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CAYOM Year 3: Discussion

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Just now, YourMother the Edgelord said:

Is Splatoon part of the NCU you and Alpha are doing?

I believe me and @Alpha's Nintendo universes are separate, like what Marvel and Fox are doing between their properties (for now anyway).


Splatoon is definitely part of my CU tho.

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26 minutes ago, cookie said:

@Isle of Pasta I'll let you know that as long as you haven't broken Kendrick's character in NFtO I'll reserve a spot for her on my Best Actress ballot.

Make sure you deliver on Haunted Mansion and @YourMother the Edgelord delivers on Witches. The Queen Kendrick tri-fecta must begin.


Also, Kendrick Lamar should get some love to. Bullets and Lyrics could deliver, but....see the CAYOM Magazine Thread.

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With a new deadline of the 15th I should be able to revise 24 Hours a bit and get that submitted still.


The Role-Player is a lot more dicey, since the revisions/rewrites for that film compared to the old BOM edition would be much more substantial.



I'm just gonna save PoE and Mass Effect for Year 4 and bundle them in with Pokemon 2.

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A few things: 

- Some delays may happen, I might move some things into Y4 mainly due to not having the feel for it. 

- A few films I want to do (Howling Commandos, The Election) may happen Y3 if we’re lucky.

- My Peoples is almost finished and should be done tomorrow. Alpha Flight is still being worked on.

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Okay so I'm going to try and cut into my writer's block by slashing non-essentials from my slate for the year. So as such...


Digimon isn't happening in Y3. I have a good idea but I really wanna do it right and not rush it out just to piss off @cookie


Biker Mice from Mars may or may not happen this year. It's been delayed one year already so it can stay stuck in development hell if it needs to.


Amityville Nightmare II is one I really wanna get done befitting the general "rush it out while the iron's hot" strategy of hit horror sequels but I do have a trilogy vaguely mapped out so if I feel like by the deadline it's incomplete/rough enough to kill the series I won't put it out this year. If it's not done in time I'll probably put Silent Hill in the Halloween slot instead.


Obsolescence I'm basically using as a palate cleanser between working on all my adaptations, since it's an original one. I frankly don't care much whether or not I get it done for Y3. May or may not happen.


The ones that I'm really committed to finishing in time at this point are DoomHe-Man IICataclysmicSilent HillSWAT Kats 2Deep into the Night, and Street Sharks (and the last one mainly because I made @YourMother the Edgelord switch directors so it'd be pretty shitty of me if I didn't even use Peyton).

Edited by Xillix
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4 hours ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

TBH I thought Peyton was doing ROM which was pushed back into Y4. Which was why I choose him.

Ah. No that was Stuart Beattie. The I, Frankenstein guy.


Anyway Doom is done. In case it's not obvious from reading it I've only ever played one of the games, for like, two hours tops.

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The fate of the unfinished films so far:


Miraculous - I just need to work on the third act, I have the pieces though

Witches - same boat as Miraculous 

Bullets and Lyrics - I have an outline done just need to work on the songs.

Alpha Flight - The main reason why I made Howling Commandos go to it’s spot is that I’m at a writers block for it, specifically the plot. I started working on HC a week or two ago and enjoyed it but noticed some similarities to my AF draft but it flowed way better. And with Conductive opening I have 2 Superhero films, but I can finish it.

The Untitled Family Guy Movie (that’s the new title) - being pushed to Y4, didn’t like the draft I had. I want a good FG movie.



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Realistically, I should have no problem getting The Odyssey 2, Penpal, and maybe Tulpa done.


Fantasia is being pushed back to Year 4 because I’m having trouble finding a powerhouse lineup of songs to include/create a story for each individual song/actually invest time into writing it out. Go to Sleep and Pitch Black will be pushed back too. Might help make a few fillers if needed. 

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