren’t you? Well-being smart won’t be enough to save you after I send you and your friends into the sky.

Blanks: So Captain, before you end our sad and pathetic life, would you mind explaining your plans to us.

Captain Jack Sparrow: Simple killing MrPink was only part of a bigger picture. You see my friends.

Ethan Hunt: We’re not your friends, well at least I’m not.

Captain Jack Sparrow: Silence! A bigger picture that involved ensuring that my smuggling operation would not be destroyed. You see my doomed detectives, I had been smuggling loots of hard jewelry and had been selling them to the highest bidder, but one day my plans were overheard by none other than MrPink. Knowing that he would eventually expose my plot, I organized a party in an attempt to get rid of him. That way, I wouldn’t get the blame and would get away with my plans scot-free, while I left clues around that suggested that the murderer was someone else other than myself. The green hat, the paper (Tele looks at the paper which reads “Mulder and his crazy associates”) I even drugged up BKB. Mwa-ha-ha!

Snoopy: Wow! That was one messed up oddball plan if I ever saw it.

Captain Jack Sparrow: (pointing his fingers) and all of you feel for it, suckers!!

Captain Jack Sparrow keeps laughing.

Captain Jack Sparrow (his eyes are watery): Excuse me one moment (takes out a handkerchief from his pocket and uses it on his face). Ah! That’s much better. Now where were we?

Jack Nevada: I don’t know, I think you were going to set us free or something?

Captain Jack Sparrow: Aw! Now I remember! I was going to send you all flying to the sun to meet your doom, ingenious plan of mine.

Before the seven of them can run, Captain Jack pushes a button, causing the door next to them to close, leaving them locked in that particular section of the house.

Blanks: We gotta do something or we’re gonna be toast.

Claire Holt: But can we do, even as persistent as I am, I feel scarred (slaps herself). Get a hold of yourself girl, everything’s gonna be fine as long as you stay strong.

As soon as Claire Holt says that Captain Jack comes running down the stairs.

Captain Jack: Ha, ha, ha! Doom time!

Voice: Not so fast you villain.

Captain Jack: Huh? Who said that?

As Captain Jack says that Spaghetti comes from out of nowhere and knocks Captain Jack in the face.

Captain Jack: Ow! That hurt. Not so hard now!

Spaghetti: You wanna see hard? I’ll give you hard!

Captain Jack: Oh, no, no! I was just making a suggestion, a good suggestion, but a suggestion nonetheless.

Spaghetti: I should have known you were behind the murder of MrPink. Everything pointed to it, yet I couldn’t bring myself to believe it, until now.

Captain Jack: Oh! Really!! How’s about you fight me for real this time.

Spaghetti: You’re simply mad Captain Jack.

Captain Jack: Why thank you, I do brush a bit on my villainy, if you’d like a rundown of what I do, I’d be happy to do one for you, complete with a breakdance Justin Bieber style.

Spaghetti: Don’t make me shoot your head.

Captain Jack: Very well!

Spaghetti: I’ve been on your trail for a while now.

Captain Jack: Oh you have, have you? (putting his hands out in pretend fear) That makes me so scared. (Pointing and looking at the seven other in the room). Look he’s gonna get me.

Spaghetti: Shut up Captain Jack.

Captain Jack jumps on Spaghetti, who pushes him off like he’s nothing.

Captain Jack: (as he falls to the ground) Contact and fail.

As Captain Jack gets up, Tele, Blanks, Empire, Claire, Jack, Ethan and Snoopy all watch.

Tele: There’s gotta be some way we can stop this madman. Everyone let’s go.

The other six look at Tele with a look of “Oh really!” on their faces.

Tele: All seven of us will go (mumbles), including myself.

The seven run up their faces, as Captain Jack Sparrow runs up the stairs.

Captain Jack: You’ll never catch me now. Ha, ha, ha! I win, you lose!

Blanks: Everyone let’s get him.

The seven and Spaghetti chase after Captain Jack, who ends up running into a mirror.

Captain Jack: Wait, I don’t remember putting this here? (Hears running) – Eh, I’ll let it pass.

Captain Jack pushes the mirror aside and runs to a balcony near his bedroom. As he does that, Spaghetti and the others run into the room.

Blanks (looking around): Where is he?

Empire: I don’t Blanks, I’m actually confused.

Spaghetti (pointing his finger): Look, out in the balcony.

The eight of them turn their heads and see Captain Jack standing next to the balcony. They walk closer as Captain Jack turns his head and lets out a smile.

Captain Jack: I’m glad you all could be witness my final and most brilliant performance.

Ethan Hunt (whispering to Snoopy): He makes it sound like he’s some great con artist or magician or something, when in reality that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Captain Jack: I heard that.

Captain Jack is holding on to a rope as he looks down.

