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Movies that you changed your opinion of over time, for Better/Worse?

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Anchorman was definitely one for me as well.  When I first watched it, I didn't understand the big deal about it.  Then the next time I saw it, I enjoyed and have loved it every since

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I agree with this, Gravity in the cinema was a great experience, Gravity at home on a 55 inch 3d TV is surprisingly hard to get through, even with its short run time.


I'm sorry, guys, I believe that if you only like Gravity in the theaters (oooh, the visuals) it's because you were impressed by the looks, but couldn't use them to engage with the movie in a sentimental way (which is the visuals purpose, imo). They are not supposed to look beautiful and cool with spinning cameras and everything, but to translate into the feeling of smallness (in contrast with the universe) and despair of the character. 


but ok, non-requested opinions a part...


For me it's The Tree of Life. First time I saw it and thought it was a big load of nothing with a somewhat interesting story that the director didn't give enough attention because he was too busy showing birds and dinosaurs. But after I rewatched it, it actually became one of my favourite movies ever, it's like my eyes opened to a lot of things I didn't notice in the first time.


And Spirited Away, but that's becase I watched Spirited Away when I was very young and I guess I just wanted something childish and full of jokes at that time.


Now, movies that I don't like anymore... Not that I dislike it now, but Slumdog Millionaire isn't the masterpiece I thought it was. And the same goes for 500 days of Summer. They're both good, I just don't love them anymore.

Edited by JohnnY
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Kingdom of Heaven- Director's Cut, at first okay better, now great film


Last of the Mohicans- That ending and soundtrack  :wub:


Once Upon A Time in The West- Thought it boring and long, its not a Western Masterpiece of the highest calibre.  B)


Gladiator - I listened too much of the critics hating on the film, but I watched it and its undoubtedly the best film in its genre and a modern classic. The audiences enduring love of this film continues 14 years latter.

Really "once upon a time in the west " ? I remember when I first watched it, having already watched "the man with no name" trilogy , and reached to the point where leone reveals Henry Fonda to be the leader of the gang and he kills the kid, I was floored, I was like "this is the perfect western and movie in general " and my mind still hasn't changed .
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The Dark Knight. hated it at first, then liked it, then Loved.. now I like it quite a bit. but still think it's overrated.


The Fellowship of the Ring, when I first saw it at 11 I was scared of it, and really sensitive to scary things in movies, so I didn't like it, now it's in my top 5 favorite movies of all time.  


Les Miserables, I didn't like it at first, watched it again about a year later and I really liked it.

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Scott Pilgrim is a big one for me. I remember when it first opened I was trying really hard to champion it as something unique that deserves to be a huge hit. But it's become much harder for me to defend it every time I try to watch it again. It really does feel like quirkiness for quirkiness' sake, and I don't find much of the "humor" to be all that funny.

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The Big Lebowski - Didn't really like when I saw it in theater but over time I came to appreciate the humor much more.


Predator 2 - I didn't appreciate it until I saw the atrocious AvP movies and Predators.Now I realize it's a fun mythical expansion from the original.

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Attack of the Clones - worse over the years.

Return of the Jedi - also worse over the years but I feel bad about that.  It's still great just more clearly the 3rd best of the OT.



For me ROTJ eventually became my favorite Star Wars movie.


Mostly because of my nostalgia, the Jabba opening and Vader's redemption ending.

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