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Alien: Covenant | 5/19/2017 | Who needs mystery?

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Technically it is. It's an original screenplay and requires no viewing of Alien to understand the plot.


Yeah, but the trailer and everything leading up to it just reeked of Alien "DNA" as Scott liked to call it.  Everyone that knew anything, knew this was connected somehow.  The only reason it got made in the first place, and certainly the only reason it did as well as it did, was because of this connection.


Therefore, not original.

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At this point there's only one person I would trust to do a truly awesome, bad ass Alien movie and that's Cameron. Scott can have his prequel off shoot and that's fine if that's what he wants to do. Maybe if Scott produced and co wrote the screenplay with JC and Cameron directed it.

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At this point there's only one person I would trust to do a truly awesome, bad ass Alien movie and that's Cameron. Scott can have his prequel off shoot and that's fine if that's what he wants to do. Maybe if Scott produced and co wrote the screenplay with JC and Cameron directed it.

http://blogs.indiewire.com/theplaylist/james-cameron-wanted-to-make-aliens-5-with-ridley-scott-didnt-totally-love-prometheus-20140413Ok, it's kind of backwards from what you're saying but...:(
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Yea, I remember reading about that. Too bad that didn't happen. Stupid Fox. When JC tells you something is a bad idea, you might have wanted to listen, LOL.

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At this point there's only one person I would trust to do a truly awesome, bad ass Alien movie and that's Cameron. Scott can have his prequel off shoot and that's fine if that's what he wants to do. Maybe if Scott produced and co wrote the screenplay with JC and Cameron directed it.


I'd rather see Fincher take another stab at this.

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That summarizes everything that is wrong with Prometheus concept. To make an Alien a pet to some albino humanoid dude...Posted Image


That fan art may tell us that the Aliens are pets, but Prometheus certainly doesn't (it also doesn't allude to there being female Engineers but tis the way of fan-art).


The Engineers couldn't make the alien a "pet". From what we're shown, their attempts to turn the Alien into a bio-weapon ultimately resulted in their deaths. Not even alien-Gods like the Engineers could contain them. 

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That fan art may tell us that the Aliens are pets, but Prometheus certainly doesn't (it also doesn't allude to there being female Engineers but tis the way of fan-art).The Engineers couldn't make the alien a "pet". From what we're shown, their attempts to turn the Alien into a bio-weapon ultimately resulted in their deaths. Not even alien-Gods like the Engineers could contain them.

It´s still a creation of humanoids that are also our creators. That totally diminished the powerful myth of the original as this totally unknown and relentless lifeform that nobody can use nor control because it embodies our most horrible nightmare as an abstract monster of our subconscious. This unstoppable force is unexplainable with our knowledge in a Lovecraftian Way. Prometheus just like the reviled AvP makes it a minion, a Lab experience similar to a rat created by a superior intelligence (albinos, predator). Alien is supposed to be that ultimate apex predator at the top of the chain as cunning as being merciless. Prometheus just shits the bed onto that with its lame rationality trying hard to melt with Von Daniken zany ramblings about ancient Alien gods. Edited by dashrendar44
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It´s still a creation of humanoids that are also our creators. That totally diminished the powerful myth of the original as this totally unknown And relentless lifeform that nobody can use nor control because it embodies our most horrible nightmare as an abstract monster of ou subconscious. This unstoppable force is unexplainable with our knowledge in a Lovecraftian Way. Prometheus just like the reviled AvP makes it a minion, a Lab experience similar to a rat created by a superior intelligence. Alien is supposed to be that ultimate apex predator as cunning as being merciless. Prometheus just shits the bed onto that with its lame rationality trying hard to melt with Von Daniken zany ramblings about ancient Alien gods.


Most of what you're rallying against is already evident in the original Alien film. It no more devalues the alien creatures than Ridley Scott's first film, that introduced them to us not as the apex predator it later becomes, but merely as a mysterious alien cargo. But, as demonstrated in both films, the Aliens simply cannot be contained and whoever would seek to do so will meet a grissly end, even if they are apparently Gods of the universe. And by the end of Prometheus the source of their being is still a complete mystery to us. We know they have been experimented on (we also know they're a point of religious worship) but we don't know that they were born through such experimentation. Other than the creatures religious importance it's no more than what Alien left us with. 


Don't get me wrong, I think the whole Von Daniken storyline adds an overblown importance to the space-jockey that simply was not needed nor asked for, but it snatched nothing away from the aliens creatures themselves. And it certainly didn't make them out as domesticated "pets".

Edited by Gazz
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Tbh Aliens demystified the Alien creature as well, with its comparisons to the insect kingdom on Earth, thus making it more relateable and less scary, imo.


I absolutely agree with you but I have read that both O'Bannon and Giger saw the alien creature as developing into an insect order if they were to explore it in future films. So there are already foundations for that in the original Alien film (notably it's life cycle is somewhat parasitic). Though I think James Cameron's sequel is a near-perfect action film and a clear crowd pleaser, I much prefer the terrifyingly sexual creature shown in Alien to the swarming insect hordes in Aliens.


