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Alien: Covenant | 5/19/2017 | Who needs mystery?

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Apparently you didn't understand mine.


The engineer at the beginning of the movie was NOT trying to create an alien queen, like you said. He was trying to create life on earth.


You didn't understand my post. That's not what I said. You're misunderstood the phrasing of my sentence.


What we're shown in Prometheus is that the possible origins of an alien is a black goo that infects humanoid DNA to produce a facehugger so it can inseminate an host giving birth to a queen, from then kicking off the lifecycle we know in Alien/Aliens.(That would tie with the notion of sacrificing to give birth hinted at the beginning of the movie in which an engineer let himself impregnated with an blackgoo/egg/facehugger to generate an Alien Queen)



Sacrificing to create an alien queen as a way to create bio-weapons would tie with the beginning of the movie in which we see an engineer sacrificing himself as well.


the "in which" misled you. It refers to the notion of sacrificing in itself. Not the actual result of the sacrifice whether it be human life or alien queen life. I just emphasize how sacrifice seemed to be an important rite for engineers. (Thank you friendly, I completely understood that since the first time I saw the movie on OD with an obvious helicoidal DNA shot to hammer it home).

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I wouldn't say that the Engineer at the end of Prometheus willingly sacrificed himself for an Egg-Layer (if that's even what the Deacon/Ultramorph is; the film doesn't say). It's a violent affair that the Engineer struggles against every step of the way with horror registering across his face. It has to restrain him in order to impregnate him.


Posted Image



Uh it's you that posted paintings that showed some kind of sacrifice, putting an egg onto a face to generate an alien like a worshipping lifecycle...


I don't reference that specific engineer at the end of the movie at all when I'm talking about sacrifice.

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Uh it's you that posted paintings that showed some kind of sacrifice, putting an egg onto a face to generate an alien like a worshipping lifecycle...


I don't reference that specific engineer at the end of the movie at all when I'm talking about sacrifice.


Yup, my mistake there.


But I would argue the picture in question doesn't explicitly show a sacrifice. It shows an open Alien egg in Alien hands. That could indicate sacrifice, it could easily have been an offering of sorts for experimentation. Should we take it literally? And if so are there aliens out there capable of such offerings? To be honest It could mean a great number of things and it could mean nothing at all (most likely that last one). It indicates that the eggs pre-date the current experimentation we see in Prometheus (as do the time-lines between Derelict crash in Alien and the outbreak), but it doesn't really offer anything solid beyond.


The mural room also features several other pictures, some of which depict creatures that look nothing like the original Alien or the Deacon/ Ultramorph but seem somewhat Giger-esque in design.


Just another question to add to the pile Prometheus asks. 

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Now you're talking sense. I would say there's certainly a valid question as to whether or not the Space Jockey's created the Alien creature (through use of the black substance or any other means)? It's a question some have asked since Alien (bar the black goo part obviously). Prometheus doesn't answer that question though, which has been my very point all along. 


The point is at the beginning of Prometheus, there are no eggs, no signs that Alien species exist on the planet they land on even dormant, in stasis, no hive. It's the black goo that Engineers use to create lifeforms that triggered it all and what we get as a result, a creature that bears all resemblance to an Alien.(minus superficial differences just to claim "It's not the Alien's alien, they got nothing alike"...So what's the point of showing us that then?)

Edited by dashrendar44
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Prometheus is one of those mixed bag sort of movies for me. There are thing I like about it and things that I don't like.


Rapace and Fass were very good in the movie. Everyone else was decent to mediocre. 


The visuals and CGI were fantastic looking. The scene when they ram the ship and the subsequent crash was pretty cool.



I didn't like that the movie basically felt like one big set up that proposed a bunch of questions but with zero answers. It was, "Hey, hope you enjoy this one because if you want answers you're going to have to wait for the next couple of movies to get them." LOL


Some of the characters were completely uninteresting and there fore I didn't care when they died.


And I don't care what anyone say but those two guys(who were supposed to be genius's in there field) getting lost was completely idiotic and made no sense what so ever. It was a weak way to set them up to be the first ones to die.


There was some weird editing as well, especially in the second half of the movie.



I'll be cautiously optimistic about the next one.  I might wait out the opening weekend and see what the overall reaction is to it before deciding to see it in theaters or waiting till video. 

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The point is at the beginning of Prometheus, there are no eggs, no signs that Alien species exist on the planet they land on even dormant, in stasis, no hive. It's the black goo that Engineer use to create lifeforms that triggered it all and what we get as a result, a creature that bears all resemblance to an Alien.


