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THE SHALLOWS | 06.24.16 | Sony | final domestic gross: $55,124,043

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Sure I know the parts you mean.  I'm just not a fan of 3D.  To me 3D is what Journey to the Center of the Earth did.  The 3D that they make now is shit.

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23 minutes ago, Yandereprime101189 said:

You know, we've pretty much had an overuse of 3D lately and I'm not a gigantic fan of it, but I am genuinely surprised they didn't make this a 3D film. It would have been perfect.

Ehh some parts. Like the leaping shark. But I think what made it so good in my eyes was that it had no gimmicks. It was just a pure survival thriller that depends on its leading lady. 

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Definitely was pretty awesome. By far one of the best movies of the summer. Main issues I had with it was the overuse of slow motion, too much unneeded exposition dialogue, the song selection before the shark appears/and to close out and some stuff with the 3rd act (nearly in the exact area I had problems with The Conjuring 2). For a movie that was so gripping, I wish I didn't have to say that.

This now joins The Conjuring 2, 10 Cloverfield Lane, The Boy and Finding Dory as movies that were brought down for me due to their conclusion. Civil War is the only movie I've seen so far this summer to have a great 3rd act.

But the good far outweighs the bad here. Besides the 3rd act, I really have to nitpick to find something wrong and no film is going to be 100% realistic.

It's such a beautifully shot movie and like Gravity draws you into the situation. I would have loved to see it shot less glossy and more gritty but I understand some of the ideas wouldn't have worked that way. The surfing and underwater photography is fantastic and was so reminiscent of Blue Crush. I also really liked how they incorporated modern technology into this much like Unfriended.

Oh and Nancy is a more likable character in about 5-6 minutes then anyone in Independence Day: Resurgence lol. Blake Lively really was excellent here.

Also this movie for not being R (at least I think) is a lot more violent then I expected it to be. They got away with a lot with that PG-13 rating. I won't spoil anything because it's best to just go in as is.

Some might find it slow but I was entertained as hell. It was like a mash of Gravity, Open Water, Deep Blue Sea and Cast Away. Unlike a lot this summer, I don't think I'll forgot about it in a few days.

Steven Seagull was the coolest bird ever. Living in FL, those things annoy the hell out of me but he was alright!

Easily an 8.4/10.

Edited by somebody85
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1 minute ago, Nova said:

By the way the ending made me mad because that was added and wasn't in the script 



Just in case someone see's spoilers: The way it happens reminded me of Deep Blue Sea or Sharknado. For a movie that took itself pretty seriously up until that point, it was kind of a bummer and not as crowd cheering a moment as I think it was supposed to be. Maybe other crowds loved it but no one cheered in my theater. Also the final sequence was unnecessary to me. It should have ended right before that.


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2 minutes ago, somebody85 said:


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Just in case someone see's spoilers: The way it happens reminded me of Deep Blue Sea or Sharknado. For a movie that took itself pretty seriously up until that point, it was kind of a bummer and not as crowd cheering a moment as I think it was supposed to be. Maybe other crowds loved it but no one cheered in my theater. Also the final sequence was unnecessary to me. It should have ended right before that.


The final sequence was added into the script. If it was left out, I think the actual ending itself would have ended the way it should. Most critics who disliked the film cited the ending as why and pretty much called out the director and writer for not trusting their lead to be able to carry the film and end it properly. 

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Not sure if it was Futurist who said this or someone else, but I totally thought they were serious when they said 

the shark dies from being poisoned by Lively's breast implant

I was legit half waiting for that to happen, as I had been told that the end was lame.

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2 hours ago, Nova said:

The final sequence was added into the script. If it was left out, I think the actual ending itself would have ended the way it should. Most critics who disliked the film cited the ending as why and pretty much called out the director and writer for not trusting their lead to be able to carry the film and end it properly. 

Yeah it really should have ended right before that because that entire scene along with the song over the credits was out of tone with the rest of the movie.

It didn't need it.

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12 minutes ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


It can't be any worse than the ending to the Novel and soon to be movie "MEG".. For as much as I'm looking forward to that, under no circumstances can they use the ending of the Novel for the movie adaptation as the audience will basically laugh at it for how unrealistic it ends.. There's just no way it would work, both in science and the law of physics..

It's definitely pretty stupid. Most of the climax works but the final part of it was too much for me.

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In no way shape or form was an ending to a film going to have the shark die because he bit into breast implants.  That was someone making a stupid joke.



I too didn't care for how the shark was killed.  It didn't seem to fit into the movie.  The movie up to that point was smart and well written and the way he crashes into the base of the bouy just seemed like something out of a different movie.  I didn't mind the final scene, although i too think they could have ended it with her seeing her mom on the beach saying I'm going to be okay.  The shark death brought it down to a 9 for me, or else it would have been a 10.


