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Brainbugs Top 50 Best Horror movies of all time - Baumer's top 50 starts on page 18

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There is definitely a strong contingent who loves the Evil Dead remake, and I am one of them. It would not be taught 50 material for me but it's still a damn fine film. REC is another terrific entry.

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Expect 2 or 3 more to come later today, i didnt realize how much time i have lol.


Hint for the next one: We head to the US again and its an 80's classic.

Edited by Brainbug
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I think after you are done yours, 75 will hopefully take a crack at his and I would like to do mine as well. There are a lot of big horror fans here and I think it would be fascinating to see different top 50 lists.

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As for what you have posted so far, I like every film on your list up until this point. Rosemary's Baby is not quite eyes amazing to me as it is to many others but it's still something I enjoy quite a bit

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31 minutes ago, baumer said:

As for what you have posted so far, I like every film on your list up until this point. Rosemary's Baby is not quite eyes amazing to me as it is to many others but it's still something I enjoy quite a bit


How is that possible if you havent watched Phenomena though :ph34r:

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2 minutes ago, baumer said:

Oh yeah LOL well I like Dario Argento so I guess I can assume I will like that movie lol


Its Argento: The Movie in many aspects. I dont see why you shoundt like it :)

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2 hours ago, Brainbug said:

Expect 2 or 3 more to come later today, i didnt realize how much time i have lol.


Hint for the next one: We head to the US again and its an 80's classic.

I don't know why but Poltergeist is the first to come to my mind...

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Number 42:




Poltergeist (1982)


Director: Tobe Hooper/Steven Spielberg

Box Office: 121,7 Million Worldwide


Story: 8/10

Tension: 7/10

Atmosphere: 7/10

Rewatchability: 7/10



Plot Synopsis:


The film takes place in California, where a family's home is invaded by malevolent ghosts; at first it all seems pretty much harmless, but soon things start to go wrong and the young daughter disappears...


This is just a very nice movie. Poltergeist has (for its time) very impressive special effects, a twisted sense of humour and invented some tropes in the haunted house genre that have since become cliches, but they work in this film today as well as when it came out. Compared to other horror movies, this one is rather tame; there is no blood, gore or jumpscares, its basically just the story of a very sympathetic family which gets sucked into a ghostly mess. Is it scary? Nah...but is it entertaining? Oh hell, it is. Its not only the humour, the brisk pacing or the high production values: Poltergeist is just crafted extremely well as a movie. It has great performances, interesting characters, a genuinely great built-up for the 3rd act and finale and just never stops putting a smile on my face. I recommend this film to everyone, but especially for people who might be just starting to get interested in the horror genre. Its a classic for a reason.


Now, the film is also very interesting because of its production history: Who actually directed it, Hooper or Spielberg? The Berg had a clause in his contract with Universal that prevented him from directing another movie while he was preparing the release of E.T: The Extra-Terrestrial. But he wrote the script and was heavily involved into the production of Poltergeist. The two films both came out in June 1982 and both had great theatrical success (E.T. was a bit bigger though :lol:)


The film got a remake in 2015, which was bland and bad and everyone has probably already forgotten about it.


Theme song:





Edited by Brainbug
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Number 41:




Let the Right One In (2008)


Director: Tomas Alfredson

Box Office: 11,2 Million


Story: 8/10

Tension: 7/10

Atmosphere: 8/10

Rewatchability: 7/10



Plot Synopsis:


Its the 80s in Blackeberg, a suburb of Stockholm, Sweden: Oskar, a meek 12-year old boy gets bullied by his classmates and doesnt have the best parents of this world. One day, he meets the young girl Eli and develops a frienship with her. Things get complicated when it becomes clear that Eli is in fact a vampire...


Romantic horror, a genre that exists and is plagued by countless bad movies. This is not a bad movie. Its a great one. Loosely based on the novel of the same name by John Ajvide Lindqvist (who is also responsible for the screenplay), the horror aspects of this movie are not the focus of it. Yes it gets bloody and pretty unnerving in certain scenes, but at its core, the film wants to portray these young kids as outcasts who find each other and develop a realistic and actually quite beautiful bond, despite both of their backgrounds (and Eli's in particular). It manages to make us feel empathy for a vampire, who is normally the villain in these kinds of movies - and this isnt Twilight, these vampires are the vampires we (once) knew and feared. 

Technically, the film is almost perfect. Its beautifully shot and the performances are outstanding, especially the lead actors Kare Hedebrant and Lina Leandersson. Its no surprise that Hollywood used the opportunity for yet another remake of a foreign film, this time with the title "Let Me In" (2010) and with Kodi Smit-McPhee and Chloe Grace Moretz in the leading roles. Tough that one is also really good, its basically just a shot-for-shot remake of the original. Because of that reason i rank this film much higher than "Let Me In", though as is said, on its own, that one is also very good. 


I forgot to add, but the soundtrack is also stellar:




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Fantastic write-up on poltergeist. I know there's been rumors and innuendo that spielberg-directed most of Poltergeist. I did not know about that clause in his contract and I did not realize they both came out in June of 1982. I like that you have a good mix so far classic corner and modern horror.

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I was gonna guess Let The Right One In damn it, wish I got to it on time. I remember seeing trailers for this in the theaters thinking "Wait, a Swedish horror movie? We still make these!?", I don't even know if we've made a real one since this except for some Evil Dead rip off a few years ago. It's a great movie (might be my favorite vampire movie ever) although I have a particular problem with the language because I just can't take it seriously :lol:. In that way I enjoy Let Me In almost just as much.

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