At the end of Prometheus there are no eggs or hive or any explicit indication that there ever will be. There is evidence of an alien race (beyond the Engineers) in the murals that surround the ampule room (and obviously the contents of the urns themselves). The black goo creates the aliens we see in Prometheus, but there's currently nothing to say it creates the Alien in the Alien series. 


Nonetheless, since the Engineers are experimenting with Alien DNA then there will be some resemblances but one cannot ignore there are vast differences between the creatures in Prometheus and those in Alien both aesthetically and in terms of their working life cycle. That even after an outbreak on this outpost, leaving several Engineers like something burst out of them (the hypersleep pods of the infected Engineers are tellingly broken outward from the inside, as if something burst from their sleeping bodies), there is no sign of eggs or a hive should indicate that this is a different breed of Alien that we've ever seen before. And one that doesn't currently tie into the Alien series in any meaningful way, if at all.


It may do in the future, but right now Prometheus offers no answers. 

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At the end of Prometheus there are no eggs or hive or any explicit indication that there ever will be. There is evidence of an alien race (beyond the Engineers) in the murals that surround the ampule room (and obviously the contents of the urns themselves). The black goo creates the aliens we see in Prometheus, but there's currently nothing to say it creates the Alien in the Alien series



So for you that got nothing to do with each other at all not one connection trying to hint a relationship of cause/consequence (what results at the end of Prometheus) despite being set in the same universe, with the similar looking Derelict, similar looking Space Jockey/Engineer, a familiar looking alien being born...Okay. That's one big coincidence. :mellow::unsure:

Edited by dashrendar44
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I didn't like that the movie basically felt like one big set up that proposed a bunch of questions but with zero answers. It was, "Hey, hope you enjoy this one because if you want answers you're going to have to wait for the next couple of movies to get them." LOL


I disliked nearly everything about it, but this might have bothered me the most. 

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I didn't like that the movie basically felt like one big set up that proposed a bunch of questions but with zero answers. It was, "Hey, hope you enjoy this one because if you want answers you're going to have to wait for the next couple of movies to get them." LOL


There was some weird editing as well, especially in the second half of the movie.


Basically this till the xeno-cows come home!


Prometheus felt like a film with a half finished script. Scott and Lindelof were so concerned with asking questions that they forgot to provide anything in the way of answers or closure, even on a thematic level. It's no more evident than in the character of Shaw. She starts the film by asking the question 'why do we exist?' and ends it asking pretty much the same thing. And though she's punished for her belief, it never falters or helps her come to some greater understanding. It's just there, the scant beginnings of a character arc waiting to be explored in future films (if we get them). Too many films try and get by on half stories these days. It's a real downer.  :(


Also, absolutely bang on about the third act editing. It's a mess. 

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You didn't understand my post. That's not what I said. You're misunderstood the phrasing of my sentence.



the "in which" misled you. It refers to the notion of sacrificing in itself. Not the actual result of the sacrifice whether it be human life or alien queen life.



I read it the way it was written, but I see what you intended now. Suffice it to say, your english is better than my any other language, so props to you and all the other educated overseas posters.

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I didn't like that the movie basically felt like one big set up that proposed a bunch of questions but with zero answers.




Questions are usually far more interesting than answers. That's just the way of our human curiosity.

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So for you that got nothing to do with each other at all not one connection trying to hint a relationship of cause/consequence (what results at the end of Prometheus) despite being set in the same universe, with the similar Derelict, similar Space Jockey/Engineer...Okay. That's one big coincidence. :mellow::unsure:


Not for me. That's exactly what the film currently posits. But it may change with future films so keep that pitchfork sharp!


But as of yet there are no explicit narrative or creature connections that impact the alien series on any meaningful level.  Though it does offer a neat parallel to the Alien films in that the Engineers do with the Alien exactly what the company has sought to for decades (turn it into a bio-weapon). And despite their supreme intelligence, their own experiment still manages to bite them in the arse (just as it would have done the company). 


There are loose connective strands in dealing with some spin-off of the alien creature, but the only real implication for Alien is that the company (Weyland Yutani) probably knows that some form of alien life exists in the universe pre-Alien. 

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Questions are usually far more interesting than answers. That's just the way of our human curiosity.


This is true, however, there needed to be some sort of resolution.  The point of the movie was to ask questions.  Not only did they not ask these questions, more were raised and unanswered.


Cinematic blue balls to the fullest.

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