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49 minutes ago, Baumer said:

In no way shape or form was an ending to a film going to have the shark die because he bit into breast implants.  That was someone making a stupid joke.


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I too didn't care for how the shark was killed.  It didn't seem to fit into the movie.  The movie up to that point was smart and well written and the way he crashes into the base of the bouy just seemed like something out of a different movie.  I didn't mind the final scene, although i too think they could have ended it with her seeing her mom on the beach saying I'm going to be okay.  The shark death brought it down to a 9 for me, or else it would have been a 10.


Yeah. Those are the only two scenes keeping it out of A territory for me. The rest of the problems I have are all nitpicks and I'm willing to overlook because this movie isn't completely realistic.



I thought when she was diving down, she was going to pick up one of those poles sticking out of the buoy and use it to fight it off. But even that probably would have been stupid. I dunno I would have written her to trap it some other way.

I definitely wasn't expecting the shark to dive down, get completely impaled and have it's eyes go white and pop out like Sharknado. Like you said, it felt like a different movie. I was kind of like really? that's it?

I think the sharks death should have gone something like this: Nancy should have tricked the shark to have it charge her on the ruined buoy and gotten away at the last second when it went to grab her. The shark would get trapped in the entangled metal and would be frantically fighting to get free. Then she could have killed it with something they set up and still had the blockbuster moment they were going for. It wouldn't have been as cartoonish and felt more in tone with the rest of the movie. She could have stabbed it right through the eye and out the other side of it's head with a broken piece of the buoy or something.

They also could have made it have something to do with the patterns Nancy noticed the shark was making. Those never came into play again.

And yeah the movie really should have ended on Nancys face saying I'm going to be okay and not used commercial music to close out. It felt out of tone again.


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I'm surprised the end would take it down to a B for you though.  If you liked everything else, why let 5 minutes mitigate what was an enjoyable film for you?

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13 minutes ago, Baumer said:

I'm surprised the end would take it down to a B for you though.  If you liked everything else, why let 5 minutes mitigate what was an enjoyable film for you?

Still a B+ or an 8.4/10. 

Just left it feeling more underwhelmed then when I was watching the rest of it much like 10 Cloverfield Lane and The Conjuring 2.

Kind of like the opposite of Jurassic World where the finale was the best part. After knowing it ends this way I could come around to it and be at A-.

I also had an issue with the excessive slow motion throughout the film and some of the unrealistic survival stuff that could have been addressed. It's not a perfect film or anything but a really good ride. I definitely enjoyed the hell out of it. It's the best survival movie we have gotten since Gravity.

If it had ended better, it would easily be an A from me. Those final 5 minutes just took me out of it and I have to knock it down a tad because of it.

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sorry but anyone calling this the worst movie of the year clearly either has an agenda or they don't see many movies or they're just doing it to get hits on their website. I have no problem with people not necessarily enjoying the film we all have different tastes of course. But in no way shape or form is this anywhere close to the worst movie of the year.

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25 minutes ago, Baumer said:

sorry but anyone calling this the worst movie of the year clearly either has an agenda or they don't see many movies or they're just doing it to get hits on their website. I have no problem with people not necessarily enjoying the film we all have different tastes of course. But in no way shape or form is this anywhere close to the worst movie of the year.

No they called Independence Day: Resurgent the worst of the year....and it's not.

I don't agree with a lot of this either but lol I'm definitely a critic. He also picked up on the off tone modern music choices and the overuse of slow motion.

He still gave it a B but I think this movie is much better then just a rainy day thriller. I guess he wanted more with Nancys backstory. 


But I didn't. It was easy to figure out. She was a surfer like her mom who quit medical school because her mom died. She thinks working in that field is now pointless because of her loss so she is traveling around to try to clear her head. Her mom told her about this special surf spot which she traveled to with a friend. A secret surf spot like out of the Rocket Power cartoon lol. She gets attacked by a shark while surfing alone. What more is there to tell? She goes back to wanting to save things by helping the bird. So characterization does occur. She never gives up on fighting like her dad told her. Did they want to go into flashbacks with her mom? I don't think I would have liked that because it would have lost the thriller element it had. I don't get it. I thought there was too much exposition as is.

Chris says the tone changes throughout but I really disagree. Yeah it's off before the shark attacks but after that I thought it was pure survival mode. It never lost focus of what it was and they were always giving Nancy different obstacles.

Was it scary? It had it's moments but I don't find Jaws frightening either. The Shallows was more suspenseful then anything.

Open Water is frightening because that movie feels too real and that's why a lot of people don't like it. Or maybe they think it's slow too. I don't know.

Not really agreeing with the Youtube crew on this one. 

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I was scared throughout the whole movie. But then again there is nothing more fearful for me then to be in a body of water knowing that there is something lurking beneath that can kill me with one snap of its jaws.

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