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CAYOM Y4 - Discussion Thread

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I’m still leaving the first part up since I have no plans to actually alter course until I’ve recieved feedback, just that it’ll be done a whole lot more slowly so that I can have all my ducks in a row.


@YourMother the Edgelord The SkyRiders sequence I’ve promised for the Oscars is looking really good and I will send it your way sometime next week along with a plot synopsis.

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I completely respect your reasoning and hope that you can feel recharged. I know I tease you a bit for your lengthy plots, but if anything, it speaks to the effort, heart, and soul you put into these movies. That doesn’t mean you need to keep pushing yourself, and I know you said that word count isn’t the real issue, but I don’t want you to think that you need to constantly one up yourself and stress yourself out. I know from experience that when I work under stress, I don’t put out my best work.



Also, you’ve never really lashed out at anyone here. You do not need to worry about that at all. At worst, it was in a playful spirit, and everyone was in on it.


You have absolutely nothing to apologize for. And you certainly are not letting anyone down. As you mentioned before, were supposed to have fun doing this. Even beyond just this game, if you ever need to talk about anything or just vent, I’m right here if you need anything at all. I promise.


I know these are kind of jumbled thoughts, but I promise that we all support you. After all, just like Voltron, we’re a team.

P.S. Detective Pidge ft. Cat Ballou is still coming.



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IF I get my four page essay done as well some other school stuff as well as the KOTS edits, I might drop a bomb. Like a bomb that was supposed to be for Y5.

Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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2 minutes ago, Rorschach said:

@cookie I'm sorry to hear that. Take your time to recoup. No sense in forcing yourself to participate if you feel it is causing you stress. Nostalgic Dinos can wait for another day.

Nah I just think that if I decide to up and leave it'd be far harder for me to get back later, so I'll recuperate by doing things more slowly.


But I'd honestly feel a lot better if Dinos and Voltron were finished hence why I'm still going to work on them.

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14 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

@cookie I can also pre read TSW2 and Metroid as well as SkyRiders. You’ve preread so much me in the past that help, this is the least I can do.


I've thought of giving TSW2 to both you and @Spagheditary as thanks for all the Voltron feedback. We'll have to see how it ends up.


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@cookie, very sorry to hear about your stress. However, I support your decision to delay Voltron as this game first and foremost is for fun and developing creative skills. There's no need to get stressed about it, and I look forward to reading it in Y5 :)


As for me (since I'm sure you all want updates), Roger still hasn't begun but I plan on spending all Sunday writing it. We're also in the middle of developing a broad satire OC that deals with the concept of "the future of young men in America". I hope this gets done because we're a fourth-way through it and it's really funny so far IMO and the concept is really good and timely but I'd like to keep it underwraps until I know it's ready for Y5. Roger will be top priority tho since I know we need the hole in the schedule filled.

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So, one concern I have is that the "gamification" of reviews has created a shortage of criticism, especially if @Spagheditary is going to be starting actuals in a week. There are still twelve movies from the first half that don't even have three review scores yet - and half of them are mine since I'm the only one who's reviewed everything else.


Obviously it's a bit of a time sink to read these things, especially with the ever-growing word counts, but keep in mind you don't have to do a big writeup for everything. At a certain point the game just stops working when major releases have no critical consensus.

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17 minutes ago, Xillix said:

So, one concern I have is that the "gamification" of reviews has created a shortage of criticism, especially if @Spagheditary is going to be starting actuals in a week. There are still twelve movies from the first half that don't even have three review scores yet - and half of them are mine since I'm the only one who's reviewed everything else.


Obviously it's a bit of a time sink to read these things, especially with the ever-growing word counts, but keep in mind you don't have to do a big writeup for everything. At a certain point the game just stops working when major releases have no critical consensus.

Not to mention it slows down predictions too. Only 1 person has their predictions done and only 3 people have done up until April.

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21 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

Not to mention it slows down predictions too. Only 1 person has their predictions done and only 3 people have done up until April.

Right. I feel weird predicting a movie with a shortage of opinions.


And oops forgot you reviewed everything too :jeb!:

Edited by Xillix
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8 hours ago, Xillix said:

So, one concern I have is that the "gamification" of reviews has created a shortage of criticism, especially if @Spagheditary is going to be starting actuals in a week. There are still twelve movies from the first half that don't even have three review scores yet - and half of them are mine since I'm the only one who's reviewed everything else.


Obviously it's a bit of a time sink to read these things, especially with the ever-growing word counts, but keep in mind you don't have to do a big writeup for everything. At a certain point the game just stops working when major releases have no critical consensus.

It seems most people have been focused on working on finishing up their films for the 2nd half of the year. The two week delay between both halves probably hasn’t helped much. 


I’ve been a little busy the past week or so working on projects and stuff so I haven’t been able to focus on reviewing stuff. I’ll get back to it on Tuesday for sure.

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8 hours ago, Xillix said:

So, one concern I have is that the "gamification" of reviews has created a shortage of criticism, especially if @Spagheditary is going to be starting actuals in a week. There are still twelve movies from the first half that don't even have three review scores yet - and half of them are mine since I'm the only one who's reviewed everything else.


Obviously it's a bit of a time sink to read these things, especially with the ever-growing word counts, but keep in mind you don't have to do a big writeup for everything. At a certain point the game just stops working when major releases have no critical consensus.

I have had irl stuff take over this week so it slowed down my reviews

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@Rorschach Spark 3 is going to be structured a good bit like TO:H in that it builds up a bit more slowly and is perhaps a bit less action-y than the previous predecessors, but around 90 minutes in and through the last half hour, shit hits the fan in a big, BIG way.

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