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What a WONDERful Weekend | WW down only 16% on Sunday. 103M weekend. pg 226

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30 minutes ago, damnitgeorge08 said:

SS did amazing. But according to deadline SS did same profit as civil war. With reports of high budget for infinity war sequels, they will need to do 1.2-1.3 billion to make same profit as gotg vol. 2.


24 minutes ago, damnitgeorge08 said:

I made that statement with $300m budget for each in my mind.


Maybe you are right, but that would be because of the number of people getting large amount of points, more than a difference than 120 million difference in the budget, if you are right for that 300m budget in mind. (the first 160m or so made at the box office over Guardian should take care of that)

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1 minute ago, YourMother said:

CW, like DHP2 and AOU, was going to naturally be frontloaded with most going on OW, the majority of the GA liked it but thought it was average which is like what I'm expecting for IW. CW had mediocre legs, not good, great, or even okay legs. BVS should've done at least a 2x multiple and it also had no competition for 3 weeks. It stayed in theaters for about 13 weeks, MOS stayed for about 15 weeks and SS stayed for 16. MOS after it's 12th week added about $230K. SS added about $700K. 

It doesn't matter if a film is a sequel or not if it's liked it will be liked.

Gotgv2 had no problem gaining a good multipler.

CW made 1.1bil and its Homevideo sales should be much higher than they are.

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5 minutes ago, God Emperor Tele said:


I've been told by people I trust that they spent over 700m on production alone for those two. And that was back when 200m was still considered expensive. 


That make sense, we know pirates 4 was 410 million for the production alone before tax rebate.

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Alot of people in @Ethan Hunt's awesome club saying there's no way that Avengers 3 grosses less than GOTG2 because it has the Guardians AND all these other characters. If that's the case, why didn't Civil War gross more than Iron Man 3, or even Age of Ultron? There's a clear trend so far that the more entrenched in team ups these movies get, the shorter the legs are. My immediate family lovesss the Guardians and saw part two on opening weekend. It's a fun space western they can pick up and follow. I also guarantee you they won't be seeing Avengers 3, Guardians or no Guardians. They're just totally different things. I think Spidey might disappoint, but I also know a not-small number of people who did not see Civil War who will be seeing that in theaters. It's just easier for different and fresh audiences to get engaged with the first couple of movies in a franchise then to get invested in what can be interpreted as either the fourth or, like, 15th entry in one. 

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Just now, YourMother said:

@God Emperor Tele if one were to do a vs club between two movies and one comes out in less than a year, but the other is about a week away from a year, can the club still be made now?

How many clubs do you even have? Holy shit

Edited by franfar
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I get DMC and AWE being as expensive as they were the money is up there on screen.  But OST  did not look expensive at all.  And apparently neither does DMTNT

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Just now, grey ghost said:


I think studios are running away from splitting movies since Divergent 4 was cancelled till further notice, lmao.


But they already did split the sequel of Return of the Jedi in at least 3 already.


They are still splitting movies and spreading them and spinning off them as much as ever (avatar sequel for example, look like as a plan to be split in 4 movies). The particular case of a released and well known book in a franchise not getting split anymore, is a particular case.

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3 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

Lmao, it's definitely coming. Why would you be worried?

Well I figured it would based upon the estimated theatre count I saw but they usually have Showtimes up by now so I was taken aback and though maybe that theatre count was wrong

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1 minute ago, Cmasterclay said:

Alot of people in @Ethan Hunt's awesome club saying there's no way that Avengers 3 grosses less than GOTG2 because it has the Guardians AND all these other characters. If that's the case, why didn't Civil War gross more than Iron Man 3, or even Age of Ultron? There's a clear trend so far that the more entrenched in team ups these movies get, the shorter the legs are. My immediate family lovesss the Guardians and saw part two on opening weekend. It's a fun space western they can pick up and follow. I also guarantee you they won't be seeing Avengers 3, Guardians or no Guardians. They're just totally different things. I think Spidey might disappoint, but I also know a not-small number of people who did not see Civil War who will be seeing that in theaters. It's just easier for different and fresh audiences to get engaged with the first couple of movies in a franchise then to get invested in what can be interpreted as either the fourth or, like, 15th entry in one. 

I think there's a OW ceiling for MCU films, and that's where TA 1 ended. Didn't really need to be engrossed in the franchise to get it. These movies will drop like rocks after OW after the fanboys leave. Which is still making lots of money for Disney, so power to them.

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6 minutes ago, Cmasterclay said:

Alot of people in @Ethan Hunt's awesome club saying there's no way that Avengers 3 grosses less than GOTG2 because it has the Guardians AND all these other characters. If that's the case, why didn't Civil War gross more than Iron Man 3, or even Age of Ultron? There's a clear trend so far that the more entrenched in team ups these movies get, the shorter the legs are. My immediate family lovesss the Guardians and saw part two on opening weekend. It's a fun space western they can pick up and follow. I also guarantee you they won't be seeing Avengers 3, Guardians or no Guardians. They're just totally different things. I think Spidey might disappoint, but I also know a not-small number of people who did not see Civil War who will be seeing that in theaters. It's just easier for different and fresh audiences to get engaged with the first couple of movies in a franchise then to get invested in what can be interpreted as either the fourth or, like, 15th entry in one. 



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