Captain Jack: I’m going to take this rope and swing it around, making my daring escape (points his finger), and there’s nothing any of you guys can do about it.
Claire Holt: (running) Oh no you don’t.

As Claire Holt says that Captain Jack holds on to the rope, and then lets it go.

Captain Jack (swinging the rope down): Ahhhh-hooo!!
As Captain Jack says that, the rope ends up breaking in half.

Snoopy: That’s gotta be painful. (Looking at the audience). Hey at least it’s not me.

Captain Jack (in the air): Oh… shit!!

As Captain Jack says that, he and half of the rope from come crashing down, as Captain Jack lands on top of a tree. Captain Jack gets lots of bruises on him.

Captain Jack: OW!

Captain Jack ends up slipping off the tree and falls onto another branch, which still hurts him.

Captain Jack: OW! That hurt!

Captain Jack falls on another branch.

Captain Jack: Yow! Today is just not my day.

As Captain Jack says that, he accidentally pushes himself off the tree and he falls to the ground.

Captain Jack (falling to the ground): Oof! My plan didn’t exactly work. Still better luck next time.

As Captain Jack looks he sees Spaghetti and the others standing next to him.

Captain Jack: How did you guys get down here so soon, plot hole perhaps?

Spaghetti: You know Jack, it’s not exactly a long walk down your mansion to the front yard.

Captain Jack (getting up and rubbing his feet off): Well whatever my cause of failure was, I’m getting away with my plans.

As Captain Jack gets up, everyone crowds over him.

Blanks: Oh, I don’t think so, I don’t think so.

As Captain Jack attempts to escape, Snoopy and Ethan grab him.

Captain Jack: Let me go, or I’ll sue you to Hong Kong. Snoopy me pet, you traitor.

Snoopy: You weren’t really a good owner anyway, to begin with.

As Captain Jack says that, he sees a police car drive by, as Tele and the others run off.  

Captain Jack: NO!

Captain Jack attempts to run off, but Snoopy and Ethan have him tied down.
Ethan: You aren’t going anyway and for the sake of my love life, let’s hope it stays that way.

Captain Jack: You haven’t seen the last of me, you heard.

Snoopy (whacks Captain Jack on the face): Aw, SHUT UP!

Captain Jack is being dragged off to the police car, as he looks as he sees that Grim22, 21steverywhere and Reddevil are standing in the next back seat, just as the driver of the car is revealed.

4815162342: I’ll take it from here folks.

As 4815162342 looks Jack Nevada walks up to the car.

Jack Nevada: I’m coming with you.

4815162342: No you are not. I’m doing this on my own. I need the pride and glory anyway.

Jack Nevada: I’m a cop to and I was heavily involved in helping to solve this murder case, I’ll come with you to take him away, after all I’m Swedish, I mean Finnish.

4815162342: Fine, fine, fine! Just don’t complain when you get car sick.

Jack Nevada opens the back seat of the car and walks in. He looks straight at 4815162342.

Jack Nevada: So what was this about you trying to get some pride and glory anyway?

As the car drives off. Captain Jack sits in the backseat, looking at Grim22, 21steverywhere and Reddevil who are staring at him.

Captain Jack: Well what are you looking at? Don’t make me throw mud on your shirt or something.

As the car drives, the remaining six wave their hands, as the sun starts to appear in the sky.
Empire: I just hope they don’t encounter a bumpy stick along the way.

Blanks: I wouldn’t worry, that Jack Nevada is one ignorant but strong cookie.

Empire: Indeed.
Empire and Blanks shake hands, as Spaghetti walks.

Spaghetti: Well looks like my work here is done, I gotta get back to the lab.

Spaghetti walks off.

Tele: Well I guess this means goodbye. What a hectic night that was, but it sure me satisfied. I think I’ll get back into the crime solving business, now.

Claire Holt: As long as I can get away from this stupid dog, everything should be fine.

Snoopy (has a gleeful smile on his face): Hey now, this stupid dog proved to be useful on more than one occasion.

Ethan: I gotta get going anyway. My mom’s probably been wondering where I’ve been all night.

Sentimental music plays as the six detectives’ part their way

Tele: Hey, hey, hey! There isn’t supposed to be dramatic. STOP!

The music stops and instead a very jazzy tune plays in the background.
Tele: That’s more like it.

As Tele says that we go up in the sky where we see MrPink looking down.

MrPink: Hey, what about me, don’t I get a mention? Wasn’t this whole movie about my murder?

As MrPink says that a shoe randomly through the skies and hits him on the head.
MrPink (in a daze and about to fall): I’ll remember this (he says that as he passes out).

The scene moves to the clouds where we see a face smiling.

Face: What? What are you looking at? That’s the end (End story).

Edited by Pokearcher
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