Prometheus alluded to some sexual nastiness (resulting in a rather striking attempt at alien abortion) but it didn't fully deliver in that regard in my opinion. 

Edited by Gazz
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Tbh Aliens demystified the Alien creature as well, with its comparisons to the insect kingdom on Earth, thus making it more relateable and less scary, imo.



I see the argument here, but let's be honest, if they had any type of real weapon aboard the Nostromo, the alien would have been toast.  It wasn't just scary because of what it was, it was also scary because they had no way to kill it.


I love both Alien and Aliens for what they are.  A scary as fuck movie and a fucking great action movie.  Cameron did what so many movies fail to do nowadays, expand on the universe without resorting to copying everything that made the first one successful.  

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Tbh Aliens demystified the Alien creature as well, with its comparisons to the insect kingdom on Earth, thus making it more relateable and less scary, imo.


Not to the point of Prometheus making it a side effect of an experiment turned wrong to make some kind of space rottweiler for their masters. In Aliens, they were still some kind of unknown lifeform with no masters, no creators and no gods, similar to insects or not. No way in Aliens, Ripley tells us in a po-faced dialogue that the Alien is a bio-weapon created by humanoid gods to terraform planets or whatever rational bullshit. We don't care, Alien is fear itself spreading and fear is irrational, explanations are needless in that case because Alien is a Lovecraftian creature at the core that can't be put in a square. That's why in the first two movies, the characters that try to study the Alien and demystify it with scientific explanations for military applications perish for their hubris.


Prometheus totally demystified it, it's black goo that albino dudes turn into whatever they want whether it be human life or Alien or Mickey Mouse. Everything is leveled down killing whatever shroud of mystery that remains about the origin of the Alien.


I don't know why people give shit to Cameron because he made the alien similar to a queen bee or ants colony but gives Scott a pass for making the alien some kind of rat to humanoid people, making it a sub-form of humanoid species instead of keeping its nightmarish god-like superior lifeform.


The main difference is that in Alien, nowhere we got the clear explanation that the space jockey created the alien or has any bearing with its infancy. No, we imagine that he tried to contain them as embryos/eggs to travel because this is such a hazardous lifeform they stumbled onto on a remote planet that is so dangerous even to them, Alien suggested the space jockey is like Ash. Just like man has tried to pet savage wolves but man didn't create the original wolf species for his purposes. That's a big difference.

Edited by dashrendar44
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I don't know why people give shit to Cameron because he made the alien similar to a queen bee or ants colony but gives Scott a pass for making the alien some kind of rat to humanoid people, making it a sub-form of humanoid species instead of keeping its nightmarish god-like superior lifeform.


Because it wasn't that in Alien. It was cargo. 


Prometheus alludes to them as being a point of worship for alien-gods, whereas Alien simply leaves them as a mysterious cargo.

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I don't know why people give shit to Cameron because he made the alien similar to a queen bee or ants colony but gives Scott a pass for making the alien some kind of rat to humanoid people, making it a sub-form of humanoid species instead of keeping its nightmarish god-like superior lifeform.


Let's not forget the deleted scene in Alien that really set that up anyway with the cocooning.

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I see the argument here, but let's be honest, if they had any type of real weapon aboard the Nostromo, the alien would have been toast.  It wasn't just scary because of what it was, it was also scary because they had no way to kill it.


I love both Alien and Aliens for what they are.  A scary as fuck movie and a fucking great action movie.  Cameron did what so many movies fail to do nowadays, expand on the universe without resorting to copying everything that made the first one successful.  


I completely agree with this.


I don't know why people give shit to Cameron because he made the alien similar to a queen bee or ants colony but gives Scott a pass for making the alien some kind of rat to humanoid people, making it a sub-form of humanoid species instead of keeping its nightmarish god-like superior lifeform.


I don't give Scott no passes for Prometheus.

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Because it wasn't that in Alien. It was cargo. 


Prometheus alludes to them as being a point of worship for alien-gods, whereas Alien simply leaves them as a mysterious cargo.


What do you mean?


Prometheus demystifies that mysterious cargo by making the Alien we came to know the result of rat lab experiences made by the space jockeys to be carried around like cerberus, worship or not. It also demystifies the space jockey itself and sorry Giger didn't design the space jockey to be an astronaut costume for an humanoid giant bodybuilder hiding underneath, it was the creature itself melting with its seat so you couldn't distinguish the otherwordly creature from his gears/equipment that Scott totally deprived of its original concept.


Yeah, I got a problem with Alien being the consecutive result of humanoid people fucking around, humanoid people that also created us as "their spitting image" (100% DNA match, another idiotic stance found in Prometheus), that lame connection to christianity. Making the Alien totally linked to mankind in its DNA rendering it inferior and a by-product. Why everything got to be tied and revolve around mankind like it's the center of the universe?! Alien hinted that the vastness of space featured horrific things that were beyond our comprehension and bigger than us, that our species were just one in a billion and countless superior otherwordly predators just wait to prey on us in the darkness, Prometheus just narrowed that whole universe down.

Edited by dashrendar44
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